The Future: Mathematical Programming 4.0. - Real-Time Distributed Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems .
Jesus Velasquez-Bermudez
Decision-Making Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur & Researcher - Chief Scientific Officer
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Related Papers:
- OPTEX – Optimization Expert System
Abstract. The Mathematical Programming (MP), and in general the mathematical modeling based on algebraic equations, requires new ideas to meet the challenges of the future, which already is bringing fundamental changes in the way of doing things, this is reflected in the new industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0. The short-term requirements in Mathematical Programming are:
1. Standardization of Mathematical Programming Modeling (easy connection of multiple mathematical models)
2. Expert Optimization Systems (capitalization of the knowledge included in the results of the optimization)
3. Socialization of large-scale technologies to the community of mathematical modelers; it must be a basic knowledge not an expert knowledge, including teaching at graduate levels.
4. The large-scale methodologies must be connected by parametrization, in a similar way that we connect the basic solvers.
5. Socialization of basic optimization in final users; this implied more end users of the optimization methodologies.
6. A new look of optimization according to the real-world technologies:
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
- Smart Metering
- Big Data
- Robotization
7. A new environment to solve problems that must include the concept of Real Time Optimization (RTO).
1. Mathematical Modeling in the Future
2. Structured Mathematical Modeling (SMM)
2.1. Framework
2.1.1. Socialization and Standardization
2.1.2. Mathematical Programming: A Natural Standard
2.1.3. Integration of Mathematical Methodologies
2.1.4. Integration of Multiple Models and Problems
2.1.5. IoT, IIoT and Dynamic of Smart Metering
2.1.6. Problem Solution
2.1.7. Large Scale Optimization Methodologies
2.1.8. Stochastic Optimization
3. SMM - Data Model: An Example
3.1. Entities
3.1.1. Formulation of Mathematical Models
3.1.2. Advanced Mathematical Modeling
3.1.3. IDIS Data Model
3.2. SMM Disadvantages
3.3. SMM Advantages
4. Smart Algorithms that Make Advanced Analytical Algorithms
4.1. Advanced Analytics Professionals
4.2. Industry 4.0 Revolution
5. Optimization Knowledge Expert Systems
5.1. Cutting Planes
5.2. Convex Hull
6. Asynchronous Parallel Optimization
6.1. Implementation of Parallel Optimization
6.2. Framework
6.3. Optimization Database
7. Real-Time Distributed Optimization
7.1. Distributed Optimization as An Artificial Smart Neural Net
7.2. Real-Time Distributed Optimization
7.2.1. Industrial Supply Chain
7.2.2. Smart Grids
7.2.3. Routing
1. Mathematical Modeling in the Future
I think that the Mathematical Programming (MP), and in general the mathematical modeling based on algebraic equations, requires new ideas to meet the challenges of the future, which already is bringing fundamental changes in the way of doing things, this is reflected in the new industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0, that it is focused on the automation of manual human processes, leaving aside the cognitive activities. In the decade of the forties of the last century, the computation changed the calculation capacity of human that begins to use algorithms to solve increasingly complex mathematical problems.
While the algorithms will be a fundamental part of human knowledge, the future will be marked by new applications that enhance the ability to analyze and to generate knowledge from data online and speed-up the programming development and the maintenance, using more effective mathematics methodologies.
The change involves “think outside the box” that is far more than just another management cliché. This document contains several ideas on the future of the mathematical programming some of them implies a new paradigm in mathematical programing technologies.
The short-term requirements in Mathematical Programming are:
1. Standardization of Mathematical Programming Modeling (easy connection of multiple mathematical models)
2. Expert Optimization Systems (capitalization of the knowledge included in the results of the optimization)
3. Socialization of large-scale technologies to the community of mathematical modelers; it must be a basic knowledge not an expert knowledge, including teaching at graduate levels.
4. The large-scale methodologies must be connected by parametrization, in a similar way that we connect the basic solvers.
5. Socialization of basic optimization in final users
6. A new look of optimization according to the real-world technologies:
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
- Smart Metering
- Big Data
- Robotization
2. Structured Mathematical Modeling (SMM)
Structured Mathematical Modeling (SMM) is defined, by the author, as a fundamental step in the process of socialization of the mathematical modeling, it is a necessity to ensure that the benefits arising from the applied mathematics extend to the as many people as possible. This cannot be achieved, while the mathematical modeling is not within the reach of most professionals in engineering and economics.
The main barriers must be overcome is the dependence of mathematical models from the optimization technologies used to implement the models. The alternative is to normalize the formulation of the in such a way to ensure their portability between technological platforms. This standardization would allow professionals interested in the mathematical modeling the possibility of formulating their own models without to know in depth the syntax of a computer language; this fact would expand the number of mathematical modelers and diminish the level of expert knowledge required to formulate mathematical models.
An example of the current barrier is the case of a student who develops his thesis using a commercial high-performance optimization technology (IBM OPL, AMPL, AIMMS, GAMS, MODEL,...) owned by the University, or temporarily licensed by the supplier. The day after their degree, a trade barrier is created between the knowledge generated by the student in his thesis and its possible commercial use; since the student needs a formal commercial license to continue developing the thesis model or new models; then it depends on the economic condition, which is usually weak at the beginning of the professional practice. This is a fact.
The standardization process must define:
1. SMM Basic: the part of the mathematical modeling process that is included in the standard. This implies: i) regulate by a common agreement made by the representatives of all the mathematical modeling-related communities, and ii) that it should be “mandatory” for the industry and
2. SMM Advanced: the part of the process that is covered by the optimization companies, as a way of differentiation of products and services offered; it is not binding, but it is convenient for humanity.
