The future is calling, will you rise up?
George Minakakis
Founder- CEO @ Inception Retail Group | Sr. Executive/Board Advisor | Keynote Speaker | Defining The AI In Retail | Author
Executive Class
Your future is already etched in time. Scientists believe that the past, present, and future exist in the same timeline. In other words, the history of our human lives will exist forever. Now, there is no means to send a message to your past self or receive a message from the future self, which is paradoxically the same thing. Life would be so much easier if such an opportunity existed. What would we do if we could? Start over and become happier, presumably. But there would be no advantage because everyone would be able to do the same thing. Therefore, we are all back to dealing with today. Success arrives to those with personal beliefs and value systems that push them to new heights. You must quickly answer your own calling in life. You have seen with your own eyes that time is an environment that keeps us on edge. But to truly meet with success and happiness, history should record that you did three things well and consistently. The first is universal, the annual ancient art of making a plan. The other two are adding in your secret initiatives that only time knows about. But don't worry, you are the creator.
Head and Heart Leadership. What do great CEO's and Executives do differently to make a difference in human and business lives? They are focused on head and heart decision making. It is difficult for a leader to be effective if they are only ruled by their emotional or biased heart. Being transfixed by their logical or illogical brain also leads to problems. You can have some success but you never really reach your full potential if your leadership is just based on one or the other. Leaders don't just listen and take notes, that's the process and head at work. Nor do they show too much empathy, it can lead to problems of confidence and trust.?Effective leaders search for understanding how it impacts the organization and look for ways to galvanize vision and purpose. The risk of not being a well balance leader can easily creep into one's career and begin the process of personal or business failure. That's why it is important to be enlightened by the power of follow up skills and seeking intellectual meaning on big issues.?
Being Visible In the Job Market. The competition for jobs is crowded. LinkedIn is one of the most powerful resources for talent, both for organizations to discover it and for those looking for opportunities to explore. Yet so many people have profiles that are not visible. And by the way I know that you have been told to have a solid picture and background and itemizing your experiences, for me that's just the basics. The question is who are you really? I have a suggestion. Create a well thought out post. Make it a video once it has been perfected, feature it on your profile. Give it a headline "About My Career". I know that LinkedIn provides that opportunity on your headshot to leave a video clip. It's good, but it is not long enough. Use it to introduce yourself and lead them to your About My Career video. You may be worried about your company thinking that you are looking for work. I will tell you they won't give you the same respect when the day comes to reset the organization and you don't make the cut. It happens a lot and people are scrambling to make connections. Build connections on LinkedIn, make yourself visible, tell the world what you are about, what you believe in, your work ethics, and what you can do for an organization. Take control of your career!
Technology: Friend or Foe?
Has technology infringed to much on our social, mental health and personal relationships? It is a problem for youths read more on Smithsonian Magazine. It likely also affect our sleep patterns and desire to stay connected to others and the news read more. Learning to turn it off and enjoy life is important. However, most of us have a hard time, we need to know what's going on in the world. It's best not to read bad news or emails before you go to bed or while trying to fall asleep, it seldom makes for a restful night.
Are AI and Robots Taking Over Jobs? Societies view of technology over 50 years ago was that it would simplify our lives and we would be at home, being paid while machines did the work for us. That bubble burst didn't it? On the other side of the coin, we have speculated about artificial intelligence and robotics eliminating jobs for years. The pandemic bolstered the need for robotics to be included in the workplace and where humans were difficult to recruit. Watch this there is no question that the capabilities of AI and robotics are very real and applicable. Machines as co-workers is not a new concept, it has been that way in the automotive sector for years. Where are career paths heading? Here are some thoughts read more however, machines can change our lives for the better and worse. That's why there is legislation in Europe to destroy AI models. read more
Mars you know that planet that Elon Musk wants to colonize. Well the Perseverance Rover just recorded its first sounds. Its mostly the wind and apparently sound travels at two different speeds. You can hear it here. Click on this NASA site.
Social and Society
So you want human social acceptance. First, learn the art of commanding attention by walking into a room full of people you don’t know. It’s not about how loud you are, your fancy hair, the brands you wear or the groupies you follow. Learn to command attention with a strong reserved personal presence. When you do open your mouth to speak and your eyes to make a connection. Always open up, let them hear and see the intellect of the giant within you. It’s your inner strength that matters and it will differentiate you from the crowd. It’s risky being abrupt, angry and difficult to deal with, those are yesterday’s antics. They’ve destroyed many don't let it destroy you.
Environment: Who has the "R" on this?
The problem is that not everyone sees the issues related to the environment the same way. Neither on urgency nor on an agreed outcome. As long as that exists the future of the environment will remain in question.
