?? The Future of Mindset.

?? The Future of Mindset.

The old 'mindset' paradigm is on its way out.

Thanks, in part to modern science, what's been taught for thousands of years is back and gathering pace FAST.


We really can have whatever we want with ease, joy and certainty.

We just have to make it all about us and re-open our hearts to fulfilment.

Buckle Up. Let's get stuck in...

Our Experience is Not What It Appears To Be...

Whether we look to cognitive neuroscience, metaphysics, quantum physics, applied philosophy, applied psychology, scripture or ancient spiritual teachings...


We don't get what we want, work, strategise, strive for, know how to get, feel we deserve or are capable of.

We get the evidence and experience of who and what we are conscious of Being.

And what we therefore believe, assume and expect.

- Wanted or Unwanted.

- Consciously or Unconsciously.

- No exceptions.

Science and philosophy confirm that results are not a reflection or outcome of What, Why, How, When or Where.

Results are ALL about WHO.


What was once more widely understood about the relationship between mind, matter and experience was driven out of public awareness primarily on account of the Church.

(In writing this, I'd like to be clear I am not anti-religion).

When philosophers / scientists firstly began to investigate the nature and science of miracles, the Church's response was to burn them at the stake.

Scientists then understandably retreated to the safer territory of Newtonian physics and studying the physical world.

Newtonian physics subsequently became mainstream and is the physics most of us run and continue to run our life (and businesses) by today.

And there's no doubting that this branch of physics is very helpful for navigating our physical world.


In the absence of a meta-physical understanding, we deny our potentiality, limit and condition our dreams and goals.

And, as a result, we invariably suffer mentally too.

We suffer because we believe the cause of effects and our experience is something other than it actually is.

And when it comes to resolving challenges or getting what we'd most love in business and in life - we focus on treating symptoms instead of simply addressing the root cause of effects.

The cause being what we are internally aligned with!

In overlooking or remaining unaware of the true origin of outcomes, we become locked into a game of intellect, effort, striving, hope and chance...

Believing (and then having the corresponding experience) that our success will come from strategy, discipline, taking consistent action etc. and is dependent upon other people, external factors and perhaps some luck.

We move into our heads, into figuring out mode and endless thinking.

Or live with an underlying sense of existential angst which we aim to alleviate through our actions!

When we could otherwise be accepting our desires, playing the game, feeling and being free and fulfilled and experiencing outcomes we love (impact, time, money, etc.) with certainty, joy and ease.


With the threat of being burned at the stake long gone; 'Quantum' physicists have continued to develop their understanding of the nature and behaviour of reality for more than a Century.

Including the scientific understanding of what were and often still are referred to as miracles.

The net outcome is that science has confirmed what the ancients taught more than 2500 years ago...

The net result - having previously been pushed in seemingly opposite directions by the Church - science (applied philosophy) and spirituality have come back together and are once again aligned.

Their irrefutable and aligned conclusions include:

  • There is NO SEPARATION between Mind and Matter.
  • We live in a mental world.
  • Experience is mental - experience being made up entirely of thoughts, feelings, sensations, images and perceptions - nothing more.
  • Our physical body is in the mind and our body behaves and expresses relative to our mental 'state' (beliefs, assumptions and who and what we're aligned with).
  • Consciousness is primary and fundamental.
  • Consciousness is our true nature - it is the energy (emotion) of Love (manifesting unconditionally in and through the mind / body as our experience relative to the filters of perception we push it through consciously or unconsciously).
  • The last bullet is worth reading again twice.
  • Happiness, freedom and fulfilment are our very nature (yet we are free to cloud this with the lenses of perception we consciously or unconsciously choose).
  • Everything is made of Consciousness but Consciousness itself is made of nothing! ??????
  • The ways in which we 'condition' Consciousness in the mind - either consciously or unconsciously - is what's then pushed out into our experience.
  • Our beliefs, assumptions and expectations are the means through which we 'condition' Consciousness in the mind; thereby collapsing potentiality into form and experience.
  • Our beliefs, assumptions and expectations are the lenses through which we experience reality.
  • Consciousness is free, natural, infinitely intelligent, new in every moment and is spontaneous but absolutely not random.


Around $40 Billion a year is invested globally in personal development and mindset.

Yet the percentage of those who achieve significant, desired and sustained shifts is - according to the data available - considerably less than 5%.


The simple answer is the root cause of effects is being overlooked.

Instead, teachings focus on changing a situation versus choosing new.

The mental trap here being that because of the nature of Consciousness and how it expresses in the mind; when we assume or believe there's something we need to change or fix, we continue to manifest things we need to change or fix in our experience!!

Consciousness is Unconditional and impersonal. It just responds.

So if I believe I have a block or limiting beliefs, I get to have the experience of having them!!

And if I believe I have to work hard and than money is hard to earn or save, I get to have the experience...etc.