In case that the mathematical modeling world community does not get in accordance with a global SMM, as it is suggested here, the ideas of this document can provide guidance for the organizations that management/produce large number of mathematical models, they can make an internal standard, which allows to capitalize the value added by the normalization.
2.1. Framework
2.1.1. Socialization and Standardization
Standardization/Normalization of Mathematical Programming Modeling is necessary to make easy, and sure, the connecting the mathematical models in an organization and between organizations.
Standardization is the key to facilitate the development and the implementation of the informatic technologies that underpin the enterprises digital transformation and to guarantee interoperability between different systems and solutions.
The adoption of recognized internationally standards facilitates to export the technology from the suppliers to the end users. Therefore, the mathematical programming community must collaborate in the elaboration of international standardization initiatives, coordinating the proposals and the needs of the: i) industrial companies, ii) producers of technologies, iii) advanced professionals of technologies, v) researchers and i) academic sector. It is the indicated way for society massively capture the wealth hidden in applied mathematics.
A clear example of growth and socialization of the methodologies and technologies was lived in information systems. The relational database (RDB) is a type of database (DB) that complies with the relational model, the most commonly used model for currently implement databases (DB). After being postulated their bases in 1970 by Edgar Frank Codd (from IBM), soon it becomes as a new paradigm in data base models. Codd then showed the potential of the implementation of its model based on the expressive power of relational algebra and relational calculus.
The results of the process started by Todd were: i) the relational information systems, with its rules of implementation, and ii) SQL, Structured Query Language to interact with RDB; the benefits of standardization are resumed in the portability of existing information systems, which ensures that the end-user the control over the technologies that it has acquired (GNU General Public License or commercial), since there are rules that a dedicated professional can understand.
Before Todd, information systems technologies were up to the developer; this is the actual situation of Mathematical Programming technologies. The owner of a mathematical model is the mathematical modeler that programs the computer codes of the algorithms, mainly when the solution is tailored to end user.
This standardization will be called Structured Mathematical Modeling (SMM). The possibility of standardizing MP technologies has been tested in the real-life by the models developed using OPTEX Expert Optimization System (Velasquez, 2019). The methodology of work implemented in OPTEX, for more than 20 years, guarantees that the mathematical models transcend to the mathematical modelers; ensuring the portability of implemented models that follow the OPTEX standardization. Today, using OPTEX, a non-expert user can use a text editor (like MS-Word) to fill standard templates to implement algorithms using an optimization technology (like GAMS, ILOG OPL, C++, … ) making use of advanced optimization methodologies, their variations and improvements.
As an initial step, to define a SMM it is required to analyze the main processes related to the mathematical modeling process; then, to define the scope of standardization and the details that should be followed.
2.1.2. Mathematical Programming: A Natural Standard
The math is a natural standard for all professionals who need it for their professional practice. The formulation of a problem in algebraic terms, or in differential equations, allows professionals, from different cultures and with different languages, to express in a way such that all are understood through mathematics. Two algebraic formulations of the same problem can look different by the symbols used by the math modelers; but, if we build a map of the symbols the two formulations should be equal.
MP meets the transitivity law, well known by mathematicians, indicating that if two objects of the same type are combined, the resulting object is of the same type. For example, an integrated model of the electricity-gas system is the union of the equations of the two individual systems (gas & electricity) plus the coordination constraints, that may include some new variables.
Another case is related to with Enterprise Wide Optimization, associate to the natural evolution of the business planning models that are link to the administrative functions of the organization. EWO involves dynamic mathematical models that evolve in the same way how the company evolves. These models can be built as a union of existing models that are associated, each of them, with a function within the organization, these models are: i) Supply Chain Management (SCM), ii) Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) and iii) Integrated Business Planning (IBP).
The following diagram adapted from a diagram included in the digital paper "Beyond Supply Chain Optimization to Enterprise Optimization" (Shapiro J., 2006) allows to visualize the concepts expressed.
To capitalize this advantage, SMM requires an appropriate computer technology that allows adding objects and produce a new object that can handle with the same technology; this is impossible for the case that we have two models in two different computer programs in any optimization technology.
A technology suitable for this is RDB, enabling to join tables whose results are still tables. If you check carefully, mathematical models can be arranged as data of an RDB, since they can be structured as a collection of related elements/objects/entities. Then the proposal for SMM is to use RDB to standardize the mathematical modeling.
Among the advantages of selecting the RDB as the base technology for the SMM are:
1. RDB is a socialized technology, there are multiple technologies RDB (commercial and GNU) available to modelers
2. The RDB tables can handled using basic computer technologies such as spreadsheets (like MS-EXCEL), RTF files (Rich Text Files Format, like MS-Word), or CSV text files (Comma-Separated Values).
3. All “persons” are accustomed to fill templates and therefore they don’t require a special learning process.
This Mathematical Modeling Information System will be called MMIS.
Then, SMM is based on the vision that sees the MP as a standard that can be understood by any expert modeler, this standardization must be so solid that ensures that the binding of MP problems is a new problem of MP, for this a mathematical model must be conceived as the union of math components harmonically integrated. For example, a problem is a set of equations, a model a set of problems; and an equation the integration of formulas, variables, indexes, parameters and sets.
Another part of the process is related to the storage of the input/output data of the mathematical models. If the RDB are the standard of information systems, the logical thing is that the RDB are the standard for the organization and storage of Industrial Data Information System (IDIS).
