Futudemy - what is it and what happens there?
Text: Satu Mikkola & Emilia M?kinen Editing: Iida Peltonen

Futudemy - what is it and what happens there?

Futudemy is a new type of course where you get to?solve?real business challenges,?network?with other participants and company representatives, and?learn?new skills?that are valuable in working life.

This project-based course lasts four weeks, including two hours per week of group sessions and about two hours per week devoted to independent work. During Futudemy participants get to create new service concepts based on data and programming interfaces (API) together with other participants, partners, and mentors, such as an international IT-company Cisco. The participants will receive a comprehensive intro on what APIs are and how they can be utilized for business. Futudemy is offered both as a company-specific private program and as a public program open to university students and other participants.?

At the beginning of each Futudemy course participants are presented with a real-life business challenge for which they will be ideating solutions through a guided process. It starts with the creation of initial solution ideas and follows with the best ideas being developed into a concept, prototype or other innovative solution proposals as the course progresses. The solutions combine service design, business and technology through the application of API and therefore allows us to invite students with different expertise backgrounds to join Futudemy. It has been truly rewarding to see how personal experiences and interests motivate participants to design better and more automated solutions. During a Futudemy in spring 2022, the participants produced over 10 solution ideas in a minute to improve recycling with APIs.

"A motivational course that allows you to dive deep into the incredible world of innovation methods and APIs." - Hannele Aaltonen, a student at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, on a spring 2022 Futudemy?

The necessary theoretical understanding of the subject will be walked through during classes using bulletins and collateral materials so that the participants can start to work together and ideate solutions to the topics selected collectively. Based on the results of the first ideation workshop, students choose topics that inspire them and set out to develop them further. Improving recycling or the healthcare appointment process has been some of the subjects that have inspired the students the most. At this stage, the usefulness of the solutions and the process as a whole is strongly considered. As theory and practice alternate in course implementation, attendees get a deeper understanding of APIs and ideas are supplied with the right APIs to work. Following the initial ideation, the course focuses on increasing the attendees’ understanding of APIs and finding suitable APIs to implement the ideas.

At the end of the last Futudemy session, each attendee gives a five-minute presentation on the topic. To the Futudemy project team, it has been especially great to see each participant's progress and improvement. Everyone has found several suitable APIs for their service solutions or ideas of how to use APIs in the implementation of their business idea. In addition to API understanding, each attendee gains practical knowledge of new methods and experiences in their toolkit.

Interested? Read more from https://www.futudemy.com/



