Future by default, or future by design
A "future by default" is the future you have because you didn't die the night before. You woke up and confronted your future as laid before you by outside forces and other people. Make 2023 the year that you take control of your time and your life.
Create a "future by design" by planning.
The Planning Process...
After you have determined your Vision, which was discussed in a previous post, the picture of your future state, determines your Mission, which is your "purpose" and the "whys." Things like family security, achieving financial independence, and helping others achieve their purpose. It is the driver and motivator.
Steps in the Planning Process
As you prepare to put together your Business Plan for 2023, take a look at the steps in the planning process:
1. Assemble your data from 2022. This includes what is referred to as a Profit and Loss Statement, a "P and L."
2. Review your income from all sources, and expenses that were required to create that income.
Also, look at any other notes you may have on the year...your calendar, where you spent your time, and what you got from the time spent. How many open houses? How much cold calling, how much time off?
Review the data. Notice the consistencies and the anomalies.
3. Conduct a SWOT Analysis.
What are your Strengths and Weaknesses? These are items internal to you and your business's operation.
Look external to determine Opportunities and Threats. Often Opportunities can also be Threats, and Threats can be Opportunities. Things like the economy, interest rates, availability of affordable housing...
4. Consider the most significant issues that might impact your business in the coming year.
5. Review your customer list from 2022, the successful deals, and contacts, and the ones that led nowhere. What customer needs did you fulfill, and what customer needs did you not fulfill...and what can you do in 2023 to fulfill more of the needs of the people you serve?
6. List and prioritize your services.
7. Make a list of the resources required for your success in 2022 and allocate those resources to the list of prioritized services.
8. How will you implement your plan, once you have the details, and how you will hold yourself accountable for your desired results?
9. How will you track the results of your efforts? How often will you review (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or semiannually)?
10. Adjust as necessary.
11. More to come...
-Saul Klein-