We are of course free to try anything we want to get the results we desire.

But one thing we cannot succeed at is 'out-Doing' the Law of Being which determines that our experience reflects back our beliefs, assumptions and expectations.

Thankfully, we are always free to CHOOSE a new state and to move instantly in the mind to take on new beliefs, assumptions and expectations.......even if it may appear or feel otherwise.


There's nothing wrong with old-school mindset and personal development.

The story often told is: "You can have whatever you want but you have to re-programme your subconscious mind, get rid of blocks, change old beliefs, fix, heal or develop yourself, sacrifice, take massive action so you can attract what yo want."

Everything has it's place.

It's just that this denies the truth about who we are.

As mentioned, it centres around CHANGING and has a focus on changing what are outcomes - eg What, Why, How, When and Where - and not on root cause.

Although marketing and testimonials are often compelling, they don't reflect the norm.

If student success is measured on sustained and significant trajectory shifts and not on incremental or temporary improvement - the results are statistically woeful.

The old-school approach is one of fighting the mind with the mind and that's definitely not a formula for easy or sustained success!

It's a formula for being at war with oneself.

Ultimately, it's a striving, resistance-based model and one based on false concepts of separation and ego... (ego being nothing other than a thought which, when believed in, is the cause of all resistance and mental suffering).

If anything, the old-school paradigm on mindset and personal development, re-enforces the belief in ego and the idea that we're not already enough!

In strengthening the belief in ego, it also creates the belief that our desires and goals are separate from and outside us and we must therefore strive for them.

Whilst our vision and goals appear to be separate and apart from us, this isn't actually true.

They're residing in our own consciousness!

And Quanum and metaphysics fully confirm that there is no separation between Consciousness, mind, body and matter!

The other challenge is the resistance we encounter typically drives us into our heads and use of the intellect is not how we create the shifts or manifest the results our heart desires!

The truth in respect of how we fulfil our desires is somewhat different!

Striving and relentless doing are not a requirement.

Who we are Conscious of Being is!

And so, we don't have to re-programme our subconscious mind or change old beliefs or fix or heal or improve anything to get whatever we may want.

It's also not 'our' Subconscious, it's 'the' Subconscious and it's never programmed anyway!

In every new now moment, we are a completely fresh, new, blank canvas.

It's only our imagination (memory) and our current beliefs and assumptions right now in this moment that result in our experience of a continuing trajectory.

We're free to choose new and different anytime we like!

And, provided we then stay true to our desire in our heart - which is easy when we've allowed ourself to fall in love with an ideal - our experience then follows.

With certainty.

So yes, we can absolutely have the experience of needing to re-programme our mind and beliefs and do or fix or heal or change a load of things...

Because our experience follows what we believe, assume, expect and are identifying with!


Or would we prefer to honour our hearts and our nature and just express and experience more of what we'd really LOVE instead?

Because, provided we remember WHO we are, we're always free to CHOOSE what we'd love to experience, surrender to accept it and in doing so, collapse the potentiality to provide corresponding experience in the mind.

Whether it's 100% sales growth, earn double and work half, new house, being fit and healthy - we're free to choose!


Ancient and modern understanding is about CHOOSING from the heart with the understanding of who we really are.

  • Knowong why we have our desires in the first place!
  • Knowing there is no separation between Consciousness, Mind and Matter.
  • Knowing - despite appearances - that there's one indivisible, unified field of Consciousness.
  • Knowing the purpose of the Mind is to create the illusion of separation for the purposes of experience!!
  • Knowing that without the Mind as the filter, there could be no experience!

There would just be an infinite, indivisible, Quantum soup!

Our own true nature as Consciousness - whether we accept it or otherwise - is to manifest experiences in and through the mind.

Having an abundance of desires is natural.

It is the very nature of Consciousness to manifest.

Wanting and striving and worrying and stressing are un-natural.

They're the outcomes of our resistance based on our belief in separation (ego).

And our continued resistance ultimately leads to sickness and dis-ease in the body!

Consciousness itself is infinite and spontaneous but it's not random.

We live in an orderly Universe and the Laws of Being and Mind are Laws.

What we manifest is not determined by what we want, strive for, know, do or believe at an intellectual level.

What we manifest is a function of what we're accepting, assuming and believing in.

It's the evidence of who and what we're conscious of Being.

We manifest what we're dominantly bringing to our awareness, NOT intellectually but emotionally / feelingly..

Without being conscious of this, we may unwittingly give more awareness to our doubts, fears and what we don't want than to the fulfilment of our desires!

And in doing so, we suffer the consequences.

We may also use our 'doing' as the permission slips for our results but in truth, all that we do and the outcomes that follow are just reflections of our underlying state of Being at the time.

It's not what we do but the underlying Consciousness behind what we do that manifests in corresponding experience.

