The Future of Colorectal Cancer Surgery

The Future of Colorectal Cancer Surgery

December 15th LIVE at

As with rectal cancer, surgery for colon cancer has evolved, and with emerging techniques and technology we are able to offer our patients more precise surgery with potentially improved outcomes and less morbidity. However, as new options present themselves, it is right that we attempt to objectively understand the potential and limitations of any change in practice. Do we need to be more radical in the case of CME? Or can we less aggressive in our excision with ESD? Will intracorporeal anastomosis using state-of-the-art robotics head towards day-case colectomies? Or can 4K imaging provide the laparoscopist with further advantages?

On December 15th 2017, AIS Channel will be hosting this outstanding educational event of the #colorectalsurgery calendar and attempting to answer some of these important questions. The event will be broadcast live from University College London Hospital and chaired by Manish Chand alongside co-chairs Antonio M. Lacy and Steven D. Wexner. Indeed, AIS Channel will once again bring together an international expert panel to debate the issues and offer live surgery and endoscopy direct to viewers all over the world. There will be a number of new innovations to allow immersion in the event with real-time questions and interaction with the audience.

Join us and participate in this tremendous live event which will be followed all over the world!

Simultaneous Live Surgeries from UK and USA:

ESD colon/rectal - A. Haji / P. Bhandari

Lap Right Hemicolectomy (4K Surgery) AM Lacy / M. Chand / B. De Lacy

Robotic Right Hemicolectomy V. Obias / C. Johnson


Manish Chand - Consultant Colorectal and Endometriosis Surgeon UCLH London (UK)

Antonio M. Lacy - Director of Gastrointestinal Surgery Department Hospital Clinic Barcelona (Spain)

Steven D. Wexner - Director Digestive Disease Center Cleveland Clinic Florida (USA)


Richard J. Heald - Surgical Director Pelican Cancer Foundation Lisbon (Portugal)

Conor P. Delaney - Chairman Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute Cleveland Clinic (USA)

Richard Cohen - Divisional Clinical Director of GI Surgery UCLH London (UK) 

Julio Mayol - Chief Medical & Innovation Officer & Surgeon Hospital Clinico UCM Madrid (Spain)

Marian Berho - Director Anatomic & Clinical Pathology Cleveland Clinic Florida (USA)

Calvin Coffey - General, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon University Hospitals Limerick (Ireland)

Rogier Crolla - Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgeon Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda (Netherlands)

Tan Arulampalam - Consultant Surgeon at Ramsey Oaks Hospital (UK)

Deborah Alsina - Chief Exectuive at Bowel Cancer UK

Takeaki Ishizawa - Deputy Chief Cancer Institute Hospital Tokyo (Japan)

Joep Knol - Colorectal Surgeon Jessa Hospital Hasselt (Belgium)

Danilo Miskovic - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon St Mark's Hospital (UK)

Jim Khan - Consultant Surgeon Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (UK)

Brendan Moran - Consultant Surgeobn at Hampshire Hospitals (UK)

Pradeep Bhandari - Professor of Gastroenterology at University of Portsmouth (UK)

Vincent Obias - Chief Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery at George Washington Hospital (USA)

Venkatesh Munikrishnan - Consultant Colorectal Robotic Surgeon Apollo Hospital Chennai (India)

Austin Obichere - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon UCLH London (UK)

Borja De Lacy - General Surgery Resident Hospital Clinic Barcelona (Spain)

Manuel Rodriguez-Justo - Clinical Head of Service, Cellular Pathology at UCLH London (UK)

Roel Hompes - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon AMC Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Antonino Spinelli - Chief Colorectal Surgery Humanitas Research Hospital Milan (Italy)

John Nicholls - Professor of Colorectal Surgery Imperial College London (UK)

Alastair Windsor - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon UCLH London (UK)

Amyn Haji - Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeon King's College (UK)

Craig Johnson - Colorectal Surgeon Oklahoma Surgical Hospital (USA)


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