Future of the Auto Industry - 3 billion more cars - but who owns and drives?
Dr Patrick Dixon MBE
Futurist Keynote Speaker, Trends Analyst, author 18 books, Chairman Global Change Ltd, has been ranked one of 20 most influential business thinkers in the world
Get ready for 3 billion more cars on the roads
Here are some of my key messages that I give to senior leaders of the world's largest auto companies and to governments, as a Futurist keynote speaker on travel, transport and related trends.
(Extract from The Future of Almost Everything - new book.)
More than 1 billion cars are on the roads today. But we would need to see that rise to 4 billion for the whole world to have the same level of car ownership as America.
By then, almost all of them will be electric powered, and the majority driven entirely or assisted by robots.
Inevitably, roads will be very congested, especially in city centres, many of which will ban private vehicles most or all of the time by 2030.
Most car sales will be in emerging markets from 2020-2050
Most new car owners will be in emerging markets over the next 50 years.
Chinese people are driving 230 million cars, most than any other nation, 8% owned by 40,000 car rental companies.
Private car ownership in China jumped from 1% to 21% from 2002 to 2019, with more than 24 million new cars now sold a year.
Around half the population in the Philippines and Indonesia do not yet own a car, compared to only 3% in Malaysia, where 53% of households own more than one vehicle.
In Thailand and Indonesia 80% of consumers hope to buy a vehicle in the next two years, and in most cases this will be the first car they have ever owned.
Traffic jams in many larger cities will be a growing nightmare, especially in emerging nations where car ownership is growing far more rapidly than road construction.
Drivers and passengers spend 90 billion hours a year in traffic jams. In some cities, a third of all fuel consumption is used simply in trying to find a parking space.
Car ownership will fall in developed nations
On the other hand, in many developed nations, car ownership will fall, as a younger generation refuse to follow “unsustainable” ownership patterns of their parents, preferring to rent as they go.
This pattern will be accelerated by driverless cars, which will be more expensive to buy, and may feel ridiculous to actually own.
We are already seeing the impact of the sharing economy on the number of households in many nations who are opting not to own a second car.
Mobile Apps will make it even easier to hire and drop vehicles for long and short journeys, at very short notice, and easier to hire a car with a driver (despite legal challenges to Taxi Apps like Uber).
We will also see more tax breaks, traffic lanes and other incentives to encourage car sharing by commuters as well as more car leasing.
Better petrol and diesel engine efficiency
Fuel efficiency of all fossil-fuel engines will improve, with use of nanotech coatings for all moving parts, and many other advances in engineering, as well as lighter vehicles.
These gains will slow down sales of pure electric vehicles.
Electric car sales boom
Electric cars have taken off more slowly than many manufacturers and governments hoped, held back by expensive batteries.
New types of battery will be lighter, cheaper, more efficient, with faster charging and longer life.
Tesla cars already have a range of 400 miles and 600 miles will be normal by 2025.
It’s to do with scale as well as innovation: Tesla’s new battery factory will have a greater output than the entire world’s battery production today.
Most sales of electric vehicles over the next decade will be smaller models designed for city use, encouraged by tax breaks for owners and subsidies for manufacturers.
Ban on diesel / petrol car sales will drive global e-car growth
But the greatest push towards electric cars will come from governments who ban all sales of carbon-fuel cars within the next 15-20 years.
By early 2020, 14 nations had already announced dates by which it will be illegal to sell fossil-fuel driven cars, or had announced that they would soon set their own dates.
Expect many more nations to follow - these are "easy wins" for governments: a simple signature on a piece of paper is all that is required to create such regulatory changes.
As a result of this highly significant step, and following tremendous pressure from customers, every car manufacturer in the world had already switched most of its innovation budget to electric vehicles by 2019.
Governments will lose tax revenues from diesel and petrol sales
An additional challenge will be loss of government tax revenues on petrol and diesel fuel.
Therefore we can expect subsidies for e-cars to be phased out, replaced gradually by ever-steeper taxation on buying and owning these vehicles.
