Theodore Sprink
Chief Executive Officer, iTitleTransfer, LLC. Capital Markets, FHFA and Fannie Mae Real Estate Closing Programs. Serves Lenders, Realtors, Builders and Secondary Market Investors.
??????????????Fully Insured Loan Closing Platform Provided by iTitleTransfer
Scottsdale, Arizona based real estate technology firm iTitleTransfer, LLC reintroduces to Lenders and Realtors its “Fully Insured Loan Closing Platform” providing the nation’s first mortgage closing platform, serving Lenders, Borrowers, Investors and Successors-of Interest with the benefit of safe, reliable, low-cost, fully insured loan closings, for one-third the cost of traditional settlement services. ?Platform loan-closing services include:
?·??????Insured Searches and Examination
·?????? Insured Proprietary Risk Scoring
·?????? Insured Curative Services
·?????? Insured Attorney Closing Letter
·?????? Insured Escrow
·?????? Insured Document Preparation
·?????? Insured Lender Reconciliation
·?????? Insured eNotary and eSign
·?????? Insured eRecording and Deed Monitoring
iTitleTransfer maintains multiple AM Best rated Mortgage Service Provider, Professional Liability and Transactional insurance policies, covering Loan Amount, Life-of-Loan, Fraud, Forgery, Lien Priority, Duty-to-Defend, GAP, CPL, and Cyber.? Each closing component is individually insured…and is enhanced by Excess/Umbrella insurance providing additional insurance related to each loan transaction. ?
Founder and Chief Executive, Ted Sprink, a veteran Fortune 500 banking and title insurance senior executive, stated “sellers want to sell; borrowers want to buy, and lenders want to loan; and iTitle’s platform supports the fiduciary responsibility of lenders and Realtors to educate their clients of a safe, low-cost closing alternative to the status quo”.?
“iTitleTransfer’s innovative mortgage loan-closing platform represents a low-cost alternative to costly and often-unnecessary title insurance, and for the first time provides consumers a choice in selecting a loan closing service", Sprink added.
According to Sprink, “iTitleTransfer’s closing platform, is authorized by Fannie Mae’s April 2022 Lender Seller Guide, the July 2023 “Equitable Housing Finance Program”, and the December 2023 “Expanded Use of Attorney Opinion Letters”.
?1.???? Fannie Mae Selling Guide Announcement: ?
2.???? Fannie Mae Attorney Opinion Letter: ?
3.???? Fannie Mae Attorney Opinion Letter Lender FAQ: ?
Insurance coverages, regulated attorney closing letters, cost comparisons, strategic alliances and revenue-share programs can be obtained by contacting Ted Sprink at [email protected] or 866-494-3727. ??