The FUTURE belongs to...!
Orlando Burgos
Host/Producer/Journalist/Actor/Travel Guru/Radio Show Host/Destinations Marketing and PR Expertise
I read somewhere how the future belonging to the dreamers; and although partly true, a dream not realized stays in the subconscious festering and getting in the way of reality.
The future belongs to those willing to take charge and dream about taking a chance to fend for themselves, hit the road running, get the hands dirty, and don't let anything get in the way until such time as one creates success or, has spent every ounce of energy trying before moving in a different direction, but the fact is the dream must be followed by constant motion. Those before us that have made great things happened never had it easy. These people were willing to put it all on the line for the sake of creating a better future for themselves and those that are close to them, so before anyone can make a dream reality it needs be understood that there will be blood, sweat, and tears to go along the endless sleepless nights and thoughts of quitting because the road is hard and filled with potholes and obstacles.
As a member of an older generation that has seldom worked for someone else, my regrets have been of actually not taking more chances. To perhaps multitask more, but there was also the fact I ran my own companies well and profitable while having loads of fun with those that helped me build what I had, and profited very well from it. That my family grew healthy and with a great mental attitude; and that now in my Golden Years I can see the steady flow of energy still going forward from all angles of my existence.
As a Baby Boomer, do I still have dreams and aspirations - Of course! The desire to win never ebbs, so I act on it with the same purpose and intensity as always, only with a different direction - To see someone near me pick up the mantle and surprise me by carrying on what I started and to make it better. It is my purpose to be as encouraging to a younger generation of Know It All's of the fact they don't know it all if any of it at all. Younger generations have shown to be dreamers as long as others take the chances. As long as someone else foots the bills and opens doors; and perhaps the reason many think that Socialism is such a great thing when not exploring the downside of it. It is true that we promote the Unites States as a Democracy, which it is, but most of all - We ARE a Capitalistic Society that likes and needs MONEY. I know, a dirty word for many, but be realistic - Imagine a society where there is no controversy, growth or expectations. A society with ZERO opportunity to fulfil the dream. Think of the COVID thing as a live-training of what life would be like under socialism. Can anyone say for certain that the government has acted correctly? Is anyone actually happy about being led by the nose by State governments led by incompetent politicians? Does it make anyone happy to live in uncertainty? To live without the FREEDOM to actually make a move?
These are the principles of a society ready to implode because of lack of leadership, YOUR LEADERSHIP, young guns; and an old senile old fart running dazed and confused sure does not make the cut, so learn to be smart and make the right choice, NEVER the easy choice. Pick a leader that will challenge your senses. A leader that will push you into your own stride. A leader that will open a gap at the door for YOU to finish opening it and make your own choices. A leader that is willing to be unpopular for your sake. Not someone that panders as a way of creating a BIG PLANTATION.
So, is the future for dreamers? Of course, it is! Everything starts with a dream but must be followed by action and the quest for the opportunity. Nothing in life is free! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
If you dream big, the challenges are going to be even bigger, but so will the rewards. Go own it!