#39 'FUTOURISM 21' (Part 2), Sending out SOS-SMS: MEGA-TOURISM versus RESILIENT CITIES!!

#39 'FUTOURISM 21' (Part 2), Sending out SOS-SMS: MEGA-TOURISM versus RESILIENT CITIES!!

#39 FUTOURISM 21 (Part 2), Sending out SOS-SMS: MEGA-TOURISM versus RESILIENT CITIES!!


? Essay by Dr. MA Juri Czabanowski / postdoc research UrchiTecton

UrchiTecton:(Hi)Story of Integral Sustainable Engaged or 'Sustainstable' City-Building-Art

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ill 1: Amsterdam, Venice of the North because of the canals and endless amount of bridges ? photo Amsterdam dr. MA Czabanowski 2017, photo Venice dr.ir. Saber-Zaimian, Biennale 2017

"Tourists of all Class in Mass come and go, the Stones of Venice have their weight to undergo" [Juri Czabanowski]

Header ? photo J. Czabanowski, Amsterdam: Futourism 21– ? photo J. Saber Ziamian, Lorenzo Quinn Support, Biennale Art Venice 2017

Let's be(come) more involved as urban and architectural, environ-mental and fair trade and -play professionals and citizens! How? By entering a human-ecological minded course of acting!

Being time-witnesses worldwide of daily news of climate-change and its causes, we should change our minds and ways to act as well, creating a new way of world-perspective, to observe our world with a D-view! What does this perspective content?

Next to an existing 'ABC-review' we should develop a D-view, a Dilemma-solving way of thinking with help of a collective 'overview effect' as vision to fulfill the Mission of the Transformation worldwide, the Global Metamorphosis to act as a 'sustainstable' society in the Age of Mega Transitions. [1]?

About an Interthesis

The existing ABC-review: A?is thesis, B is antithesis, C is synthesis, a way of research to solve questions by ordering following steps in mind-maps, to get self-aware and conscious by self-reflection; a philosophy by Hegel. [2] The D-view develops the ’interthesis', acting together in a higher superconsciousness level as human mankind [3] - creating Nietzsche’s overview as solving effect.

Let's learn of the lessons, like of Zarathustra as protagonist of his super-consciousness and the tragic dilemma of not being understood by fellow-contemporaries (Zeitgenossen und Zeitzeugen) standing alone; a collective synthesis was not yet possible. Looking down?from the mountain into the valley, having an overview like Zarathustra. And even worse kept inside the cave without sun and daylight. In fact being slaves by unconsciousness [Plato, The Allegory of the Cave]!

Zarathustra had no fellowers, only some followers in his life. Like most spiritual leaders he had a lonely and heavy mission to carry and to send out his vision.[4] We should avoid this isolation of visionairs in our time and listen to superior minds with a mission and passion!

Open window perspective: open minded superview

Open shutters as metaphor to be able to observe in open window perspective obtain by an open minded superview and vice versa: the chain of action-reaction-interaction-self-reflection-interreflection. To express the inner related to the outer, the exchange between the in- and outbox of existence as being in a conscious co-existence.

A person has to enter an 'interperspective' position in a multi-perspective way of observation. The illustration of the window with opened shutters shows the reflection of the clouds in the glass as a veiled reflection (like inner clouds and doubts) of the exchange between the inner and the outer, the interior and exterior situation and conditions and their correlation: the inner and outer, in- and outdoor atmosphere in our 'Age of Mega Transitions' in a geographical SPACE cultivated by human mankind as impact, the 'Anthroposcene' by Czabanowski [2], and a geological TIME influence by the same impact of human mankind, the Anthropocene by Crutzen.[5]

A difference to mention in this two neologisms to undergo 'kairos' and to measure 'kronos' concerning the phenomenon of Time in the Greek Antiquity, a difference between senses and science.[6]

Prof.em. Peter Schmid, architect and scientific researcher, created a holistic or integral model, the Meta Model, in which are interrelations are connected of senses and sciences in context to an inner-circle of the correlation to build and live in respect within/ according to a human and ecological way it should be. This holistic integration of the way to build he quoted as 'Integrale Biologische Architektur' (IBA).[7]

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ill.2: Peter Schmid, Meta Model, 1975; in disseration dr. Czabanowski, TU/e-Bouwstenen 2006, p.227

Being a historian of art I want to join another discipline as well. There exists a certain reference with surrealistic paintings of René Magritte and the 'kairos-kronos' phenomenon as well the inner-outer world: the intention to refer to images of the un- and under-consciousness (S. Freud) and a collective consciousness of the arch-typ (C. Jung). These famous psychologists and their 'Traum(a)-Deutung' were 'gefundessens Fressen' for a surrealistic painter like Magritte: the unfolding of the hidden and representation of the unfolding in front of the observer's confrontation, observed as naked truth without shutters The clue of the real open mind and holistic observation is the integral vision to open not only the shutters to observe, but to open the glass-windows as well to interact and undergo other sensitive senses smell, taste, noise and tact to co-share the inner and outer spheres as real awared and experienced experience, not by air condition or the artificial conditions.

The ability to share self-reflected inter- and transactions in stages and passages in space and time, or '(st)ages' as ongoing images and imaginations. Enter the open space with an eye-opened mind and view to overview as conditions the order effects, called 'overview effects'. The local and glocal overview is part of the global overall or superview.