2.1.3. Integration of Mathematical Methodologies
MP is normally linked to optimization or to equilibrium problems, or to the integration of these two methodologies under MPEC (Mathematical Programing with Equilibrium Constraints) models. However, this concept can be extended to all the mathematical methodologies which are supported in algebraic formulations, it is fundamental.
For example, optimization supports, as a fundamental concept, the methodologies oriented to study stochastic processes; then, with the appropriate vision, the following methodologies are based in optimization problems that minimize an objective function (may be a loss/penalization function or a multicriteria objective function):
- Machine Learning (ML):
- Support Vector Machines (SVM), Support Vector Networks (SVN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995)
- Reinforcement Learning: Markov Decision Process (MDP, Puterman 1994)
- Clustering (Hansen and Jaumard 1997)
- Advanced Probabilistic Models:
- S-ARIMAX-GARCH (Box and Jenkis 1970, Engle 1982)
- State Estimation: Kalman Filter (Kalman 1960)
- Markovian/Semi-Markovian Process
- Bayesian Estimation
- Constraints Econometric Models (Wolak 1989).
Ensembles of models using these methodologies
This can be a significant advantage, since it facilitates the modeling of variations around the basic methodologies. For example, to estimate models of "market share" for multiple vendors (V), acting in multiple regions (R), selling multiple product categories (C); it involves simultaneously solving V′R′C statistical models, with the following constraints: i) a common constraint that guarantee that the sum of the market shares in R′C markets must be equal to 1 and ii) that the market share of each vendor, in all R′C markets, must be greater or equal than zero. This case is call Simultaneous Constrained Least Squares and it easy to model using MP.
The union of mathematical methodologies (machine learning, advanced probabilistic models, optimization, … ) around MP brings the great advantage of the ease of integration of algebraic formulations. Since the union of MP models produces a new MP, it is easy to mix the algebraic formulations of multiple methodologies in a single model. Integration Statistical Models and Optimization
One example of integration statistical models and optimization may occur in the Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process in which the substitution of demand tables by the algebraic equations of the statistical models (used to calculate the demand tables) allows that the demand is endogenously determined by S&OP model and not exogenously by end users.
The difference in this case is that the optimization model determines products to meet, according to their profitability. This type of modeling is called “demand driven”, and is typical of the revenue management (optimal pricing) and marketing mix models, Integration Machine Learning and Optimization
One example of machine learning models and optimization may occur in the case of a broker of transport services whose business is: i) to sell transportation services to the load generators, and ii) to purchase transportation services to the owners of the vehicles; a real case is the LTL (Less-Than-Truckload) market (Behrang, 2009).
In this case, a Decision Support Systems (DSS) for the broker should be the result of studying how should make offers of purchase and sale of transport services in the multiple hub in which he operates, so maximize your revenue. The historical data that has the broker are all offers made and the result of the same: success if achievement the business, failure otherwise. The broker must have the following models to fix his offers:
- Load Winners Offers, based on ML, determines the Support Vectors Machine (SVMs, Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998) to segment the price bids to load generators (SVM-DEM).
- Vehicle Winners Offers, determines the SVMs for segmented price offers to pay transporters (SVM-OFE).
Additionally, the broker must have a Revenue Management model (MAX-RM), linking the offers to LTL network operations to be carried out. The SVMs should be incorporated as constraints in RM, limiting the offers to those that are classified as successful. The following diagram presents the flow of data over the three models (Velasquez 2019b).
2.1.4. Integration of Multiple Models and Problems
The evolution of mathematical programming involves the change of products which mathematical modelers delivered to enterprises. In the beginning the product was associated with a computer program that solved a problem specific and which was developed using low level computer languages, as FORTRAN, linked to an optimization library; considering the evolution of computing, today is clear that a mathematical model of a specific problem is simply a part of the product that require end users.
Today, the product to deliver are Decision Support Systems (DSS) using internet, composed of multiple models, which must share data among themselves, that should use advanced mathematical methodologies that can effectively use multiprocessing capabilities of the modern computers.
Due to the complexity of real systems, DSSs are composed of multiple mathematical models which are integrated through the data stream, thereby generating the information required by the decision maker to address all hierarchic levels: strategy, tactic, operation and real-time operations. The connection of data and models defines the decision-making chain, which supports management productivity of organizations.
The different models must share information stored on a common database, coherent and standardized, to allow data integration along the decision-making chain, in which some of the outputs of a model becomes the inputs of the models of subsequent stages, so this coordinated effort guarantees the "sub-optimization" of the entire system; then, it is impossible to obtain with a holistic single model an “optimal” solution. Researchers and producers of technology solutions share this point of view.
The concept of SMM allows that a problem being part of several models and the constraints to be part of multiple problems and so on. This approach facilitates to build multi-models DSS and to hand large-scale optimization models; since under the partition and decomposition scheme, a model consists of several coordinated problems whose solution is performed in accordance with an optimization methodology; like Benders Theory, Lagrangean Relaxation, Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition and/or Column Generation which can be integrated based on the concepts of Cross Decomposition
2.1.5. IoT, IIoT and Dynamic of Smart Metering
Smart metering systems directly impact the use of optimization in real-life problems. The conventional is to think that a problem is solved at a given moment and turns to meet periodically every hour, every day,...; this presupposes that the information that is required to run the model is achieved from a run to the next, but the big-data generated by the smart-metering systems change completely the decision-making environment.
To view the impact, consider a problem easy to formulate as the VRP-TW (Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Windows). Traditionally, a routing urban model runs n times in a day, and it assumes constant the expected travel times between each pair of nodes in the network; however, it is aware that in cities with congested traffic networks, this hypothesis does not correspond to reality. But trying to change this hypothesis involved complications since there were no organized measurement systems that could generate the information required to consider the travel times as a function of the time of departure of the vehicle from a specific node and linking such times to a specific path (sequence of streets) between two points on the network. The routing solution would be changed by the occurrence of exogenous events or when occurs the time limit for new routing; but keeps the hypothesis of time-independent travel times.
However, the situation today is totally different. There are intelligent big data measurement systems as Waze (the “world's largest” community-based traffic and navigation app). Waze provides/sells real-time traffic and road info; then, it is possible to constantly updated travel time between two points and the path associated with this time. Based on Waze measurements it is possible to define travel time function, TTd(t,n1,n2), that indicates the average expected time for a trip from node n1 to node n2, beginning at the moment t of the day d. This involves:
- The ability to resolve a new type of VRP problem with variable travel times, that it is not a trivial problem.
- Define models for re-routing and not for routing (starting from zero), since the optimization can be updated whenever an event occurs that changes the expected travel times, may be every second.
This new problem may be called VRP-TW-TDTT (Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Windows and Time-Dependent Travel Times).
The processes enabled by intelligent measurement systems and by IoT (Internet of Things) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) may be called Real-Time Optimization (RTO).
2.1.6. Problem Solution
To define a SMM it is necessary to specify the process to follow in the solution of mathematical problems. The first thing is to define the inputs and the outputs of the mathematical model. The inputs correspond to the values of sets and parameters which are read from the IDIS RDB, and outputs to the primal variables (activity values and dual variables of bound constrains) and the constraints (dual and slack variables), results of the solution of the mathematical model, that should be stored in the RDB.
The simplest model that can be defined is an integrated problem that is solved without making cycles within the process, it may be conceptualized as:
1. Reading: Load parameters and sets from the RDB.
2. Pre-processing: calculation of sets and parameters from data read and/or other calculated data. In complex models (NP-hard) this activity may be associated with a domain reduction to facilitate the solution of the problem.
3. Optimization: solution of the mathematical problem through an optimization solver
4. Post-processing: calculation of complementary results using the solution of the mathematical models
5. Storing: download the results in the RDB.
It is possible to define three levels of complexity to solve the model:
1. Integrated: The simplest model
2. Loop-Models: Models that require cyclic processes to be solved. There are several types of models that meet this feature:
i) Parametric programing: the same problem solved for several values of their parameters, presumably based on a systematic variation.
ii) Families of problems: solution to multiple problems, dependent of one or multiple indexes, that have the same structure, but varying data based on each levels of problems, e. g. DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis).
iii) Large-scale optimization: models solved using large-scale methodologies (partition/decomposition) that convert the integrated model into multiple smaller problems.
3. Parallelization: any of the three previous cases can be solved using multi-processing.
2.1.7. Large Scale Optimization Methodologies
The concept of multi-problem model facilitates the implementation of Large-Scale Optimization Methodologies (LSOM) based on multi-level partition and decomposition, using Bender’s Theory and/or Lagrangean Relaxation and/or other mathematical methodologies, like Matheuristics (heuristics based on MP).
The following table presents a very small summary of papers showing the gain in speed of the proper use of the improvements in J. F. Benders Theory. This leads to conclude that the point of reference to compare the speed of mathematical programming to solve complex problems are not the basics solvers, the proper reference is the use of large-scale methodologies that make smart use of these solvers.
Then , future of MP is concentrated in multi-processing using large-scale methodologies rather than in the solution of basic problems; then, the research focus must be in generating effective computational codes to resolve such problems by making use of: i) computers with multiple CPUs and large RAM storages, and ii) computer grids. Thus, the no-expert modeler in this type of technology needs access them in multiple optimization technologies.
Considering that large scale technologies are the necessary complement to the basic optimization solvers (IBM CPLEX, GUROBI, XPRESS, … ), since the union of the two powers (computers plus LSOM) allow to solve larger and more complex mathematical problems, SMM must incorporate, as part of its services, the automatic generation of computer algorithms using the variations and the improvements that have been developed by researchers. This may be in a second stage of SMM, or an option offered by the optimization technology companies).
The OPTEX screen allows the parameterization of a model using the Benders Theory so that the end-user can make a research/study to determine which Benders methodology can be called the “best” for its specific problem; it shows that this approach is feasible.
Therefore, it is a valid conclusion that education on optimization, whose upper limit is to use basic algorithms, and the implementation of integrated models is a matter of the past.
2.1.8. Stochastic Optimization
The power of computers, coupled with the power of LSOM, coupled with the power of the basic solvers change radically the environment of the mathematical modeler compared with the environment of the modelers of the past; then Stochastic Programming (SP) models should be common to math modelers and end-users of modern MP.
This leads to that the state-of-the-art of applied optimization solutions should migrate, massively, from deterministic optimization models to stochastic models. Stochastic optimization is there for many years, the first work, that the author knows, is the related with Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), or mean-variance analysis, that was introduced by Economist Harry Markowitz in 1952 (for which he was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Economics).
Then, SMM must include as part of its services the modeling of Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming (MS-SP) that implies to handle random processes over the decision trees and solve problems with different types of objective functions, for example: i) expected value; ii) MiniMax or Maximin and iii) maximum regret; additionally, SMM must include several alternative to risk management; for example, Conditional-Value-at-Risk constraints (CVaR).
Therefore, it is necessary to normalize the process of conversion of deterministic (core) model into a stochastic model; this process may be automatic, in the sense that the user must only configure the conversion process and SMM generates the stochastic model from the deterministic formulation. For this, SMM can define a process that considers:
1. Decision Tree, it may be generated using "split" variables with non-anticipative constraints, that is easiest way to express the decision tree.
