The Future of Business Success-Part 5
Kevin Mann
We prepare founders to raise capital - Business Development Professional | Marketing Strategist | Creative | Free Thinker | Empath
The Future of Business Success
Part 5:
How To Foster Creativity With Your Organization
No two brains are wired the same. Just as pride and humility are as far from one another as one side of the earth is from the other, and personalities vary according to the influence of culture, there is just as broad a spectrum of differences in the ways people learn and work in order to discover the full potential of their talents. So are the differences in the elements that inspire creativity in different individuals.?
The Perfect Environment
Some people are most productive–or creative–in a peaceful, quiet environment. Others produce their best work with headphones blaring vibing to their favorite tunes. There are many sources online that offer personalized opinions on which kinds of environments invoke the highest levels of creativity. Some are even chock-full of statistics from studies conducted by psychologists and professors at prestigious universities across the country. But the fact is, there is no universal prototype for the ultimate creative environment. We are all different, and for that reason, creativity could never be an “out-of-box” experience. Although it requires just as much out-of-the-box thinking to develop the ideal atmosphere for creativity as it does its innovations, there are no cookie-cutter conditions to create the perfect storm or perfect creative brain-storm.
Environment vs Ecosystem
Speaking of brainstorming, doing just that is the perfect seed to begin planting a “creative garden,” and filling it with the creatures–or creators–that will promote its sustainability. Because of creativity’s transcendence over such a vast spectrum of concepts and imagination, there is no recipe for the ideal creativity-inducing environment. But rather than focusing on trying to create the perfect catalysts for sparking creativity, perhaps we should be thinking about how to build and sustain a “creative ecosystem.” One that thrives on the belief in each other’s ability to exceed expectations–and goals–when finally unshackled from “company policy,” “best practices” and/or “standard procedure.” One where people’s ideas are fed, not only by the environment we work in but, by the people we work with, given the freedom to mold the processes by which we develop and effectuate ideas, making every employee feel like a vital contributor. People tend to enjoy work more and do a better job when their opinion is valued and their ideas are invited to the table.
Try scheduling daily or weekly meetings for brainstorming, and bouncing ideas off of each other. It’s great to hear the perspective of others and get that new product design, brand strategy, marketing plan, or business brief in front of a fresh pair of eyes and ears (or twenty). Or better yet, create one on the spot. Set aside an hour, for each team within each department to share and develop new ideas on everything business-related, from biz-ops, R&D, Sales and Marketing to product development, enhancing service offerings, prospective partnerships, etc. Accept ideas–without limit–from all team members and share notes across all departments within your organization. Send out a daily briefing of the previous meeting’s highlights to all departments. Include all topics, even the ones that may not directly reflect the respective duties of every department. Let each team provide feedback, encourage them to share their own perspectives, and build on every new idea or concept introduced by their counterparts. Watch how refreshing this new environment becomes. Watch how fast your entire company will begin to grow once teams are integrated and able to develop, enhance, inspire, and influence across departments. Think of it as a human IoT, or, all working parts functioning collectively as one fine-oiled machine.
Who would have ever guessed that Lena on the Inside Sales team was a Marketing genius? Or how Pradeep from the IT department figured out a way to solve an industry-wide problem by suggesting a simple integration of one of your competitor’s software, opening the door for the biggest and most profitable partnership of your company’s lifetime.?
This should be the real definition of “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.” Release the full potential of your employees.
‘What’ Over ‘How’
If we understand that no two people think the same, and not all people learn in similar fashion, why would we expect them to produce the same numbers by applying the same methods? Why should how we do something be more important than what we accomplish? What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Isn’t productivity measured by producing results that lead to meeting and exceeding goals? Isn’t progress more important than process? Isn’t increasing your bottom line–while helping people–the bottom line? To answer the latter three questions: It should be!
Reinventing The Wheel
Why change things if your teams are already on a consistent path of progress? No need to reinvent the wheel, right? We’re all familiar with this cliche referring to wasting time on previously explored ideas, or the futile attempt to improve an already efficient invention. But why wouldn’t we want to reinvent the wheel? Think about it. How many times has the wheel been reinvented since the first one ever made? It was created with the intent to move us on a path of progress toward a destination faster–than walking or traveling by horseback–and it does just that. Yet, if we hadn’t gone back to the drawing board we’d still be driving horse-drawn buggies or Model-Ts, and there would be no Model S. Could wagon wheels support the torque of a Lambo? Handle the rigors of a 4 x 4 on rugged terrain? Or, carry the weight of a 40-ton 18-wheeler? I think we can all agree that reinventing the wheel is in no way a waste of time but, in fact, necessary.
