The future comes with 2 letters: "UN"...ordered.
It is like this at any time in time. But we always create utopian thoughts about the future.
?? How will you and your company be in 2030? ?? ?? Is the "market" saturated, or are the "strategies" already saturated? ??
Eduardo Gomes once said... "All knowledge is provisional and incomplete".
We need the ?right? knowledge ?? Yes, RIGHT! Because it is very easy to become obese with knowledge.
Who do you trust to help you on this journey????
?? The world compulsorily changes the journeys of companies and people's lives.
And there is no point in expecting the future to come "just right", according to the pipeline.
Are your company and its products "essential" for people? YES! ESSENTIALS!!!
We used to talk a lot about “customer experience”, but what about “customer perception”? That is something that lasts a lifetime and can be passed down through generations.
Therefore, any business without a relationship is not a business. Try to do business that is not transactional, but rather RELATIONAL. Try to take different approaches. It’s not about how we think individually, but how the collective thinks.
I’ll give you an example, but far from sounding pejorative... Have you ever tried selling perfume to a man? Put 10 different ones in front of him. He’ll smell the first one, and maybe even the second one, but he’ll quickly say: “This is the one! Definitely!”. A woman will try all 10, go back to the 5th, then the 8th, then the 6th; the 3rd and still go back to the 1st one. ?? So, do you really know who your customer is? (お客様=zákazník=т?тынушы=customer)
There is no product without service! A product without service is a commodity. If you are in this segment, ok! But if you are not... If your product has service, you are on the right track. But if not, work towards it!
And speaking of it already “FIGITAL”? We have heard it like this: ?? “...our product is sold like this, and delivered like this...” ??. ????This company has already gone bankrupt and doesn't know it. ????
MULTICHANNEL is already evolving into OMNICHANNEL!
OMNICHANNEL puts “all of us” at the center, not in channels.
Some suggestions: ?? Map the inevitable ?? Understand what is NOT changing ?? Differentiate between FORCE and FUNCTION ?? Discard the speculative ?? Find the disruptions ?? Share the inevitable. (We as humans have a tendency to avoid difficult news, and this sometimes leaves people blind and deaf.)
But in the real world, results often don't happen. And what to do?
Well, as contradictory as it may be, what we have natively is to improve mistakes!
Our brain is lazier than we imagine — it takes a lot of cognitive effort to change the mental shortcuts we've already built.
That's why the role of the Advisor in companies is so important, whether in the form of mentoring, consulting or administrative. It's not that he plays the role of an oracle, but rather helps Charmain solve problems, especially when there's a need for external expertise.
So insist on your purpose and review your strategic planning!
“The problem is not the problem. The problem is the attitude towards the problem.” Kelly Yong