Ice Shelf Collapse take a look at the images from Nasa Observatory This event was caused by temperatures rising 40C above normal temperatures.
Emission Targets Are They Real? Well there are about 1 Billion passenger vehicles on the planet, each producing 4.6 metric tons of CO2. We human produce about 43 Billion Tons of CO2 including vehicles. Even if we converted all passenger vehicles to electric it would barely address all of this. Consider the C02 being emitted for all other uses, are emission targets achievable? Read more
Environment and Economics: The question we are not asking and no one seems to want to answer with complete openness. What will the cost be to our economy going green? How many jobs? How will these workers be retrained? How will the companies be impacted transition? Which jobs can they be retrained? Read more Don't misunderstand, we need to look after the environment. But where is the plan to manage the human cost? Or is this another buggy whip story in the making? And a future filled with mystery.
Economy & Politics: End of Globalization
Russia's war has and will continue to change the world. It is not over. This unprecedented attack has long lasting global impacts. It is redrawing the lines of globalization and the west needs to be the master architects of that future. In fact, it will end globalization as we know it and Russia will be left out of the future.
The question, will the Russian economy collapse? Apparently the lifting of sanctions is always at the negotiating table for peace. But no one trusts Putin. CBC and Washington Post But the Russian economy is crashing read more. And the Russian public seems to now be siding with Putin, but that may not last NY Times. How can there be a peaceful future for Europe as long as there are threats of annihilation. There can only be a future with peace and freedom to choose, not to be ruled.
China to Europe rail trade routes through Russia are looking to go by sea. That means more pressure on an already broken and greedy system. Read more
China's zero infection policy is complicating things more, the public is running out of supplies at home. BBC
The beginning of the end of this chapter of Globalization Book 3.0 has yet to be defined, but we should not play a wait and see game. Supply chains need to be redefined. We must also lean on science and technology to lead the future to create more democracies without fear. Authoritarians need not apply! Read this CNN report with BlackRock
Nike: Direct to consumer play? Yes! Mitigate channels that erode profits? Yes! Control their branding? Yes! Increase their presence digitally? It is a clear brand message about the future of retailing! They are cutting more of their wholesale channels. Read more RetailWire This brand wishes to control its future and more will join them. Mitigating less attractive channels of distribution makes longterm sense.
Warby Parker: Plans to open a lot more stores. However that should come as no surprise. Having spent a long of part of my career growing internationally recognized brands in the eyewear category, I couldn't understand how they were going to grow their revenue without doctors and eye-exams. WP just entered an arena that is very competitive, doctors are only loyal to brands that are committed to eye-care. ECP's (Eye Care Professionals) don't really like the e-commerce models because it reduces quality of care, and their patients like personal attention when it comes to their vision. Look, you only have one pair of eyes and the wrong prescription or the lack of a thorough eye-exam can lead to undiagnosed illnesses. While Fast Company has a great article on branding which includes WP, the category is being consolidated and it will be difficult to recruit doctors.
Starbucks might have a leadership problem and it shows in their communication with employees. Unions happen when trust breaks down. Read more Brands need a reset when employee relations fail to retain positive path toward their future! That means a deep hard look inside, and how their future plans have changed the brands relations with employees before it impacts its future with customers. It would be wise for all major retailers to do the same.
Supply chains, they are about to cost more and take longer. Read more
The return of 'The Business of Retail' Yes, we've been planning and we are eager to have you hear what we have to share this time!
Personal Log: Who is minding the future?
Technology and each iteration of it continues to make other technology redundant at some point and sometimes very quickly. It's like games, toys and smartphones. Whatever is new suddenly leaves all others behind. Everyone scrambles to give their own products and services a new fresher look. But it doesn't always payoff. The best of marketers, data analysts, buyers and researchers are unable to change the course of the business. Ultimately, brands fail and jobs no longer exist. It is a cycle. However there are brands that last the test of time. Why? Because someone is minding the future. They are looking for and developing that future. Those that last the longest in business and their careers are not chasing trends, they are creating them. The future is about creating longevity. That starts with a vision, mission and powerful values that push brands, individuals and even nations to greatness. Not to forget a lot of hard work to be progressive. There are many who wonder why we haven't evolved to higher levels of utopian economies and societies with all this progress. Progress threatens everyone that has no vision or interest to improve or educate themselves further or the betterment of others. Look at authoritarian leaders, progress that leads to democratic independence threatens their existence and they will go to war to retain their power and oppress or suppress social evolution. By the way this is what happens when the minority takeover and majority stay silent. It is in our best interest to hire and elect leaders who will mind the future and not retain the status quo. It is the only way to protect society from becoming complacent and weak. The world really need progress to retain our freedom from tyrants and improve the world for everyone, otherwise we become victims.
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