The Future is Coming, Part III
In my previous blog posts, we talked about setting goals through reflection, brainstorming, and desire. We also looked at refining goals so that they are specific, measurable, and attainable. Now it’s time for the final step: developing an Action Plan.
Having an action plan is a critical component for actually achieving your goals. Without some kind of plan, your goals are more like dreams or wishes you hope will come true someday.
There are many approaches to creating an action plan. Here a few you can try.
1. Create a to-do list with deadlines. This is great for a single-instance goal. For example, let’s say you want to try sky diving. Your to-do list may include taking time to research what’s involved in sky diving, looking for sky diving schools, and calling to make an appointment.
2. Schedule periodic check-ins. This method works well for bigger goals to be achieved over time. You might want to record your forward movement on a monthly basis for example. This type of goal also works well with an accountability method such as providing public updates on your progress on social media or within a support group.
3. Plot on a calendar. This is a good method to use for ongoing, repetitive goals. For example, for this blog I created an annual calendar with a list of topics for each week. This schedule allows me to work ahead, record my progress, and understand the next steps.
Admittedly the Action Plan portion of goal setting does take time, but it’s key to succeeding because it adds definition to your path towards achieving your desired outcome and means you’ve visualized your path to accomplishment.
I’m curious about other Action Plan strategies that have been successful for readers – please share yours in the comments.