The Future Of Dating
April Beyer
CEO & Founder of LEVEL Connections, Matchmaker, Relatability Keynote Speaker, Communication & Relationship Expert
The future of dating is a different picture than the one we see today.
I'm already seeing a shift in people and one that is making everyone reach just a little deeper. How can it not? These are unprecedented times. It's only natural that we would evolve after going through a crisis of this level.
We're going to come out of this and when we do, we'll be better for it. The isolation from friends, family and loved ones and the daily quarantine has everyone feeling a sense of longing for what was. Suddenly, friends who didn't see one another for months are creating FaceTime cocktails and virtual dinner parties.
It's as if something has to be taken away for us to remember what's most important.
Social gatherings and events have been canceled. Connection is not cancelled.
Without connection, we are lost. Yes, distance yourself physically, but not emotionally.
What You Can Do To Make a Positive Shift
Start leveling up your communication style. When the world rights itself, and it will, those who are prepared to be bold and authentic will be the ones who shine in the future landscape of dating.
The separation that's been created by dating apps paired with the current isolation with social distancing, is going to create a greater need for companionship, relationship and love. That won't be possible if you're playing by the old rules or bad habits you've formed from having to navigate and swim in the dating tech pool.
Dating Redefined
If the concept of dating seems far off to you and superficial right now considering we're fighting for our lives and careers, I get it. It could be the last thing on your mind with all you're dealing with. But, consider that your defintion of dating is incorrect.
Dating isn't a means to an end, a necessary chore to get a relationship or a meeting to qualify someone as quickly as possibly so you don't waste your time.
A date is an opportunity to connect, reveal, learn and share with someone new to your life.
To look at dating in any other light will create too much frustration, postering, sadness and fewer opportunities to meet the person you're met to share your life with.
To have your eye on the target of an outcome keeps you from enjoying the moments and your life in general. In my twenty years of experience in the dating industry, I can tell you that those who looked forward to new connections and enjoyed the dating process were the ones who found love the fastest. Interesting, right? Everything else you've been taught tells you that you need to drive your personal life the way you drive your career. Not so, it's the diffused focus that allows you to see everything around you.
The Silver Lining
Courtship is going to make a come back. As soon as the restrictions for physical distancing are lifted, people will be ready to listen closer, linger longer and jump for the opportunity to sit and chat with you to get to know one another. We'll see a shift in how attentive people will become on dates, the amount of text messages will decrease as the invitations to speak on the phone will increase. The thoughtless swiping will drift away as people will no longer be thought of as just a photo or bio to quickly dismiss. If we've learned anything during this time, it's that our connections and our health are our most valuable commodities. And, since healthy, thriving relationships have a massive impact on your health, you can now consider dating as one of your drivers for well-being and optimal health.
You can jump in now and start creating lasting connections. Yes, even now when we're in quarantine. Connect with potential partners on the phone, ask the deeper and more meaningful questions that lead to creating closeness, schedule FaceTime or Zoom date nights. It's all possible. It's all right in front of you. It's all up to you to find the silver lining and create a beautiful life.