The future lies in going back to the roots.
Manas Nigam
Principal Engineer at SACO AEI Polymers | Extrusion | Capital Projects | Plastics
Came across this comprehensive article which talks about why we really do need Bio-based plastics today. Slightly costlier product can be a much bigger step towards not costing our economies.
Here is the link to the same:
While the article focuses on importance of bio-ethanol, There are carbon negative and carbon neutral technologies being studied around the world. We are putting a lot of money and resources in developing these technologies but how much portion of it is really taking shape as an end product?
My time at Michigan State University has given me insight on best of the best commercialized products, some have entered and some are yet to enter. The efforts put in their realization are tremendous but I feel the need of making it's importance felt to not just those in direct contact with the field. A trader or a commerce person needs to know the importance of the issue we are facing equally as anyone from STEM background.
I hope this small article sparks a debate in at least one non-conventional mind while I keep putting efforts on solving the ever-increasing problem.