Future Careers in A.I. Human Energy Generator

Future Careers in A.I. Human Energy Generator

There have been many developments in technology and industry over the years. The Industrial Revolutions of the past lead to vast changes in commerce and employment. With the advent of A.I. (the Fourth Industrial Revolution) we may see the creation of a new profession, that of a ‘Human Energy Generator’

‘Human Energy Generator’ (HEG) or ‘Human Energy Resource Professional’(HEGP) could be new careers in the A.I. world. With Customer Service, Accounting, Data Entry, Vehicle Drivers and other professions being consigned to A.I. the previous holders of these jobs will need work or at the very least something to do. But how would this work? A.I. and computer systems require a lot of energy. This is for the data centers and processors. The role of the HEG would be to generate kinetic energy. This is energy created by movement. We all know that people love to run and exercise, so this isn’t really a difficult task.

Everyone would be fitted with a device that could be charged up by their movements when they are running or doing exercise. Then when they arrive home, the wearer just connects it into an energy station with a USB (or some sort of futuristic electric air connector) and it collects the energy. This energy could either be returned to the grid, in return for credits, or the HEG could use it in their abode.

These future roles are important as a lot of previously highly skilled professionals will find themselves with no commercial skills in the new economy. However, people need to feel they are part of the system, they need to feel they are contributing to society and its needs. Even if they are just generating kinetic energy. When they are part of the A.I system they will become invested in it and are less likely to resent it.

Of course, kinetic energy isn’t the only energy created by the body. There is also thermal energy, this is the heat the body gives off during the day. The HEG could wear a body suit, and the thermal energy could be collected through specialized fibers in the suit and then back to the energy station.

With this new technology, the HEG’s are free to enjoy their lives, get plenty of exercise and pursue their hobbies and interests, e.g. academics, music etc. it would be quite pleasant. Everyone would be doing what they like. However, humans are a competitive lot, so there could be challenges or rewards. If a participant generates a lot of energy and gives it back to the system, they could be rewarded with civic honors or access to a new recreation area.

There are of course, people who for various reasons will be unable to be HEG’s. A certain amount of the overall energy could be used to provide for them, or the participants may have the option to donate some of their energy credits to the less active.

In the future A.I. will take over a lot of roles currently held by white collar professionals. However, this doesn’t mean that people will have no role in the new economy. With the integration of new technologies into the abode and some adapted Internet of the Bodies devices everyone can have an integral role to play and contribute positively to the future of A.I. Humanity.

Dr. John Jennings is an Educational Theorist from Galway, he has a PhD in TESOL with research in Social-Media and Education. He has researched the perceptions that students have of Social-Media in Education and how it affects their interaction with the academic world. He is also an avid virtual runner. Links: https://linktr.ee/dr.johnjennings


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