It is when we revisit, revise, and reinvent that we realize that the mechanics, engineering, and forces that drive the wheel are exactly what makes it more efficient. This, in turn, is what leads us to smooth out the rough edges, refine, redesign and reinforce the wheel itself to handle new performance demands.?
Look how far we’ve come…
Ok, granted, the Apple car is a concept car but, those are spherical wheels!--capable of moving in any direction. Yes, even diagonally. Imagine how easy parallel parking that thing would be.?
So…why is reinventing an already efficient thing a bad idea again?
Nothing To Fear
It never happens the same for two people, nor the same way for one person ever again, never at the same speed or the same frequency twice, never producing the same outcome, and is not subject to any given form. Neither is it bound, captured, or determined by time. Creativity is spontaneous, inspired, and free-flowing, yet very specific, but also not limited to any category or order. It is relative but infinite, limitless, unpredictable, uninhibited, and enlightening–not to mention, unresponsive to fear–all at the same time.?
Some of the most creative ideas and innovations are sometimes viewed as absurd and way over the top (at first, at least). Only because we’ve been taught to fear the unknown. But fear is nothing more than the mind’s inability to rationalize the things that are foreign to our knowledge or beyond the limits of our comfort zone. Therefore, people tend to reject concepts, processes, and ideas that are new. Coincidentally, creativity is the art of exploring new things, which is precisely why fear has no fellowship with creativity.
Then there are the few…the explorers that get excited about traveling to unchartered territories, the thrill-seekers that thrive on pushing the envelope, the movers and shakers, the groundbreakers, the inventors, the revolutionaries; the fearless agents of change. For these guys and gals, “playing it safe” is not even a hint of a thought.?
Ask ‘Sliding Billy’
Unless you’re a baseball history geek, you’ve probably never heard of ‘Sliding Billy’ Hamilton who held the record for the most stolen bases for almost 7 decades. He set the record way back in the 1890s and early 19-oughts, at a time when schedules were changing almost yearly as professional baseball was constantly evolving since its onset in 1876. The season went from…
That means that the guys who beat Billy’s “most stolen bases” record had anywhere from 8-30 games more per season, for the duration of their careers, to beat it–in comparison.?
Sliding Billy, a center fielder, who stood at only 5 feet 6 inches tall, does still hold the record for most runs scored in a single season though, scoring 198 runs in 132 games in 1894, beating the closest record-holders tied under him (Tom Brown-1891, and Babe Ruth-1921) by a whopping 21 runs more.?
Drawing inspiration from Sliding Billy's story, as we note that he earned the nickname for his crowd-pleasing, head-first slides (a testimonial display of his fearless determination), we can also learn that sometimes diving in head-first is the best way to be “SAFE!”--and break records at the same time. Go figure.?
Just like Billy, every business guru including, Buffet, Musk, Gary V, Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Cuban, Grant Cardone, and even actors Denzel Washington and Steve Harvey, all tell us the same thing: You cannot be successful without taking risks. You must be willing to take that leap of faith when no one sees or believes in your vision but you, knowing you’re gonna fail, more than once. But here’s the thing, you only fail when you give up. Until then, the only L’s you take are “Lessons.”?
Meet Patrick...
After 1,386 tries on his journey to launching his first business, Recyclebank, Patrick Fitzgerald said, "I never looked at it as failing, it just took me 1,385 times to learn how to get it right."?
Today, Patrick is an investor, operator & business development advisor for a variety of globally-recognized businesses, a Wharton Entrepreneurship Lecturer, and a keynote speaker; specializing in entrepreneurship, venture capital, business development, innovation, and corporate strategy. He is also the owner of 12 multimillion-dollar businesses.
For those of us entrepreneurs struggling, or just starting out:? Be fearless. Take risks. Make mistakes and learn from them. And, last but not least, never give up. Be like Patrick.?
