Future Leadership – Globe’s Most Critical Issue?
Sonia McDonald
CEO & Founder @ LeadershipHQ - Future, Emerging & Women Leadership Experts | Global Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Extraordinary Leaders & Executive Coach | Leadership Advisor
Is the development and focus on our Future Leaders the globe's most critical challenge? I know this might seem to be an interesting question to ask and yes there are many key issues and challenges across the world today. Many of which are fundamentally essential to our globe.
Last year the World Economic Forum stated some key challenges and why they matter to the world such as such as politics, climate change, equality, poverty, and unemployment.
In turn, Business Insider published The ten most critical problems in the world, according to millennials and as mentioned that despite the dire state of the world today — and the stereotype that millennials' are selfish and apathetic (I disagree) — the generation aged 18 to 35 cares deeply about global issues, and they're determined to tackle them.
They state; in fact, 70% of millennials see plentiful opportunities for themselves and their peers, and 50% believe they can significantly contribute to decision making in their home country.
In turn, last month I spoke at Griffith University at their Future Leaders Summit and many who attended were 15-17 year olds. It was one of the most incredible days of my life. I spoke about Leadership Attitude and how those leaders in that room are vital for our world. The insights and questions were mind blowing. One question from a student was - "What do you think is going to be the greatest challenge for our generation in the future?". I stood silent for a while and said this was another topic all together. I said I think there are going to be a number of challenges; and I see leadership being the biggest and most important issue. To hear them say to me that I changed how they saw themselves, leadership and how they could make a difference, was beyond inspiring.
As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. Bill Gates
The thing is, in our research and work we are finding many of our future leaders who care so passionately about the globe, and it's challenges don't see themselves as leaders. Why? They see leadership as a role; a leader is a title. Leadership is not about position or title. It is about Attitude, Mindset, Behaviour and Action.
What are we doing today to build and cultivate our future leaders to guide and empower them to have the mindset and courage to lead? To be leaders.
Have a look at politics today. Look at the pool of leaders what are running our countries? Is the calibre of leaders we have to choose from today? Is the best of what the world has to offer when it comes to leadership? No…!
We need to step up. We need to lead.
We need great future leaders who can lead these critical issues. Yes, you might be saying what about the leaders of today, and of course, they matter. However, it is our future and emerging leaders that we need to give them the skills, confidence, courage and mentoring to lead our future.
We need leaders who are authentic, aware and know who they are. Leaders, who have the courage to stand tall, believe in themselves and demonstrate complete compassion, empathy and integrity. Leaders who only speak the truth and walk the talk. Leaders who want to be significant to others and create a legacy of leading the way.
Leaders who are inclusive and embrace the diversity of our world. Leaders who inspire and empower others to be the best they can be and lead change. Leaders are vulnerable and who are not afraid to say I am scared and I know I am going to make mistakes. Leaders who ask for help. Leaders who will keep moving forward and believe they have a purpose on this planet. Leaders who are the ripple effect.
Leaders who see leadership as an action and attitude.
We need leaders who will lead our global challenges with a whole heart, conviction and courage. We need to take care of your future leaders and make sure we are truly connecting with them. We need to be asking them how we can help them be better and be the best they can be.
We ALL have these global challenges. However, is the small things we can do today and each day to lead the way. It is those things that could have the greatest impact for future leadership and the globe tomorrow.
I am so passionate about Leadership; building leaders of today and for tomorrow. If you would like a Leadership Attitude, grab my latest book on our website www.leadershiphq.com.au or via Amazon, Kobe or Nook - or you can order it via your local bookstore too. Or talk to me or my brilliant team about our Emerging Leaders program - it truly rocks!
Please share with us what you are doing today to make a difference in leadership for tomorrow and why.
First FIVE will receive a FREE copy of Leadership Attitude.
Remember You Rock!
Sonia McDonald CEO & Founder LeadershipHQ
www.leadershiphq.com.au or www.soniamdonald.com.au
1300 719 665
I just want to thank ALL the amazing Leaders for your help and support for my post last week asking for help or contacts on TV to share this critical leadership issue. We now have had over 31K views! Amazing and so blessed with the support. You ROCK!
Just me and my Network....
7 年Terrific article Sonia McDonald. You mentioned the leadership examples we currently have to look up to? Do you mean private sector or Government or both? Can I suggest that "WE" your peers and supporters help you get to our politicians first. There is simply no leadership being shown there - yet that is what our younger future leaders are getting exposed to every day and night via media. It simply has to start there. Just my thoughts.
Human Resources Consultant
7 年Great article Sonia
CEO & Founder @ LeadershipHQ - Future, Emerging & Women Leadership Experts | Global Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Extraordinary Leaders & Executive Coach | Leadership Advisor
7 年Jordan D'Urbano
Global Executive | Problem Solver | Business Strategist | Collaborator | New Business Generator | Chief Resilience Specialist
7 年I believe 100% that leadership is not about titles, and further that millennials are able to adapt far quicker to current leadership challenges than given credit for. I feel the simplest way to deal with this leadership crisis is to be deliberate about what we intend to achieve. This can only happen through transparent and open discussions. I'm excited to see how millennials take up the leadership reigns and move is as a society forward.
Health & Safety Manager
7 年Love the article Sonia. We read today so many articles about the "Millennial" generation and how they are self-entitled, impatient and all about immediate gratification etc. etc. The reality is that millennials are our future leaders, therefore our current leaders must focus on how to ensure that millennials grow into the leaders that are the best version of themselves. What example are today's leaders setting for the millennials? Millennials do not respond to being managed by fear, nor does the carrot & stick approach work. They want to be inspired, coached, supported, mentored and most of all given meaning and purpose in the workplace. This is the challenging facing today's leadership. They can either choose to lead as the generation before us did (fear/carrot & stick) or listen. Listen to what millennials are saying and adapt and grow. Grow into the type of leader that millennials would aspire to be. Break the chains of our past and embrace the future because no one wakes up in the morning wanting to be managed, they would much rather be led.