The Future is More than a Trend – Sustainable Living on the Rise

The Future is More than a Trend – Sustainable Living on the Rise

We spend the majority of the day in our flat or house – especially since many people's workplaces have also been relocated to their own four walls, the home is the place where most of our life takes place. However, in order for the house or flat to become a real home, it must meet the individual requirements of the owners. But what do people pay most attention to nowadays and which trends will have a significant influence on living concepts of the future??

Investing in the future – investing in life

Real estate as an investment is more popular than ever. The Future Living Study, conducted by Engel & V?lkers Development Services shows that almost two thirds of all homeowners plan to invest more money in their own homes in the coming years. 62 percent intend to even buy a second home.?

Such investments are always an investment in the future – in our personal future, but also in the future of our environment. But in order for us and future generations to be able to benefit from these investments, it is important to act sustainably already today.?

Therefore, it is actually not surprising that when it comes to establishing a lifestyle, many people also pay attention to sustainability in the area of housing. Compared to other housing concepts, such as multigenerational living, serviced living or life in co-living spaces, the concept of sustainable housing is prioritised by far. More than half of the respondents (51 percent) identify with sustainable living and clearly rank this as their number one future living concept.?

From natural lighting to waste separation

But what constitutes sustainability in the context of housing anyway? In general, prioritising the use of natural and renewable resources is the basis of sustainable living – ranging from natural building materials and energy-efficient housing technologies to vertical gardens and everyday measures that each and every one of us can easily implement, such as waste separation and the use of public transport. Different cultures often have different preferences with regards to housing. When it comes to sustainability, however, the survey participants from Germany, Italy and Spain seem to be in consensus: energy efficiency is most commonly asked for, highlighting? the importance of modern housing technologies and construction methods and materials. Respondents from Spain specifically point out their preference for green power with solar and wind energy at the forefront. In Germany, people put a special focus on natural, long-lasting materials and are interested in self-sufficiency. But also in Spain, private vegetable gardens are amenities people would pay extra for. In both countries, houses are equipped with higher ceilings and larger windows to benefit from natural light during the day. In Italy, waste separation and storage areas for bicycles are highlighted by the respondents of the Future Living Study.

Back to nature

As we can see, taking care of the environment we live in becomes more and more important to people so that implementing sustainable living concepts has become a matter of course. We reconnect with nature and appreciate the advantages it brings us. Whether vertical gardens, rooftop gardens, green recreational spaces around the corner, a balcony or even a private garden, people crave the opportunity to spend time outdoors in nature, both in outer suburbs and in the city. In Germany, 78 percent of the respondents would spend more money on a property in suburban areas if there is a larger private garden – in urban areas, 56 percent would pay more if there is a spacious private outdoor area.?

You can read more about which future living concepts are decisive when considering purchasing a home and find out about further emerging future trends in the real estate sector in the complete Future Living Study:


