The Future of Mankind - New Alphabet of Technology

The Future of Mankind - New Alphabet of Technology

Some of the top terms I have collected related to IT/Business/Medical/Finance/Automobile/others which gets lot of coverage in the blogs, tech magazines, Journals & others that will change the life in the next decades.

A -  Artificial intelligence / Augmented Reality
B - BlockChain / Bitcoin
C - Connected Cars / Cloud / Cybernetic immortality
D - Driverless Cars / Drones
E - Electric Cars
F - Five G Internet (5G)
G - Glass (Smart Eye wear / Google Glass) / Gesture tech
H -
I - Internet of things
J -
K -
L - Lithium IOn Battery
M - Machine Learning / Mobile Apps
N - Neural Networks
O - Open Source
P - Programmable Matter
Q -
R - Robotics
S - Smart Homes / Smart Pills / Solar
T - Three D Printing (3D)
U - Uberization
V - Virtual Reality
W - Watson / Wearable Devices
X -
Y - YouTube 360
Z - ZigBee (Opensource for IoT)

Dawid Ziobro

Domain Investor | Brand House

8 年

H - Holo / Holograms