For the business leaders, still true entrepreneurs at heart, I’m sure you can all remember a time when the only one who saw your vision was you, the only one who believed in you. Now that you’re leading a team of promising professionals, there is one question left to answer: Do you trust your team enough to allow them to take that same leap you did, unsupervised, or unhampered, knowing that they can and will realize your vision? If not, don’t question whether or not you have the right team members for the job, or if they have what it takes, but rather, what are you doing to bring it out of them??
Cut The Cocoon, Kill The Butterfly
One dreadful trend that has never been effective but somehow seems to keep rearing its ugly head: Micromanagement. Let’s face it, it’s fuckin’ annoying!--for the micromanager and the employee. Problem is, most micromanagers don’t even realize they're doing it. They actually think they’re helping. (Or, they associate leadership with control.) They see the butterfly struggling to get out of the cocoon and think it would be best to help by cutting the cocoon open, but when they do, they unwittingly kill the butterfly. The worst part is, most of the time, the micromanager blames the butterfly for dying. Crazy, right?
Everything was created with its own purpose and the probable potential to fulfill it by natural process.?
Read that again.?
It is that process, the nature of living things, that has its way of preparing us all for the hardships and challenges we have yet to face in the world. If it were not for the struggle of breaking out of the cocoon, the butterfly’s wings would not be strong enough to fly. That natural struggle, through the final stage of her transformation, strengthens the butterfly for life.?
This is where humility in leadership becomes key to your team’s success. Don’t ask them if they feel like you’re micromanaging, or if they think your subordinate chains of command are micromanagers, ‘cause chances are they’re probably too afraid to tell you the truth anyway. Let them struggle and figure it out on their own. Just try to go a week without checking on them–what the heck–a whole month even. Give them a goal, tell them what you want accomplished, give them the creative freedom to do it by any means they choose, and let them do the work. You just might be surprised at what they’ll achieve.
A Page From Patton
General George S. Patton, one of the most courageous and effective leaders in the history of the modern world once said, “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” His boldness and unwavering confidence won a level of trust from his troops that inspired them to run head-on into every battle, against all odds, willing to die fighting with regard for nothing but earning the respect of their leader. He won more battles, in the least amount of time, and lost fewer soldiers than any other general in any army during WW2. His audacious strategy earned him the victory at the definitive Battle of the Bulge, despite the obstinate doubt of his superiors. After much persuasion and finally receiving affirmation from General Eisenhower to carry out his daring plan to counter-attack the Germans, Patton headed straight for the front line and fought shoulder-to-shoulder with his soldiers and won one of the most decisive battles of the past hundred years. Yes, the leader himself fought with them. Carlo D’Este wrote about it in The Quarterly Journal of Military History stating, “Only a commander with exceptional confidence in his subordinate commanders and in the professional skill of his fighting divisions could dare risk such a venture.”?
What can we learn here??
First, as General Patton put it, “Do everything you ask of those you command.” It takes getting dirty in the trenches alongside your team to earn their trust, gain their allegiance, inspire them, and, last but not least, fully understand them. Until you understand them, you will never be able to accurately assess possible obstacles hindering workflow, nor help them overcome their current challenges; thus, they will always fall short of your expectations.?
General Patton not only had the guts and relentless courage to manage such a risky maneuver but confident trust in his men from top to bottom. He was unwavering in his belief in winning, so much so that he dismissed all doubt and ignored all non-believers who couldn’t see past their fear of failure. Oftentimes, people try to project their own fears upon us but, ultimately, whether or not we are daunted by them is entirely up to us.?
And finally, a phrase found countless times in General Patton’s personal journal, “do the unexpected.” Success is not reveled in, but cultivated by the 2% that do, and have done, what others fear to do or fail to continue. It takes fearlessness to be bold, and boldness to be creative.?
Be A Kid Again
Think about it. We were never more creative at any time in our lives than when we were children. It wasn’t until someone told us our ideas were not possible, that there was only one right way of doing things, or our imagination was limited to existing in our minds–not capable of being made real–that our creativity began to diminish for lack of exercise, now stunted by the absence of belief. However, thanks to the encouragement of the parents, teachers, and “Karate Kid movies” that taught us that anything is possible and we can do whatever we put our minds to, ‘the few’ are continually carrying our world to new heights in technology, and gumption in innovation. Not all of these have led to the preservation of life but, overall, forward-moving for the most part, nonetheless.
