The FUTURE is here!!!
As children we dreamed that when we grew up we would find ourselves in the future we saw in science fiction films and series: travelling through interstellar space, living in a world full of technological devices, creating our own food with a 3D printer, working in some futuristic area that we could not even imagine or conceive at the time, teleportation, instant communication with anyone anywhere in the world, etc... On the other hand, as we grew up, we saw that all this was nothing more than science fiction and that the reality that surrounded us had little or nothing to do with what we dreamed of. However, without us even realising it, technology has been advancing in front of our eyes and also behind our backs. Today, interpersonal communication through mobiles and computers is already a palpable reality that has no precedent in our history, and the incipient Artificial Intelligence is gaining ground every day in all areas of human work, although we are not really aware of it. We are so focused on our lives, our daily chores, our work and our circle of friends and habits that a new future has unknowingly been brewing to become a present reality. The future is already here. In this section I will feature articles and videos about jaw-dropping advances in technology, artificial intelligence and robotics.