The Future is Here and Now!
Craig Davidenko 克雷格
President of Business Development at VTOL AEROSPACE? - UAV SYSTEMS Principal Urban Air Mobilities?
When people talk about the future they sometimes speak of grandeos ideas or expectations. For most, the "Future" is invisioned as something that is far away and is something they cannot see. The term "future" is much like that of the term "new". Think about it.....we all drive used cars and the future was one second ago!
Definition of "Future":
1 a : time that is to come. b : what is going to happen. 2 : an expectation of advancement or progressive development. 3 : something (such as a bulk commodity) bought for futureacceptance or sold for future delivery —usually used in plural.
I am honored to be a part of a team that has been creating the future. Our company VTOL AEROSPACE is laser focused on the commercialization of VTOL aircraft. We have tasked ourselves with a perserverance of exceeding the future. Today our Head of Autonomous Systems integrated voice control for our mission critical emergency aircraft. Imagine..... no! you don't have to imagine. Just say "Alexa, launch UAV and search for survivors"! - UAV finds survivors and reports back with voice message saying "We have found 12 people at GPS coordinates, latitude and longitude".
Our progress with 360 Bubble Technology?is going to be the standard for all "autonomous craft" - AIR, LAND or SEA. All parts of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Machine Learning are being meshed so that our safety redundancies operate flawlessly.
The future is understanding our scalability, not only do we understand it but we are continuously refining it. The future is relative to what your narrative reveals.
The FUTURE as we know it is bright and filled with endless possibilities, but as Mark Neville (Head of Autonomous Systems - VTOL AEROSPACE) says: "We make the Impossible > POSSIBLE.