The future of online content creation
In this paper I explore the future of online content creation of digital media and I explored the key issues going on at the moment.

The future of online content creation

In the start of the early 2000s we started to see quite a lot of smaller Industries and people start to post online quite a lot and when the vine industry started to grow as an individual it was a short snippet of something funny and something enjoyable that people enjoyed watching, moving forwards there were starting to be a bit more growth towards the early 2010s this is where bigger creators started to see a bit more and more actually starting to grow as Industries. this is where you can get some classic genres such as Stampy Cat and you can start to see some of the general consensus of what YouTube as a whole is going to look like, however as time progressed in the future, nowadays with the development with AI as well as the fact that content creators are generally now being considered much more professional and being taken professionally, it's much more challenging to associate what to expect.

Especially with new platforms that are very much although new they are very very clearly running the show a lot more. with the platform tiktok as an example, this single app has well over a billion downloads and people who actually enjoy using the app, aren't necessarily enjoying the app but they are addicted to it. I have to be incredibly careful with what I say because I'm getting this information from interviews that I have seen.

So what can we expect for the future? my theory is that for the future the future of creation is what we make it, and while we think that it's all over and humanities Creations are just going to be repeating themselves continuously I disagree with this idea; in fact I believe it's a new generation just like any other one just a huge difference.

it's about finding the right resources and using them to your advantage to create something greater than yourself. after all whether it's an entertainment show or information it's about addressing something and ensuring that people understand the information that you present in a clear cut way that conveys a deep message. After all the future for the adulting era which was early 2018 to 2020 and future is going to be much more professionally based and most likely that era will continue for it, looking at the past we can start to see some of the past outlets on things and one of the things that we might struggle with initially is the lack of silliness.

nowadays we actually have to actively search for someone to enjoy watching that is a distraction from formalities which is a bit of a struggle but take streams as an example this single example is probably the best example I can think of at the moment that gives me the best idea for what we can expect in the future of context creation. People clearly enjoy watching other people playing games or doing activities and doing trends that people are interested in, however there's also the general consensus of council culture and relevancy and all of that just feels very confusing, so I'm going to break down the steps onto what on earth we can actually my expect in the next couple years following content creation in digital media. I'll be covering more to do with stuff to do with YouTube because that's the platform that I'm most familiar with because I watch more YouTube than anything else and it's the one that I have much more experience with.

at first we're going to be looking at a division between medias and we're actually going to start to see a break between different videos, while some may still have that sillyness some may start to grow a bit more professionally and start to lose that sense of silliness or fun to sort of like create, and that's the key element to have whenever you're discussing something or whenever you want to convey a particular message.

and the best thought I can really have is to ensure that you keep on going with this idea, sure the best idea that I can get is the idea of something that will definitely enjoy watching but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone will enjoy so we have to put in more research but also it divides people with ideas. in some ways I've heard the term IP ideas and creations, so most probably in the future we're more likely to see things that are trending a lot more and unfortunately that means that some people will start to follow something just because it's popular and less because it is something that they just enjoyed doing and that sort of undermines quite a lot of the local trends, and it actually although it creates a hive mind for quite a lot of internet users it does disallow for what actually makes the brand, the brand. so if we want to play the cards break we actually need to remember that some things are going to be a classic choice to return to so moving forwards we actually need to consider some wholesome times as well as some trending ideas to look at as well.

one of the key things that I think that people are continuously trying to look at for reevaluate is the amount of people that have quit or resigned especially on YouTube over the past couple of years because these are complete Legends they have managed to dominate the whole thing for years, but the future for it seems so confusing. so my addition for it is going to be what do we want to see?

in any traditional sense, it comes back to marketing and strategy. trying something new while also being on the front line for something trending. we might end up in this new struggle where people are making classical choices as well as trending choices for AB testing, but the problem is, is the fact that this is going to take quite a lot of energy and it's going to take quite a lot of effort to construct both of those videos and the amount of dedication that you have for each video there varies massively. so my recommendation for what to expect in the future, is a kind of Rebirth for the future of content creation.

In order to fully understand what the future holds we now need to look at a reevaluation of how successful the industry is, as well as the adjustments that need to be made in order to make every single part of the channel or createor successful. As an example, when we think about YouTube The algorithms work differently to tiktoks. YouTube's one is much more active, while tiktok is a passive audience. and YouTube has clung onto this idea, and developed shorts which does solve some issues but it also develops a new issue as well. you see what YouTube is trying to do is trying to create both a passive and active audience.

And in marketing you have to be very aware of what people prefer in media, some people prefer having the option of deciding what they want to watch meanwhile some people don't really mind that much, so in the future I think that in social media people need to be much more aware of whereabouts passive and active construction is going to be.

For YouTube to truly begin as both in active and passive I recommend to separate shorts as an individual platform for YouTube as an industry, then that way it's not forcing the industry to keep on having shorts on there but it is on there, still. Keeping that active audience in mind, and if that's the case then I would recommend if shorts was a different app that would allow YouTube to have both an active and passive account.

However with the newbie tiktok, we have seen quite a lot of people really like this idea, but the problem is is the fact that it is extremely towards passive audiences which feels much more mindless. In fact it takes away the content creators identity much more than anything. So, what tiktok needs to do is create an active place as well as the current platform that they have and this will allow more people to reach out and have the right mindset for what they want to see in a tiktok. because it's just about the mindset between things and the right mindset between each individual is because the huge difference between each one is because they have such different perspectives and ideas in the background of things.

and what they're essentially doing is dividing audiences but I don't think you should always do that I think that you can actually learn from one another and work together towards creating something greater and it doesn't necessarily have to end in an argument or a disagreement. you can actually work towards something greater if you work together towards something.

with the YouTube and tiktok concept, what I think they should do is work together to create something truly fantastical, and then that way it appeals to all audiences no matter what. It's factoring in both passive and active audiences, but the only area they aren't considering is audiences that don't mind a combination of the two, and this is where the teamwork can really contribute towards accounting for that.

So moving forwards onto everything, why am I mentioning all of this? well because the future of content is so confusing but it also is the main part of quite a lot of people's lives, and I want to ensure that everyone has the right content that they enjoy watching. With all that said I hope that the future of content creation follows a similar path to this and I hope that the development and future for creators is done ethically as well as kindly towards both the content creators and the business because it should feel like a partnership between the two. and unlike what I don't like about what tiktok does at the moment, which is essentially just a racing the creators identities which opens up a huge problem towards identifying what you actually like, YouTube on the other hand identifies the individual content creators or businesses that offer what you would like to see.

So for me obviously I am in team YouTube for this whole debate, but for the future I think both need to step up their game and work together in order for everyone to be satisfied fully. you aren't going to get anywhere if it is a negative versus negative. studies have shown that people who have an active positive outlook for things are much more likely to have a successful result. and this is just a fact.

So with all this said I hope the future of creation is artistic, moral and fun for everyone to watch in their free time and everyone is happy at the end of it.

happy Reading.


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