The future of Autonomous vehicles and driven vehicles using V2X.
Barak Rosenberg
I am an accomplished AI specialist, founder, entrepreneur, manager, programmer, architect. With a rich background in the hi tech industries, management, architecture, programming, AI/ML (including LLM edge/cloud).
In order for people to drive from one place to another we use Waze/Google Maps or other map application to move from point A to point B(global path planning).
In order to move inside road between lanes(local path planning), V2X communication with a much more detailed map called HD-map must be used. The map will include lane coordinates, and objects around car(for the purpose of Localization VPS-Visual Positioning system, using objects around car that will replace the GPS-Global positioning system, with much more accuracy).
We can not use the cloud to share position of vehicles in real time, because the uptime/downtime time to cloud and back to other vehicles, vehicle <-----> cloud is just not fast enough.
A vehicle will need to negotiate with other vehicles to enter a different lane, to decide how to get into other lane, before or after some vehicle, or into part of an existing platoon. This can only be done using V2V communication.
The biggest problem in the world of mobility is congestion and traffic jams(a T$ problem), and the only solution using private cars or shared cars is to use Platoon that use V2V, the other huge problem is safety, which can be increased using communication between vehicles that test each other on road and with units on road(RSU). The best sensor inside a vehicle to increase Situational Awareness, and that works in any weather, and can "see" all vehicles around (300/1600 meters around), is an OBU modem for V2X communication that sits inside vehicle - Welcome to the smart city.
The local path plan inside road between lanes must be calculated and shared between vehicles using V2X, so vehicles will be aware of all other vehicles and be able to test and update their intentions inside road when deciding to move between lanes in real time, at least 10 times faster then any human.
Using V2X traffic can become totally deterministic, meaning a vehicle will be able to see other vehicles around even when no line of sight exists, and know other vehicle intentions, calculate local path plan of other vehicles, or receive the exact local path plan of other cars when moving to other lanes.
At first stage, when using a Platoon in a special public lane, there will be a need for algorithms for entering a Platoon from different places, leaving a Platoon, and breaking a platoon to get into it, and outside of it.
Using HD-map and real time movement testings with V2X(every 20ms), every vehicle that has V2X can test other vehicle movement, and synchronize it's movement with other vehicle ahead/behind, and in other lanes.
We are talking with all major OEM's innovation groups, and lead the V2X future...