The Future of Forensics at the Dutch Police - FO PITSTOP

The Future of Forensics at the Dutch Police - FO PITSTOP

"Beter. Slimmer. Sneller"?
(Better. Smarter. Faster)?

Last week the Politie Nederland held their?FO (#ForensischOpsporing) R&D Pitstop. The day brought together Police &?their?collaborative (chain) partners from the ten operational regions across the Netherlands, including academic institutions, researchers, and delegates from external partners (NFI, TMFI), Public Prosecution Service, and the Court. The aim of the 'pitstop' was to present the mid-way outcomes of?nine of the ten?high-end operational projects aimed at increasing the efficiency of real-time results at the front-end?of the #forensicinvestigation. The workshops ranged from handheld biometric mobile devices at crime scene, to AI and ethics, Lab in a bus for fast onsite DNA testing.

The day began with a very entertaining keynote delivered by Robert Doornbos, former FI racer and member of the Red Bull F1 team. He discussed the importance of speed, quality, data and collaborative team work. That is, the ingredients of what it takes to be a winning team and how to stay ahead of the game.?

"If things feel like they're under control, you're not pushing hard enough"??Robert Doornbos
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Keynote Speaker: Robert Doornbos - F1 Redbull Team

Following the keynote there were two round table panel sessions. Facilitated by William Swaters , the round table discussions included representatives from the following organisations - Jan Struijs, Voorzitter van de Nederlandse Politiebond (NPB), Jan Willem Schaper, Directeur Juridische Zaken Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, Neeltje Geldermans, Hoofd Operati?n Midden Nederland en voorzitter van de stuurgroep Snelle DNA-straat, Annemarie M. Organisatieontwikkeling Programma FO followed by Henk Korvinus, Inspecteur-generaal van de Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid, Marc Elsensohn, Algemeen directeur van het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI), Mirjam Warnaar, Landelijk Forensisch Officier van Justitie (OM), Wilbert Paulissen Portefeuillehouder SO

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Round table panel session #2.


The remainder of the day involved a series of workshops in which attendees could participate in four of the following nine workshops.

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The nine FO Pitstop workshops: From left to right. Top row: Intelligence-Based Synthetic Drug Testing (trends), DNA-testing in top gear, Biometrics - The World of Fingers and Facial Recognition, The NFI accelerates Rapid ID, onsite. From Stones to Speed (TMFI) (faster turn-around-times). Bottom Row: New tools: the FO module and BVI tools, AI & Ethics: A Stranger?, Lab on a bus & even more speed, Experimental lab DO/FO: stories from practice.

Vingerafdrukken via een telefoon 2000% sneller? Spectaculaire versnelling van DNA-sporen in een achttal proeftuinen? Wat is de toegevoegde waarde van FO bij zaken met grote maatschappelijke impact? Wat zijn de eerste resultaten van publiek private samenwerking? Hoe verantwoord omgaan met de nieuwste gezichtsherkenningssystemen? Hoe verhoudt digitale transformatie zich tot ethie?“

(Translated to English: "Fingerprints using a mobile phone processed 2000% faster? What is the increased efficiency of the analysis of DNA traces in eight experience labs? What is the added value of FO in cases with a major social impact? What are the first results of public-private partnerships? How to deal responsibly with the latest facial recognition systems? How does the digital transformation relate to ethical matters? In short, how do we make transparently, by using new ICT tools and organisational changes, making the Netherlands safer?”)


To maintain #PublicSafety, one goal of the forensic investigation is to disrupt and prevent criminal activity. But forensic investigation faces multiple problems. Whilst criminal activity increases, the cost of forensic investigation is too high, it is too slow, too fragmented, and has an increasingly outdated ICT infrastructure. Additionally, as specialists retire or move on, next generation forensic specialists must be provided the framework to acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills on the current developments and technological advancements across the field. Naturally, the Dutch being renowned leaders in innovation view multiple problems as multiple, (properly evaluated) innovative solutions! There are new opportunities for chain partners including a fast ID line, better and faster digital and forensic investigation tools and approaches, On-site laboratory testing capabilities, e.g., synthetic drugs and DNA, and private laboratory facilities for faster turn-around-times within the Dutch Police Law Enforcement Agencies. This is evident in initiatives like the FO PitStop, which presented some spectacular results!