Looking for a world-class Futurist keynote speaker on auto industry trends, transport, future of cars, trucks and roads? Contact us now to discuss.
Self-diagnosing and self-repairing cars - with variable insurance
In many nations it is already impossible to buy a car that is not online all the time, able to summon rescue, police or ambulance automatically in case of accidents or breakdown.
Brazil will soon require every new car to have a built-in tracking device to prevent theft.
America’s highway agencies are working on proposals to force all new cars to have the ability to network with each other (Vehicle to Vehicle or V2V).
Expect all large car makers to adopt the technology from 2021 onwards, well before legally forced to do so.
Revenues from services, devices and infrastructure for online vehicles could be worth more than $200bn by 2025.
All new cars will self-diagnose problems before they happen, with sensors across vehicles to monitor tyre pressure, brake pads, piston compression, battery condition, gas emissions, power use.
We will see more head-up displays, with speed and fuel indicators, and a wide range of informatics including navigation and messaging.
Cars will also watch driver behaviour, so that insurers can price each day’s premium on yesterday’s driving patterns for that particular driver.
This will help people to drive better and at lower cost, because insurers reward good behaviour. Police will argue that the should be able to get access to the same data.
Who owns the driver?
Drivers will expect new features for the basic price, so manufacturers will be stuck with more costs.
As in banking, the key issue will be who owns the customer? Indeed, who owns the vehicle?
Manufacturers will try to hit back with a one-stop solution.
So, for example, they will send details of breakdowns, faults or accidents directly to their own dealers, rather than to local garages.
Car manufacturers are already offering a far wider range of ownership, as motorists move from traditional ‘buy and keep’.
Telcos, makers of networking devices, producers of Apps and V2V services will build their own clusters of technologies.
They will try to push back manufacturers into more limited roles.
Semi-automated cars will soon be almost universal
Apple and Google both want to control car information.
The vision is that cars will constantly exchange useful information without bothering the driver.
Live traffic information, common mechanical problems, best fuel prices, updates to maps.
V2V communication will eventually mean the end of traffic lights in some cities, as each vehicle perfectly times its approach to every junction.
Self-driving cars – with legal issues
Several companies will soon be selling 100% auto-drive vehicles, but they will not be widely used outside European cities, America and Asia until 2030, because of fears about safety.
Expect rapid growth in robotic farm tractors and industrial vehicles, for example in open-cast mining.
But in cities, it will only take some high profile deaths of a few child pedestrians to slow down the introduction.
The question is this: if a robot kills a pedestrian or an occupant in another vehicle, whose fault is it? Who goes to prison? Vehicle owner? The manufacturer? Software company?
More than 1.3 million people die in road traffic accidents a year (more than deaths from malaria or TB) and 50 million are injured.
A key argument will be this: Robot drivers make fewer mistakes, so even if some people are killed by robots, fewer will die than if humans drive.
Cheaper and more ethical to let a robot drive your car
Once insurers recognize that accidents are less when robots drive, expect a discount for every mile on “Robot” mode, and extra costs to drive on “Manual”, with normal rates for “Assist”.
By 2035 it will be considered by some to be selfish, antisocial and dangerous to insist on driving yourself.
In the meantime, robot drivers need to be far more efficient – self-driving cars consume 20% more energy because of computing and sensors involved.
Homeless cars, car trains and flying cars
In the world of driverless cars, you will step outside your home to find the car roll up. You don’t own it but it feels like yours.
A variation will be ‘car trains’ where many cars are in convoy on motorways, metres apart, to save 20% energy.
So-called flying cars will still be rare and expensive in 2030, owned only by the super-wealthy, or rented per trip by premium taxi / air transport firms, but only permitted in most nations outside major cities, partly because of noise pollution.
The most common technology will be drone-like rotors offering stable computer-driven, battery-powered flight for one or two passengers over short distances.
Looking for a world-class Futurist keynote speaker on auto industry trends, transport, future of cars, trucks and roads? Contact us now to discuss.