2. Stochastic Process, the uncertainty dimensions must be defined by the users, considering which is the more convenient stochastic process. An easy way is to link random variables to parameters and/or sets of the core model, including indexes to handle each dimension of uncertainty. Currently the dimensions of uncertainty are included directly in the formulation of the problem implying that change the uncertainty dimensions involves changing the code of the program; This limits the correct use of the models, since in many cases it uses the model that is available and not the model that really requires the problem that is solving.
3. Risk Management: The biggest advantage of stochastic models is the inclusion of risk measures in the stochastic model. Nowadays, the risk measure most used is the CVaR (Conditional-Value-at-Risk).
4. Solution Process: the solution of the stochastic model can be accomplished through direct solution of equivalent deterministic problem (the random variables are fixed during the optimization process) or a “real” stochastic model (the random variables change during the optimization process) using LSOM. Sampling methods may be included in the SMM algorithms.
Therefore, it is a valid conclusion that to use deterministic models, when uncertainty is an essential part of the decision-making process, is a matter of the past.
3. SMM - Data Model: An Example
This section is located in section 2 to of: Standardization: The Base of MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 4.0 . Making MATH Models as LEGO
4. Smart Algorithms that Make Advanced Analytical Algorithms
4.1. Advanced Analytics Professionals
A robot is an artificial agent, meaning it acts instead of a person, doing things. Robots are usually machines controlled by a computer program or by electronic circuitry. The robot can be a physical mechanical mechanism and/or a virtual software system.
Consistent with the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation has come to stay in the field of the Advanced Analytics (the commercial evolution of Operation Research), where analysts and modelers will receive help of robots to do their job; Tomas Davenport, in his seminal book "Competing on Analytics", displayed three types of professionals involved with Analytics: i) Amateur, ii) Semi-professional and iii) Professional, twelve years after the publication of the book, comes a new type of professional: the "robotizer", professionals that make algorithms which, in turn, make advanced analytical algorithms, this speed-up the process of use of Advanced Analytics for those organizations that believe in it, and therefore opening more gap with those who do not believe.
It is evident that the robotics has already advanced in the process of using advanced analytic tools; analysts of data (input and output) of the mathematical models gradually were replaced by automatic processes (robots) that replace them; the reasons are: speed and accuracy. This is not new, Revenue Management systems many years working in an automated manner in relation to models that explain the elasticity demand-price and its subsequent application to optimization models, this is due to the number of models implementing pricing models in stores with large number of SKUs. The solution: computers dedicated to run mathematical models all time and checking and validate its results; it must be a standard in short term.
4.2. Industry 4.0 Revolution
“Industry 4.0 is a name given to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the IoT/IIoT, cloud computing and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 fosters what has been called a "smart factory". Within modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the IoT/IIoT, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real-time both internally and across organizational services offered and used by participants of the value chain” (Wikipedia).
The Cognitive Robot (CR) is fundamentals for Industry 4.0, it is based on concepts of AI, that writes advanced analytics algorithms that are required for the digital transformation of enterprises, CR automatically linking them to the enterprise information system; in summary, CR is a skilled robot that creates robots for complex processes using advanced mathematical methodologies (state-of-the-art). This robotization process is at the highest level of automation, because it does not replace manual human work but supports the construction of robots replacing human cognitive tasks, related to the optimization modeling of stochastic processes and/or business/industrial processes.
CR increases productivity of mathematical modeler; understanding productivity such as: make more models in less time and ensuring the quality of the produced algorithms. To develop CR is necessary the Structured Mathematical Modeling (SMM), this makes CR independent of industrial mathematical technologies. As well as in the manual work robots enhance human ability, in the cognitive process, robots promote knowledge, systematized the cognitive tasks that are repetitive, like: i) write programs (in at least one optimization technology), ii) check data of IDIS, iii) data analytics, iv) check the mathematical formulation store in MMIS, … , all these free of errors. Then CR speed-up the development times; changes in a model that works properly are implemented in minutes/hours.
There are at least two ways to orient these robots:
i) To select an algorithm from a set of prototype algorithms as the best (but somebody writes the prototype algorithm). This is the way selected for many informatic tools used in Artificial Intelligence (this is the case of Python, that facilitates the access to many algorithm libraries ; and
ii) To write the algorithms directly; it is necessary for if we need to developed algorithm for more oriented algebraic modeling, like Mathematical Programming. This document is oriented to this type of algorithms.
5. Optimization Knowledge Expert Systems
In artificial intelligence, an Expert System (ES) is a computer system that power and help the decision-making ability of a human expert. An ES is a knowledge-based system that uses a knowledge-based architecture where the knowledge base represents facts about the world.
The inference engine is an automated reasoning system that evaluates the current state of the knowledge-base, applies relevant rules, and then asserts new knowledge into the knowledge base. The inference engine may also include abilities for explanation, so that it can explain to a user the chain of reasoning used to arrive at a conclusion by tracing back over the chain of rules that resulted in the assertion.
An important aspect of modeling of complex systems is the presumption that optimization should be done in a single pass, in which the optimization model starts from zero and reaches the optimum in one step; in a lot of cases, the time available is insufficient to solve the complex problem with the required precision. This was valid when processing capacity and RAM and disk capacities were a scarce resource, it is not true today. Today it is possible to have idle computer processing capability, or can be rented at a low cost, this implies the change of the concept of starting from scratch, to pre-preprocessing before during the time the mathematical model is not required.
