The Future Is Now: Digital Transformation in the World of Sports
I’ve never really considered myself to be a technology aficionado, but rather someone who simply engages with and learns how to use new technologies as they become popular on a large scale. On the innovation adoption scale, I would say I’ve historically been close to the top of the bell curve, ranging between the early and late majority. Last semester though, I was enrolled in Gary Kayye’s MEJO 477 class, New Media Technologies and its Impact on the Future of Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations, where, as the class same suggests, we focused on a wide variety of new technologies and the way that they’re impacting life as we know it. Gary always told us that he hoped the class would make all of us more interested in technology going forward, and for me, I’d say that’s definitely been the case. In the months following my time in 477 I’ve become much more observant of new media and technology trends and have spent time researching tech-related topics that I might not have cared about a year ago. I still intend to make most of my blog posts personal in nature, but when I caught myself in an hour-long rabbit hole reading about digital transformation in sports, I figured I might as well make a post that explores some of the big ways that technology is changing sports as we know them right before our eyes.