The Future of Data Pipelines for Modern Enterprises
In today’s day and age, as data continues to have an ever increasing influence on decision-making, innovation and? day-to-day operations, companies are depending on sophisticated data pipelines to obtain, process, and analyze vast amounts of data. However, with technological advancements, the data landscape is becoming more and more complex causing data pipelines to undergo significant transformation.
The need for ever-increasing speed and accuracy of processing is driving the need to build major innovations into the Data Landscape.
Let’s get into the details of some of the noteworthy features that will define the Data Pipelines of the future:
Real Time Data Processing
With an “A day old is ancient†approach, organizations are shifting their focus to Real Time Streaming with Data Pipelines following suite. Ingestion, processing and analysis of streaming data is enabling organizations to accelerate decision-making and responsiveness and also making sure that critical applications run on real-time or near real-time data. Technology offerings like Apache Kafka, Apache Flink and cloud based solutions like Google Cloud Data Flow, AWS Kinesis and Azure Stream Analytics are proving to be the enablers for this change.?
Obvious benefits of this approach are:
- Real Time Insights into critical organizational aspects
- Improved Client Experience
- Enhanced Competitiveness
Cloud-Native Data Pipelines
Cloud-Native Data Pipelines have a huge advantage over traditional Data pipelines in terms of scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. They can completely alter how organizations manage and utilize their data pipelines. Modern cloud-based data platforms like Snowflake, Databricks, and Google BigQuery can enable organizations to do-away with on-premise infrastructure and effectively leverage serverless computing, elastic scaling and use of managed services. Cloud Native Pipelines support a plethora of UpStream and DownStream systems which makes them more agile and adaptive as compared to traditional Data Pipelines. These factors also reduce the complexity of cloud native data platforms and thus, maintenance becomes more cost effective.
Automation and Orchestration
With the Data Landscape becoming increasingly complex, it is becoming very difficult for organizations to? manage and monitor Data pipelines manually. Hence, organizations are moving away from this cumbersome approach to a more automated one. Automation of Data Pipelines ensures minimum human intervention in ingesting, transforming and analysing data. Orchestration tools manage the flow of tasks and ensure correct sequence. Both of these reduce human error, increase the velocity and scalability of data delivery and improve efficiency of resources, both human and machine.
Orchestration platforms like Kubeflow, Apache Airflow, Apache Nifi,? Prefect, AWS Step Functions and Dagster, to name a few, help enterprises design and manage increasingly complex Data Pipelines and provide better visibility of the overall data landscape.
Going Serverless
Serverless Frameworks allow organizations to create Data Pipelines which have the ability to scale automatically based on demand. This makes them capable of handling data spikes and low usage without human intervention. This helps organizations optimize their cost over a period of time.
Offerings like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions enable Serverless Computing for organizations and in turn, make them better equipped to handle any kind of data load.