The basic idea is that scheduling, routing or real-time optimization applications never optimize from scratch, perhaps the first time, but once launched an optimization application can be conceived as a permanent process of re-optimization which can occur at any time. This fact implies the need to create an RDB to store the optimization results for use in the future we called this function as Optimization Expert System (OES).
OES is the way to capitalize of the experience acquired in previous optimization process, so that each new optimization involved in process starts reading/uploading the knowledge stored in database. The database may be in a disk or in RAM memory, and the “next” optimization will occur in the next second or in the next day or … ; it is a general concept. OES may contains information for, at least, three ways:
1. Start points: selecting the start point based on the history of runs and considering the differences with the new run. The easiest idea is to use the optimum point of the last run as a starting point for the next. This is already used in many matheuristics used in complex real-life problems.
2. Cutting planes that constraint the optimal-feasible zone based on previous runs of a model, it is applicable for many LSOM.
3. Optimal convex (or non-convex) hull that synthesize the optimal behavior of parts (sub-systems) of a complex system, making the model more “light”.
Lara et al. (2018) realized experiments to test the speed-up of the warm start. The graphic shows that the gain of the re-start occurs in the first iterations that associated with a point closer to the solution of the problem.
5.1. Benders Cutting Planes
This implies to include in OES an RDB to manage the cuts produced by a LSOM, it may imply the following process: i) cleaning database eliminating cuts, ii) aggregate cuts and iii) subrogate cuts. Rules of management of the database depends on the LSOM used and it is a matter of research, having as reference the rules implemented in actual algorithms to prevent unlimited explosion of unnecessary cuts.
Optimization processes should involve the experience gained in past optimizations; for example, BT cutting planes generated until an optimization k may include as initial cutting planes in the next optimization, or re-optimization, k+1. But, a good alternative may be to include an only one subrogate cut that is equivalent to all cuts used in the last iteration of the run k, following the theory developed by Greenberg and Pierskalla (1970, Velasquez 1986). The following diagram describes the process.
5.2. Convex Hull
Optimal convex (or non-convex) hull (OCH) is oriented to synthesize the optimal behavior of parts (sub-systems) of a complex system, and to replace the equations of the subsystems in original model by the equations that represent the OCH. The following diagram shows the approach that includes:
1. The model of the subsystem
2. The generation of the OCH and store the results in the RDB.
3. Include the OCH equation in the original model and solve it
An example can be the "real time" optimization of pipeline operations involving the integration of pumping stations (where must be selected the pumping patterns, parallel or serial, and the technical specifications of the operation: pressure and flow) and displacement of multiple types of oils along the pipeline (where energy losses have a non-linear behavior with respect to the speed), which corresponds to a non-linear non-convex mixed problem of high mathematical complexity.
However, if the equations related to the pumping stations that represents the optimal operating conditions shall be replaced in the mathematical model for “all” combinations of pressure (P) and flow (Q); however, if the equations related to the pumping stations are replaced by the non-convex hull (NCH) that represents the optimal operating conditions for “all”' combinations of pressure and flow for each type of oil (API). Then the energy (HP) required can be pre-calculated and storage before running the scheduling/re-scheduling problem, this implies to define a table with values of non-convex hull, HP=NCH(Q, P, API). The next diagram shows the grid associated with NCH of a pumping station for a type of oil. The equations that represent the NCH correspond to an interpolation in two dimensions, due to the non-convexity, binary variables are required for their correct representation.
The new problem is much light than the integrated problem and it can meet an optimal solution in reasonable times for the real-time optimization problem. The calculation of the non-convex hulls can be done during the idle time of the computer system.
More information of this case can be found in the paper Oil Pipelines Real-Time Optimization
6. Asynchronous Parallel Optimization
Asynchronous Parallel Optimization (APO, Velasquez, 1995, 1997) is defined as act of solve an optimization problem using multiple cores in a computer, or in a grid of computers, using the moderns multiprocessing environments; joining the decomposition and the partition large-scale theories (Benders Theory & Lagrangean Relaxation) that permits structure complex multilevel mathematical models; these systems are characterized by the set of problem families that they include. For this section it is convenient to define two terms:
- Partition: the action of dividing a problem into two subproblems establishing a hierarchical relationship between them.
- Decomposition: the action of dividing a problem in to multiple subproblems with the same level in a hierarchical scale.
These definitions are valid in this section, but the reader is caution that they are not universal definitions.
6.1. Implementation of Parallel Optimization
This section presents the fundamentals of general vision to develop optimization parallel applications using partition and decomposition methodologies. First of all, the modeler should be aware that to develop this type of application requires knowledge about the formalities which must be considered to implement applications of parallel computing of any kind; for example, the fundamentals of the implementation of a DCS (Distributed Control Systems) or of a SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) may help, these computer industrial systems implies the permanent communication between many task that altogether assume the integrated management and control of the industrial system in a multi-tasking environment.
The possibility of parallelism in BT is directly associated with application of decomposition to the problem. We will consider two cases: the application to problems: i) two levels and ii) multiple levels. In the following diagram, BT parallel applies to decoupled cuts and to unified cuts, but it does not apply to standard Benders cuts. In the case of decoupled cuts, the problems may belong to the same dimension (e. g. time, random scenarios) or to different dimensions (e. g. oil, gas and electricity)
6.2. Framework
Joining the decomposition theory and the multilevel partition theory can be structured complex multilevel models
- Interconnected Electrical Systems: integrated by the hydraulic, electric and the gas sectors
- Integrated Energy Systems: integrated by electric, oil, coal, gas, consumer and external sectors
- Global Multi-Business Industrial Supply Chains: multi-echelon supply chains integrated by factories, distributions centers and market located in multiple regions/countries for many complementary products. An example is the oil supply chain integrated by exploration, production, transportation and refining sectors.
