Future Leadership for Future Leaders

Future Leadership for Future Leaders

From what we have learned during covid19, is what this Newsletter is all about.

This is for any kind of leader to help navigate & prepare themselves for the future in the area of leadership. How can leaders prepare themselves, the leadership team, employees & their Organizations for the future?

When I was coaching leaders, CEOs, and owners in the last 2,5 years I have often been asked which Strategies are the best to use in a time filled with uncertainty, how to be a good leader, and which skills are needed to be able to have a solid leadership development plan.

Honestly, it has been a very unpredictable & turbulent rollercoaster during these last couple of years, so my best advice was to continuously develop yourself and your staff. Because no one had the correct answers, no one could have predicted which strategies would match the situation for the next week, month, or year. And still, we are struggling to find our platforms in this new post-covid or rather in the midst of covid19.

I believe we all agree that we have been in a period filled with many changes in the speed of light. As if the earth was running faster than usual, and we had no idea how to understand what was going on, all we could do was hold tight to what we know while adapting to the new coming into our daily routines as if landing on a new planet or waking up after a long sleep.

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When the world around us turns around faster than usual, it's natural to seek a safe place. We had to create new habits and adapt, overnight.

Disruption made it a necessity to change overnight - or our Organization would have been disrupted by others. We had no choice but to follow the way things were going. We all know this is a fact.

When being in the neuroscience field, I know that nothing changes in your life, until you change. True change happens from within, meaning that this big change for all of us has caused smaller or bigger changes in our lives because we had to, it was a necessity.

We all know that disruption was an undeniable incident; we all saw it coming against us. There was no doubt that we all had to learn to become more digital in our approach to work. Some industries were under pressure because they were not online to an extent as others in their market.

Here is the thing: most of us did not change our approach to work - until we had to! Then what happens is when a sudden need arose was that the activation of overwhelm and fear for the unknown was a natural reaction to many of us.

Even though we know disruption was coming into our lives, we did not respond to it earlier!

The one thing to do then was to analyze the questions and the thinking behind them, in an attempt to?demystify?the?process?for?the leaders I was helping back on their feet again.

During the past years, I have seen a big need for a new kind of Leadership Development. I have developed a new approach to big changes.

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When working with leaders to become a distance leader with remote teams it takes courage because all was new - their approach, the workspace, and how their employees had to learn to work from home, or at least more online and remote from their colleges - it all was New.

I will share some of it with you today, in my new Newsletter, and please let me know if this is useful to you and your Organization. Often we just see the top of the iceberg, and what I do is to go approximately 10 steps deeper, to design a much easier culture for change.

My approach is based on the study of Neuroscience In Leadership, and what I discovered was: Changes is all about Mindset (this is not new) - but the connection to our body and how we respond to the changes from outside, is what makes the difference.

It made a huge difference when I was helping leaders to change their mindsets. Changing the way they think, behave and act, they change the way they feel. How you think, act and feel is your personality, and your personality creates your personal reality.

The Steps I developed were to change their minds from within, begin to walk the steps before the changes from the outside force you to do those changes that you already know you have to take.

Learning to be ahead and manage self-regulation and emotions like fear anxiety and insecurity is a huge step that makes the difference in how you master and perform in change.

Instead of waiting for changes and crisis, we can now help leaders prevent the trauma, we see the tremendous changes because we can transform ourselves within the midst of changes.

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Decisions can be filled with emotions from the past and hinder a good and easy path in the new you have to learn.

Our frontal lope can help us realize how easy or how difficult making a new kind of decision so the crucial 1. step is to make the decision about: "Is this the way I want to feel when confronting a change"?

Try to close your eyes and imagine you have to go through a change, and how you want this change can help you in your work, and how good you will feel - this actually can help you to control how you feel and how to act in your life.

Furthermore, these steps I developed will help your body to feel much more relaxed and will rely on what the brain makes you believe will happen; it will surrender and act as if it already happened. In this first step, there is a lot of development going on.

But my biggest takeaway for today is that you can use your brain activity to prevent yourself from feeling any kind of discomfort or insecurity - just by being aware and imagining how you want to see yourself taking your first step in this change you are trying to measure.

So try to do this exercise each time you face something new you have to do, or want to do. Imagination can sometimes help us overcome the biggest fear, and turn it into a small step as easy as learning how to dance, ride a bike, or go more online in our work.

Next week I will a little deeper about how we can be ahead of the next we have to learn.

Terry Chadban

Online Marketing specialist. Computer geek. Founder of Port Macquarie Online Marketing. Specifically I help time-poor business owners 2x their leads and profits in 1/2 the time they spend now.

2 年

In short, it is all about being pro-active, rather than re-active, in business and in life.

Terri McNerney

*MD Inspire the best *Women's Centred Leadership Coach * Strengths-Based Executive & Group Coach * Develop Aligned, Resilient & Thriving Teams. Partner with Turningpoint Leadership for largescale/global projects

2 年

Change starts with us, and within us as you say Helle Ottesen. It's so easy to want others to change without doing so ourselves, so a great reminder!

Izzy Gesell, CSP

Helping Speakers, Trainers, Facilitators, and anyone who stands up in front of an audience become more humorous, confident, spontaneous, and effective. WHERE ARE YOU STUCK?

2 年

Helle Ottesen The pandemic was "#proofofconcept for the practicality of #appliedimprov Turns out the skillset and #mindset of #improvisors is a survival method for a #pandemiclife

Stacey B.

Arts Administrator | MBA | Finance & Operations Specialist | Creative Organizational Leader | Champion of Collaboration & Community Impact

2 年

My biggest takeaway over the past two year is to embrace and accept the power of surrendering to the unknown! Love connecting that to the neurological and physical manifestation of that idea. Thank you Helle Ottesen!

Sawsan Khuri PhD SFHEA FRSA

Creating synergies and empowering the young - and doing this in multiple ways because why should there be only one way of doing anything?

2 年

Great reminder Helle Ottesen that "if it ain't broke" we don't put the effort into fixing it, and yet once we are provided with a reason, or an excuse, to find better ways we put a lot of energy into it. This is the essence of innovation practice and that generative, inclusive leadership we need for our future.