"Spectacular results"
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To significantly speed up processing, properly evaluated digital and mobile devices should be used. The Police of the Netherlands have seen some spectacular reduction of Turn-Around-Times (TATs) including;

  1. Fingerprint and facial recognition significantly reduced TATs from an average 8 days to half an hour via a smartphone
  2. DNA identification (volume crime) increased efficiency from an average of 50 days to 4 days, and in some cases a few hours!
  3. Increased efficiency of chemical analysis (drugs) by Forensic chain partners to 24 hours

(Source: Presentation, Ruud Staijen, programmadirecteur Forensische Opsporing bij de politie)

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The future of forensics lies in collaborative teamwork and importantly, connectivity with external organisations (stakeholder management and communication). This includes utilising state of the art digital technology and creating an infrastructure for more efficient on-site detection and analysis, with real-time results.?Digitilizing Forensics is the way forward, for better, faster, smarter, results.

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Future of Forensics: Digitalising forensics at the front line. The National Police of the Netherlands

This initiative has been presented at the CEPOL European Research & Science Conference - Preparing Law Enforcement for the Digital Age, including the RCMP, Universities and to Senior Police Management. The vision toward the future of forensics is not only a vision, but now an #evidencebased strategy toward operational implementation. Proof of concept is one step forward, whilst operational validation and effective ICT capabilities are another. Getting the people to embrace change is perhaps the most difficult. Importantly, forensic investigators, their customers, and respective stakeholders all want better, smarter, and faster results. (Communications with Ruud Staijen)

Concluding Remarks

Forensic Investigation is going through a significant shift in the fight against crime. The level of knowledge exchange and collaboration amongst the Dutch Police is applaudable and exactly the reason why they are one of the global leaders in innovative policing.?Having observed several agencies across the globe now, the Dutch Police are one of the leading Law Enforcement Agencies to benchmark on a process level. In addition, they are always keen to hear from external providers and connect to forensic providers across the globe. The outcomes are available in Dutch although for Managers of Forensic Service Providers interested in the projects, funding, and pitstop outcomes, I highly recommend reaching out to the Program Manager of the Organisational Development (Forensic Investigation), Annemarie M.

"Let’s make it safer out there! Adopt, adapt en improve!" Ruud Staijen


Thank you to Annemarie Maandag, William Swaters, and Ruud Staijen for sharing additional information about the FO Pitstop and initiatives the Police of the Netherlands.

#publicsafety?#forensicscience?#policing?#innovation?#projectmanagment?#leadership #strategy?#forensicinvestigation #forensicintelligence


Videos on the FO PIT STOP can be viewed by scanning the QRcodes below.

  1. The Teaser for the FO Pit Stop can be found here (In Dutch)

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TEASER - FO PITSTOP 23-11-'22 QR code

2. 'Impressive Event - FO Pitstop - 23-11-'22 - follow-up video can be found here (In Dutch)

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Impressive Event - FO Pitstop - 23-11-'22
Annemarie (Annie) Nadort

Research officer at NSW Police Force

2 å¹´

Would love to read more about the outcomes, should I touch base with the program manager via LinkedIn messaging?

Dr Eva B.

Forensic Project Officer

2 å¹´

Hey Caroline how can I send this to an email address not on LinkedIn? Many thanks

Dr Carolyn Lovell

NPCC Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser - Policing -Head of Research

2 å¹´

Yea please love to hear more

Janice Gibb

Nursing Supervisor at NGHA, KAMC-Riyadh

2 å¹´

Fascinating read. Amazing information

William Swaters

Als verteller ben ik verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van de communicatie. Complexe (Keten) ICT vraagstukken vertalen en implementeren. | Strategie | Digitale Transformatie | Verbinder | Creatief | Dagvoorzitter

2 å¹´

Caroline Gibb: Better, Smarter, Faster: Thanks! Robert Doornbos #opsporingverdientsporen


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