The future of...
Abraham (Bram) Beckers
Experienced Supply Chain Leader | Aspiring VP/MD | Digital Transformation & Innovation Expert roles
Dear friends,
Previous articles primarily focused on Transformation, Critical Thinking, Process Design, Technology, and Culture, emphasizing efficiency
In recent weeks, there seems to be a focus on reducing administrative burden from companies in order to become more efficient?
On national level, governments swear to review complicated and unnecessary processes in favor for growth of the economy.
Companies in turn counter by mentioning a huge competitive disadvantage because of administrative reporting and new legislation.
Nothing new I presume.
Reducing legislative impact on companies requires some more attention.
Over the years, at least in Europe, every new government put their footprint by creating more legislation. Public service has grown to substantial sizes and last but not least, coordination between departments is "forgotten".
Adding legislation on top can create the impression that reporting is too much. reporting does not add value to the customer an entrepreneur would say, filling statistics because... Each one resulting in cost increase.
Many companies have a structure of a double board system. Initially designed to enhance board engagement, promote unbiased decision making, improve accountability and transparency.
Imagine a world in turmoil, everything is in motion, standards and good practices are being challenged, the best thing to do? Low risk.
Low ris means , more control, more reporting, more silo's, less speed.
If this behavior is on national level, public administration, corporations, one can become overwhelmed be the mass.
A reflex: less legislation, less reporting
In many counties, for certain industries and for consumer protection, governments installed laws and refer to standards to be followed.
Maybe this in a weird way contradictory. Let me explain.
Standards, when first introduced, were and are a voluntary guideline for corporations and organization to follow on behalve of the customer. A predictable and transparent outcome of a process with reliable quality.
At the introduction of the ISO 9000 series, it was a distinction for companies and used as a competitive advantage.
For some unknown reason, references in new laws had been made. A assume in consumer or public protection cases.
Now the snake bytes in its own tail.
Risk preventing attitude on all levels of society keeps these structures alive and they give a sense of stability and protection.
Is it by this, that it is so hard to re-think standards and laws, to make us efficient and competitive again?
Re-thinking a framework that gives us hold and is there to protect us, is at the same time preventing growth?!
Isn't it time to introduce, customer centricity, added value, innovation, diversity?
Isn't it time to talk about over-risk avoidance and see what calculated risk brings in progress?
A Risk approach re-thinking standards
There is a popular game with a pile of wooden sticks. Which sticks can you pull out of the stack, and not make it tumble down?
Now there are 2 parties, that have to come together. Not like now the one pointing at the other and telling them to start.
Together, politics and industry jointly make an effort and agree which rules embedded in laws linked to standards, can be suppressed or abandoned without affecting majority or a large part of the citizens. What is acceptable? What adds value monetary and none monetary?
As mentioned in other posts, less is more!
Have a great weekend, much learnings, enjoy your dearests, smile