Another reason to break down systems is related to the functions of the decisions; an example is:
- Strategic: related with the expansions of the supply chain, in the long term.
- Tactical: related with the plan (goals) of the operations of the supply chain, in the medium term.
- Operations: related with the actions and the technical specifications (specs) of each installation/area of the supply chain, in the short term.
In this case, models of different hierarchy must be interconnected to coordinate the correct evaluation of the projects and their subsequent execution. The links may be marginal costs (dual variables) and/or border conditions (primal variables).
These systems are characterized by the set of problem families that they include. In the next diagram each color represents a type of optimization problem related with a physical installation and/or decision level.
The following diagram presents a multilevel decomposition and partition scheme. The process followed is:
1. At the top level is the partition by the functionality of decisions: it corresponds to investments in expansion and simulation of operational decisions, which depend on multiple scenarios of the decision-making environment.
2. In the next step the system decomposition is done by random scenarios. This gives rise to a two-stage stochastic optimization model, known as L-Shape (Van Slyke and Wets, 1969)
3. Given that the system is multi-sectoral (for example, the energy sector: electricity, oil, gas and biofuels) it is possible to decompose the system in as many subproblems as couples <sectors-scenarios> exists. The Benders cuts may be decoupled, solving separate each subproblem.
4. To decrease the size of the subproblems, it is possible to make a new decomposition, in this case by zones.
5. Finally, a new decomposition can be based on the periods of the planning horizon.
These systems are characterized by the set of problem families that they include; each color represents a type of optimization problem related with a physical installation and/or decision level. This concept will be used later. The main advantage partition/decomposition approach is related to the abundance of opportunities for parallelism and atomization of the mathematical problem, involving several alternatives to address the mathematical problem solution; as a counterpart, the selection of the optimal alternative is a new research topic that must face the mathematical modeler.
6.3. Optimization Database
A fundamental point of the process of parallel optimization is the communications between the tasks which can be:
- Messages: between tasks using peer-to-peer approach or any type of messages services, like internet services.
- Database: all the information is stored in RAM or in disk; the tasks access to the database to upload/ download the data produced for other task during the optimization. To inform the tasks the availability of new information, one of the alternatives, is to implement a system semaphores that make that tasks access the data base the information when it is ready. This is the approach suggested here.
The diagram shows an example of four processors used in parallel optimization, three assigned to subproblems and one to the coordinator; the communication of tasks is done by a database in RAM memory (ideal for speed, but it may also be on a disk), which we will call “Optimization Database”.
The concept of a database as a way of data exchange is widely used, as example is the case of the DCSs or the SCADAs that share a database in memory, where all the measurements carried out in the industrial system are stored, this database usually is referred to as Real-Time Database. In the case of optimization, data producers are the optimization problems which, in turn, are provided of data produced by other problems. The generated data depend on: i) the type of problem, ii) the large-scale methodology and iii) the partition/decomposition scheme.
In the case of BT, the subproblems produce dual variables and receive primal variables; if the large-scale methodology is LR (Lagrangean Relaxation), the subproblems receive dual variables and generate primal variables. If methodology implies generalized cuts, such as Generalized Benders Decomposition (Geoffrion, 1972) the subproblems produce dual and primal variables. In multilevel BT, the problems of intermediate levels receive primal variables from the upper level and dual variables from the lower level.
Van Roy (1983) lays down the principles for use simultaneous large scale such as BT and LR methods. An example of DC can be the partition and decomposition of the coordinator of the multilevel model analyzed in the previous section. In that case, it is possible to apply RL divided the BT coordinator (which defines investments) in two problems: a Lagrangean relaxed coordinator and a subproblem that can be decomposed in many slave-subproblems; in the case of a multi-sectoral model, each subproblem represents the investments in a sector. To solve the model all subproblems, coordinator and slaves, must interchange information based on primal and dual variables that generates cutting planes.
In general, the optimization database must store results of the primal and dual variables of the optimization problems, linked to the loop iterations. This approach is generic, independent of the content of the problems; so, it can be generalized to many cases in such a way of handling standardized schemas of parallelization.
7. Real-Time Distributed Optimization
Real-Time Distributed Optimizacion, distribution of the optimization process in many agents that act simultaneous and independently when they received information from the its exogenous world. The process to follow can be summarized in the following steps:
1. From a top-down analysis mathematical is possible to construct mathematical or logical rules of interaction between multiple agents (representing each part of the system), which can represent the “ reality”,
2. Starting from the math/logic rule, following an approach bottom-up, is possible to build segmented/atomized models of the real-world.
Using asynchronous optimization processing, it is possible to define the actions of an agent that keep the system on the "optimality path".
7.1. Distributed Optimization as An Artificial Smart Neural Net
Making a parallel with neural nets , the concept of problem family can be assimilated to a “neuron” class; and the optimization process can be defined as a complex communications system between “smart neurons”. Basic neurons are based on perceptions that are added and processed in order to explain the behavior of the system based on adjustment of observations to history, but without ability to internally process the signals receiving.
If we define a type of problem such as a smart neuron, which has autonomous capability, based on "universal" mathematical laws, to process the inputs from the environment (primal variables in the case of BT) and produce the necessary information for another type of neuron processing (dual variables), the we have a new type of neural net: an smart neural net, that is based in mathematical laws and not only in the perception of the historic data.
