The Future is bright, right?

The Future is bright, right?

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With its clean and white design, it almost looks like a Wii remote. Oddly enough, the logo of the three-letter brand name also bears a striking resemblance to that of the Nintendo game console. But it's definitely something else! Ili wearable translator is all the rage on social networks and you probably already came across it. If not, here is a short presentation video to catch up:

I know what you think. It is an amazing product, isn't it? I must say I am really impressed myself. From a pragmatic point of view, this powerful little tool is a blessing, aiming at lifting the curse of the unfortunate Tower of Babel chapter. It has a true potential to shape a new future... and the perfect application package for starring in Black Mirror!

Please don't judge me for that, but I believe humans tend to be naturally lazy. If you can achieve the same goal with two different methods, a quick and easy one and a long and difficult one: which one would you pick? Do you usually empty your bathtub using a cup or the drain? Well, that's the point. I am afraid this revolutionary gadget will kill the desire to learn foreign languages. If you can get to communicate in any language you want without any trouble, why the hell would you keep investing so much time and effort in learning?

As it is, I am not sure we could call it communication. In any case, not human communication. Foreseeing an upcoming society where everyone would be ready to draw their own voice-equipped weapon against any threatening gibberish the same way valiant knights used to behead barbarians with their swift swords some centuries ago is nothing more than a waking nightmare to me. Linguistic misunderstanding would be defeated. But what about cultural misunderstanding?

Don't get me wrong, I am totally in favour of a parcimonious and wise implementation of this new technology. I clearly don't intend to demonize progress. Progress is great! Nevertheless, I am really concerned about the advent of an era when we would make way for Prince Ili (Fabulous He! Mighty is He! Handsome is He! Amorous He!) and lock curiosity in the dungeons. A future reminiscent of the Wall-E prophecy, driven by immobility and inaction and with a technology-based interface as the only interaction with the outside world.

I am against a widespread use of this smart instrument for the same reasons I wouldn't express teleportation as a wish to a benevolent and generous genius. Traveling is not only about visiting a remote place, it is also about making the journey to that remote place. The same thing can be said about languages. Learning a language is making a journey. Not a calm journey, I admit it. The unpredictable path you embark on will often lead to slippery slopes and you won't be left unturned by rough seas. But, you know, as the old saying goes, "no pain, no gain"! In the process, you will learn and discover. Not only a language but also and above all a culture.

There is an Arabic proverb I love : "Learn a language and you will avoid a war". Trust me, I did some digging and I found nothing about "speak automatically a language and you will automatically avoid a war".


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