Your Digital Twin!
Philip Milne
LinkedIn Top Voice | Digital Twin Expert | How to make Information work & deliver value | AI implementation | Data-Driven | Productivity | Digital Transformation | Champion Disability issues.
Digital is increasingly driving business.
AI has thumped its way into our conscious and it won't go away.
But how do we control this change? How do we work out what we need, where and even why?
AI is more than ChatGPT!
It is also Automation, Large Language Models, Natural Language Processing, Robotic Process Automation and so on.
How do we control this proliferation of technology?
Next Generation Digital Twins Will Transform Business
What is a digital twin, why should we all get one?
A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world object or system.
These virtual models are used to digitally represent performance, identify inefficiencies, and design solutions to improve their physical counterparts.
You do not need a model for every use case
If you take your time and build your model well, it will be available to meet all your use cases at the same time.
Our advice is to start with a good review of your current business so you lay solid foundations.
The money spent BEFORE you start will pay itself back in very short order.
Then look at a particular issue. One of our Partners calls this a "Thin Deep Slice"
Make sure you deliver value from this first use case.
And How Do You Start?
Once you have identified a use case, we divide this into 3 phases.
Discover - Where are you now?
Design - Where do you need to get to?
Optimise - How will you close the gap?
What are the benefits?
The Big question that you will end up with is this
What will you call your Digital Twin?