Future of Electronics RESHAPED: How To Plan Your Exhibition Visit Now

Future of Electronics RESHAPED: How To Plan Your Exhibition Visit Now

Conference and Exhibition | Berlin | 23 & 24 OCT 2024

There will be over 80 onsite exhibitors. Therefore, to make the best out of your time at the show, we recommend that you begin learning more about the exhibitors and to arrange meeting in advance.

But first, we recommend that you explore the fantastic program now, featuring:

?72+ Onsite Talks

?80+ Onsite Exhibitors

?12 Masterclasses

?4 Tours

?600+ Attendees

?1500 Talks in the On-Demand Talk Library and Online Annual Access to All Future of Online and Onsite Events

Explore & Register Before 11 October When FINAL Early Bird End

Plan Your Exhibition Visit

We are pleased to announce that there will be 81 onsite exhibitors at the upcoming show in Berlin. You can see the final floorplan below.


To best utilise your time at the show, we recommend that you plan your visit in advance. Indeed, you can already learn more about our exhibitors and plan your visit.

To view an exhibitor's online profile, simply click on its logo on this page. ?

If you need detailed contact information to arrange a meeting, please email us and we will do our best to make an introduction!

Explore & Register Before 11 October When FINAL Early Bird End




