The Future of Hacking – Your Home and Your Car?

The Future of Hacking – Your Home and Your Car?

Take a second to think about just how many aspects of your life is “plugged in”. Most likely, your computer isn’t the only thing connected to the internet or a wireless server. People these days have electric cars, smart fridges, smartphones, smart TVs, even washing machines and light bulbs that use your Wi-Fi.

All of these electronics are either connected to your email or bank account, or use a payment system (like an electric car’s charging station) that is connected to the internet.

While all of these appliances are cool – like, really cool – and make life more efficient, they can all be hacked. That’s right, the electric car you are currently or may one day be driving in?can be hacked into.

Keeping Up

Smart technologies are advancing at a rapid pace, and security measures designed to protect them are struggling to keep up. Even something as innocuous as a smart fridge can be used to find your email account name and password.

The problem is the strength of the security of these devices isn’t up to you or companies like TOSS C3. It’s up to the software developers themselves, and when it comes to smart appliance some of these developers have not given a clear picture on what exactly they do to prevent cyber-attacks.

This article?from InfoWorld last year revealed how the warranty page of Samsung’s Smart Fridge did not mention one word about software or software updates. That means that if you are an owner of this smart fridge, you have no guarantees that any bugs or glitches in the system are being patched. Your appliance can be used as a fast lane to your network and can be used to launch bigger and more complex attacks.

What Will Save Us?

Luckily, another form of innovative technology has been steadily improving right alongside smart technologies.

Artificial intelligence has massive potential to be the cybersecurity watchdogs we badly need. The cybersecurity industry is already understaffed and overworked as it is, and the implementation and increase in popularity of smart technology this year is only going to make matters worse for us humans.

AI and machine learning will greatly help stem the tide, and it’s already being tested to stop?automated attacks. Hopefully it won’t be too long until artificial intelligence is able to take on more complex hacks like ransomware and spear phishing.

As the devices and machines we rely on in our everyday lives become less reliant on humans, so too will its security. Unfortunately, the prevalence of smart appliances and machines may bring about a very profitable year for hackers, however the improvements in artificial intelligence could usher in a golden age for cybersecurity.


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