In short, let your teams have fun with it. With what? With their WORK!?
Yes, environmental factors in the workplace can prove to be inspiring, thought-provoking, and fun. But even more provocative is an environment where people are free to exercise their own way of doing things and implement their own ideas in cohesion toward a common goal. People are inspired by other people, more than music, colors, pictures, motivational quotes on the wall, ping-pong tables, hoverboards, workplace dogs, or fish tanks. Not to say these don’t help but, the truth is, we feed off of each other most; especially, where the combination of creative freedom, camaraderie, and competitive spirit is present.?
People Are The Key
The fact is, people lead people. And the people that are being led have been stuck doing things one way because it’s the way they’ve been told to do so by their superiors. Because we were taught that imagination has no place in the real world and we have been discouraged ever since childhood from aiming beyond the horizons of what our teachers and leaders have deemed to be the extent of our potential. Because we’ve been told we are the limits of our social class, racial stereotypes, gender roles, or job descriptions, we fear expressing creativity in the business domain. Instead, we choose to reserve it for our personal pleasures or hobbies outside of work, the only place it’s acceptable, and “safe.” The problem is, “safe” has never propelled innovation…ever.
What Can You Do?
Leaders, I implore you, as it behooves you for the success of your business and the advancement of our modern world, to abandon all primitive, counter-productive leadership methods and unselfishly lead us into the future. Set the example, and the tone, for a new modus operandi–with an open-minded approach–allowing your employees to experiment, reinvent, and enhance processes within your organization. Let us usher in a new era of business innovation. One that is, not only equipped to adapt to the ever-changing world that we are constantly playing catch-up with, but allows exponential growth to occur naturally by the encouragement of creativity within your organizations, collectively. One that is unhindered by restrictive chain-of-command protocols, traditional job descriptions, micromanagement, and leadership power trips. Where traditional methods are outshined by the potential of a future that is only possible through the invitation of risk, and the confidence in your team’s abilities to produce and innovate. And last, instead of constantly racing to outdo your competitors, align with them, to better serve your clients and solve the problems your industry faces, together. There is always enough pie for everyone.??
So, please, by all means, inspire, encourage, allow, accept, promote, provoke, develop, support, and reward creativity. And with this, I conclude…In the words of The Creativity Explorer, Fredrik H?rén, “Imagine the potential of making the world better”...and I add: Imagine, when unleashed, what our collective potential can accomplish, together.
Sources: (for the entire The Future of Business Success series)?
What is Creativity? (And why is it a crucial factor for business success?) - Linda Naiman, founder of Creativity Work
Why CEOs Say Creativity is the Most Crucial Factor for Future Success - Linda Naiman, founder of Creativity Work
Can Creativity be Taught? Here’s What the Research Says - Linda Naiman, founder of Creativity Work
TEDxTuscon George Land The Failure Of Success - Dr. George Land gives us a brief history of human innovation and talks about the importance of creativity.
Creativity’s bottom line: How winning companies turn creativity into business value and growth - Marc Brodherson, Jason Heller, Jesko Perrey, and David Remley - McKinsey & Company
Why Creativity Is The Number One Skill For Business Success - Joseph K. Hart, President, and CEO of Dale Carnegie Training
The Importance Of Creativity In Business - Lauren Landry, Director of Marketing & Communications at Harvard
What is Creativity? Fredrik H?rèn’s funny and inspiring speech from the Global Leadership Summit 2018
How South Korea became “the most innovative country” in the world - Jacob Fohtung research associate at the Christensen Institute
“Eight Reasons to Hire A Freelancer Over a Full-Time Employee” - Adam Jackson, Forbes Councils Member, Forbes Technology Council?
“Science Says 92 Percent of People Don't Achieve Their Goals. Here's How the Other 8 Percent Do” - Marcel Schwantes, Inc. Contributing Editor and Founder, Leadership From The Core
“Schedule Changes Since 1876” - Ron Liebman, Published in the 1973 Baseball Research Journal
“Single Season Leaders & Records for Runs Scored” -
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2 年Thanks for sharing Kevin! #kudos