The Future is in Good Hands...
Carol S. Scott
Global AI Speaker, Leading $6 billion in AI/Cloud ISV growth, Co-founder, (A)ction (I)mperative, Microsoft Executive (former Deloitte/AWS Exec)
"People should not stereotype an entire generation, we are individuals." "I identify as a reflective, florescent safety cone." "They have not changed but I have." "My pronoun is she/her" "Look this way" as Snapchat snaps. "Our Rocket Sat project was selected to fly at Wallops this summer." "I'm a double major in health & English but I am still contemplating my future. I am on track for a five year masters once I choose." This is a small sample of the holiday conversations with my three daughters and their cousins.
The future is being created by this remarkable Generation Z who do not want you to put them in a box. I have great news, the future is in good hands and they are ready to have hard, challenging and fun conversations. They are digital natives but want to have a meaningful conversation with you. They have interesting friends on similar adventures and have stories to share.
In this picture you will see a future aerospace engineer, kinesiologist, entrepreneur, fashion designer and teacher. Their little cousins are driving crazy carts and looking up to these courageous young women. They are fierce and kind, strong in their bodies and spirit. Their hands are already leading the next generation and they are challenging how older generations are taking care of the earth while they show up and vote. I told my daughters today women have only been voting 100 years in this 243 year old country and I have no doubt they would have been part of the women's suffrage moment in 1920! These young women will not be bound by the past stereotypes or limits.
As you start 2020, find a young adult, teenager or K-12 student and ask them for their insights and what they care about. You will be inspired and challenged. Offer to mentor and help this generation learn and grow and the same will happen for you!
Be curious, courageous and kind in 2020 and never stop learning and growing as we launch into this next decade. And be prepared for Generation Z to keep you honest....and laughing.
Happy New Year!