Future in Hardwork
Bright Future in Hardworking
Researches had their research on different countries and they found that the Japanese are the most hardworking nation who are working an average rate of 2,450 hours per year which leads them to develop their country. You will find everyone busy in japan by doing their jobs including men, women and even teen agers. This is the reason that their economy is getting better day by day.
What means by hardworking?
It means that the following 3 energies of yours comes into force:
· 1st is your body
· 2nd your brain
· 3rd is spiritual power.
If someone is utilizing these three together while he is working then he will be doing a hard work and he possess a hardworking personality.
What if people said that don’t get reward of their hard work?
This is just a myth, 1st of all the person who said like that is not doing hard work, if he is really doing a hard work then he must be doing it in a wrong way. Suppose if you want to go out of your room, the best way is to go through the door instead of trying to go through the wall. To set a goal or having a direction is a key prior to do hard work. Hard working should in some direction set by an individual.
Sometime a person is doing hard work in the right direction but not getting his reward, I must say that he will get reward not that time but in sometime future he will get allot of benefits of his hard work. Sometime you will not get anything immediately, you have to wait for the right time from nature.
Why some peoples are not doing hard work?
Actually I would say that they are confused about their profession, knowledge, degree and their goals. They didn’t discover themselves on time when they had the power of hardworking. If you need to do hard work then you must discover yourself and find out what do you need to do? Where you want to put your all the efforts?
How to become a hard worker?
· Study your religion which always motivate you toward hardworking.
· Find out your role models and follow them.
· Change your mood towards hardworking, insert in your behavior an attitude of hardworking by sitting with those peoples who are hard workers. You will get allot of energy by watching their ambitions and you will also get addicted of it.
· Always compare yourself with other peoples who are very successful with their hard work. Comparison will show you that how far you are from success.
Some fine examples of Hardworking:
· Thomas Edison invent bulb after 9,999 time failure.
· Microsoft windows invent after 15 years hard work.
· Polio vaccination invent after 25 years hard work.
· 1st step at moon after 16000 times failure
Allot of examples I can quote here but I will end this topic with this beautiful idiom by Steve Pavlina
“When you live for a strong purpose then hard work is not an option, it’s a necessity”.