As was noted previously, different types of problems that make up a system based on multilevel partition and decomposition of physical systems. This means that the structure of the smart neural network corresponds one-to-one with the parts of the physical system and it is not the result of an empirical process in which many structures are tested as part of the analytical work oriented to determine the best structure that represents the system. For example, in a supply chain system, all the relations between neurons are defined by the partition/decomposition protocols.
Perceptions-based neural nets are appropriate for describing static processes, e.g. the recognition of a pattern (image, letter, object,...), intelligent neural nets can handle dynamic processes, using the mathematical laws that support them.
7.2. Real-Time Distributed Optimization
Real-Time Distributed Optimization (RT-DO) is topic open to researchers in mathematical programming.
In many systems, the traditional optimization is based on the synchronized use of optimization models that run periodically (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, … ) and whose information is broadcasted to all components of the system, so, that they will act autonomously until the next time that the mathematical model will be run.
New technologies and the large amount of data generated permanently (big-data) change this view to an optimization that should be based on events: the models will be run, autonomously, when it is necessary, by events. This implies that each component of the system must know which information that it needs to take of the available measuring systems (smart metering) and what is the information that it should be provided so that other components of the system can make its decisions oriented to keep system in the “ optimality path”. We considered three cases.
7.2.1. Industrial Supply Chain
An example of distributed optimization may be a company that owns N production plants using standard BT, whereby the subproblem is decomposed into N subproblems, one for each plant. It is easy to check that the Benders cuts, decoupled, represents a function of production for each subproblem (Velásquez 2019d). This information can be stored in the optimization database and serves to make runs at any time for adjusting the plan/schedule, “automatically”.
Consider examples for two cases:
1. A plant out of operation, due to a catastrophic event (tsunami, landslide, strike, fire,...). The re-optimization may be considered, as warm start points, the cutting planes (production functions) of the remaining N-1 plants that must be stored in OES-RDB;
2. A plant undergoes changes in its industrial infrastructure, leaves a production unit (for example, corrective maintenance). In this case, during the event, the production function represented by the cutting planes ceases to be valid. Then, the history of primal variables sent by the coordinator can be extracted from the last OES-RDB and from this information to quickly build an adjusted production, and thus make the whole industrial system optimization. If the problem associated with each plant is decomposed in multiple process units, the optimization of the affected plant could also achieve simply by removing the affected process unit.
This analysis can be extended to "any" system, to facilitate the reoptimizing process.
7.2.2. Smart Grids
An example of the need of RT-DO is the optimization of the performance of actual intelligent power supply networks (smart grids). To achieve the optimality of the new systems of electricity, ideally it is necessary to optimize simultaneously, in an integrate model, all the smart grids that make up the power system. In practice, this is impossible to achieve, the reasons are non-enumerable; however, it is possible, based on the study of the type of power components (smart grids) to establish the communication rules between components to achieve optimality. The next diagram illustrates the concepts.
In public systems, the most complex part of this process may be the agreement between the parties oriented to act cooperatively to maximize the social surplus. In a private company, this may be easier.
It should be noted that the two previous process cannot implement if the multi-plant, or the smart grid, problem is solved in an integrated model. This is another advantage of LSOM: a better understanding of the functioning of techno-socio-economic systems.
In public systems, the most complex part of this process is to implement according to the parties that it should act cooperatively maximize the social surplus. In a private company, this may be easier.
6.2.3. Routing
The VRP-TW-TDTT, described in a previous section, is another example of RT-DO. In this case the process of a logistics operator which provides its services in a city congested traffic could be made as follows:
1. At a certain moment of the day a central dispatcher plans integrated all routes to comply with the delivery and/or the pick-ups of the day; this implies to solve the problem VRP-TW-TDTT optimizing an objective function according to the business rules of the enterprise. This process would be carried out centrally to generate the route (sequence of clients) and the path (sequence of streets) of each vehicle that will be used that day, each route must be loaded in a mobile smart device (SD) in the vehicle.
2. During the route, when finish the service in a node, the mobile device requests the information of the estimate travel times that need to end the route; with the new information the SD can solve a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and send the information to the central dispatcher. The starting point must be the last route assigned to the vehicle.
3. The central dispatcher decides when is necessary to solve the full VRP-TW-TDTT to reoptimize all routes, respecting constraints restrictions vehicles considering that the vehicles are already in operation, which limits certain operations, specific for each type of problem VRP.
This approach is consistent, since one of the ways of solving the VRP model is view it as a set of TSP problems, one for each vehicle, and solve it with a column generation scheme.
8. OPTEX Expert Optimization System
The concepts expressed in this document are part of the conceptualization of OPTEX 4.0 for the future.
OPTEX is a cognitive robot (may be the first cognitive robot to help advanced analytics solutions), it is result of praxis, since it has been used in several industrial/commercial projects that give rise to practices included in a CR. OPTEX is a proof that it is possible to implement SMM and from there develop practices of AI and expert systems, to generate a cognitive robot.
In addition to solving the basic optimization problems, OPTEX includes several advanced services, for real-world problems, aimed at facilitating the implementation of large problems. Among the services offered OPTEX generates models that includes:
1. Variables for feasibility analysis.
2. Initial pre-set value for any variable.
3. Equations for re-optimization including fixed variables.
4. Convex hull generation.
5. Generation of multi-criteria Pareto efficiency frontiers
6. Parallel/Distribute optimization of multi-problem models.
7. Disjunctive optimization
8. Large-scale optimization methodologies
9. Automatic conversion of a deterministic model to a stochastic optimization model.
10. Automatic generation of a dual model, for linear models.
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