So, having time and money freedom can't be our experience if we are dominantly aware of being the one who wants it but doesn't have it.

So, top sales people in an organisation are top - not because of their actions or sales skills but because of what and who they're conscious of being.

They identify as top salespeople whether they're conscious of this or not!

Whether we look to metaphysics or Quantum physics or simply to our own direct experience, we find the simple but sometimes uncomfortable truth.

And it's this simple truth that sets us free to realise whatever it is we really want. It sets us free to live a truly self-empowered, fulfilling life.

We are never stuck - although we can absolutely give ourself the experience of feeling stuck!

And when and if we do; it's always an invitation to shift in mind and choose a lens of perception which is closer to the truth!


Realising what it is we want is so profoundly simple it threatens our entire belief system and becaiuse of this, it threatens our very identity.

As such we may reject it.

So many of us unconsciously validate ourself through our busyness, problems and our human-doing.

And we're also typically eager to defend what we believe and assume to be true, even when our experience is not as we'd love it to be!

One question I often ask entrepreneurs when they ask for support is:

Who are you without your current stories or perceived problems and challenges? What's your life like when it's all easy?

Most haven't given much awareness to this largely because they've been so busy trying to change their current circumstances!

And therefore creating more of what is it they want to change!

To get what we really want, we just have to be clear on what we'd love and fully surrender to its fulfilment.

This means embodying the state of being the one who already has it.

It's counter-logical but that's precisely the point!

It's absolutely natural and it's intuitive too (if only we'd allow it!).

It's all about allowing our desires by accepting them instead of resisting them.

Because what's truly incredible when we shift our internal state to fulfilment of what we'd love is that all of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, assumptions, habits. actions, behaviours and expectations automatically align... and the desired outcomes follow.

So, once we've chosen a new state, it's largely about being conscious and present enough to keep choosing from love and fulfilment and from the understanding that our experience of the world is the projection of our own consciousness.

It becomes a game.

Experiencing what we'd love is truly all about our willingness to open our heart and return to what we knew and did so naturally as young children.

When we allowed ourself to surrender to fulfilment without logic or reason and without knowing how!

Before we were told not to and educated out of it.

And before we moved to being on high alert for the other shoe to drop or something going wrong.

It's why children are referred to as 'innocent'...


They don't operate from their intellect or senses or trying to alleviate fear.

They're far too wise for that!

Our job as adults is to return to the wisdom of our childhood.

To live with an open heart and to experience the happiness, fulfilment and incredible results which then flow.

Not by luck or by chance but with certainty.

Because that's what we really want!

We came here to play the game and easy and doing only what we love really is a choice.

The future of Mind-set is Heart-Set.

And our experience of a future we really love 100% depends on it.

?? Work with Rob

These are 5 ways I can help you.

Clarity & Decision-making. - gain crystal clarity on what it is you really want and on making decisions in alignment with this.

Sales & Team Performance: I work with individuals and teams in business and sports to dramatically enhance performance.

Group Coaching - small group programmes for leaders, CEO's and those who wish to up-level their Awareness and combine the realisation of their vision with time freedom, ease and flow. [SEE BELOW]

Leadership Masterminds - leadership mastermind groups supporting leaders to elevate their awareness and gain the understanding that all leadership is Self-Leadership.

Pre and Post-Exit - full internal heart and mind alignment with the desired outcome in the run up to the sale of your business to guarantee a successful outcome. How to remain calm, relaxed and assured throughout the entire process/ Clarity on and excitement about what next.

Effortless Wealth - Starts on December 7th - Enrol Risk Free.

Tracy Clark

Empowering Visionary Founders to Lead Magnetically, Scale with Unstoppable Confidence and Build High Performance Teams

1 年

Love it Rob. It's all about the WHO that is YOU.

This looks like a fascinating read. Mindset is definitely important to be aware of. I look forward to reading through the full article later in my break.

Sheree O.

Sales Strategies for Revenue Growth | Lead Generation I I help Founders and CEO'S ready to shift to more effective strategies to optimise sales & revenue generation to scale with integrity.

1 年

This looks really interesting Rob I'll subscribe I like the title !

Victoria Brown MCIPD

MD at oneHR?. Providing World Class HR & H&S Software to Business Owners and HR and H&S Consultants. 20 years HR experience. Chair of peopleHUB community. #BIMA100- Entrepreneurs and Visionaries #Insider42 under 42

1 年

Sounds like a really interesting article to read with a coffee later! It’ll be interesting to learn the science behind it.

Nick Sladek

??Marketing - strategic advice ?? B2B marketing ?? Tech/Saas ?? Lead generation ??Telemarketing?? HubSpot ??HubSpot sequences??Email marketing ?? Messaging ?? CRM ?? Website advice??SEO and PPC advice | 07971 279564

1 年

Mindset is very important. This is very informative.



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