This supervision, coined as FUTOURISM 21 wants to overview our global(s)ized life to develop a positive driven co-existential lifestyle of co-sharing Planet EARTH WITH THE WHOLE CREATION of Living Beings, be(com)ing self- and environmental-conscious human beings and world-citizens, in german coined as 'Mit- und Umweltburger'. [8]

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ill.3: Juri Czabanowski, Open Window Perspective, 2011

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ill.4: Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthen Delights, open triptychon ± 1500, Prado Museum Madrid

Open the doors and windows to look, discover the World and observe our common created built as cultural and ‘natural’ environment! Our world has to be faced behind the curtains/shutters (triptych in closed version, ill.3), like in state of illustration 2.

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ill. 5: triptych The Garden of Earthen Delights in closed version/state

Painter and humanist Hieronymus Bosch van Aken did open the shutters 500 years ago around the year 1500. In his triptych The Garden of Eartly Delights (painted between 1490-1510) he gives his view of the developed world as a 'civilized' process-in-progress. The ongoing urbanization in the late Middle Ages and in his option sinful way of life will lead at the end to his contemporary ‘state of the world’: a disaster to clean misorders of fulfillment of the Apocalyps.[9]

Bosch was an eye-witness of the coming Reformation and Transition of the Renaissance as 'Zeitgeist', an 'in-between' artist. He observed the end a long period of theocentrical ('momento mori') and feudal way of life, to enter a more anthropocentric (‘carpe diem’) way of life. A pre-industrial way of life with engineering tools, and coming discoveries like 'new' continent America, and our planet as spherical volume instead of a flat pancake. The warning for the right-winged shutter of the famous triptych could, or even should, be seen as a prophecy of global warning and a call to develop resilient human-ecologically minded cities, or 'futouristic', green and vital cities.

Translated in our time of 21st Century: we should (re)create cities towards regenerative DNA-built and -designed living shelters, using them to restore and renovate them with less energy and renewable and recycled materials, LCA-proven [10] on human-social-ecologic-economic-technologic criteria.?

Second Worldwide Enlightenment

Who and where are the Enlighten Souls to impulse our hearts to move ourselves be(com)ing as human collective engaged to enter the urgent next step of progression in the process-in-progress(ion) of a New Urgency (dutch: Nieuwe Noodzakelijkheid). This term was introduced by prof.ir. Jon Kristinsson. [11]

The writer of this essay quoted 'Integrale Notwendigkeit' [Czabanowski 2011] as a sustainable answer for a reasonable and satisfied future with wellness, fairness, togetherness as social values to share.

Like one century ago the New Objectivity or german coined Neue Sachlichkeit arose in the Weimar Republic after the End of the First World War to enter a new world order without existing empires of monarchies in Russia of the tsar, the German and Austrian-Hungrian monarchy, the Osmanian Sultanate and some related partners of feudal system of agricultural possession by division by king/emperor since the?‘renovatio' of the Roman Empire by the reign of Charles the Great, Carolus Magnus begin 9th Century. Systems of royalties for selected royals became member of the established elite, to rule and play the role of patriarch. Still the fight between declining old money by land(lords) and rising new riches by industries, who invested in innovated technologies.

A Second World War was?’needed’, even worse and more cruel than the Great or First World War to end the being settled to harvest towards entering the dynamic flood of the industrial system build up offices to produce artificial goods and products.???

During this industrial revolution existing nature become relatively rare, because of the pressure to cultivate the existing circumstances. Mass production demands mass material. A new next industrial revolution was created; natural capitalism [Hawkins, Lovins & Lovins 1999] [12]. The intention of natural capitalism is to price-label every single tree and forest. Economists have counted the summit of nature as capital in one amount; the price of nature! [13]

Futourism as a social vision of 21st Century enters an integral approach of co-existential art- and lifestyle to co-share our common global future, like a community of Commons, to restore a regenerative balance of a lost natural bio-rhythmical dynamism. Modern industrialism, the mechanic and artificial rhythm of machines partly enslaved human mankind, reduced them into tools.???

Impacts of climate change and mass tourism arised as an accelerating public safety issue. Architect David Eisenberg personal view argues concerning climate change in his article 'Transforming building regulatory systems to address climate change': "The long lifespan of buildings and infrastructure means that everything designed and built today will exist in different conditions than exist now. Given the long timeframes involved in changes to codes, standards, regulations and policies, the urgency of acting now is clear" [Eisenberg 2016 - [14].

How to act now in old-structured infrastructure of Venice, Italy?

A regulatory process is needed to identify, evaluate and consider risks of impact climate change and impacted populations. Eisenberg recommends in the building sector: "The realm has an important role in the provision and encouragement of alternatives to mainstream practice that can provide an improved overall risk-performance profile."[15]

Well-informed engaged leaders and conscious citizens should initiate a process of change, to transform existing building systems and to share progress in building processes, next to tourist and lifestyle system, to demonstrate their responsibility for life-supporting systems. Consequences of climate changing realities and their contextual risks are needed to adapt and integrate to current existing systems.

About transition and (re)actions: FUTOURISM as Sustainable Engaged Art?

Helping hands and minds are needed to save a drawning city Venezia from collapsing: Erhalt durch Nachhalt von einsturzende Altbauten anstatt Neubauen; the impacts of climate change and mass-tourism caused and will even take more caused urban problem.

Big cruise-ships with thousands of tourists on and in them enter like Horses of Troy the waterway-systems of Venice like a Disneyland attraction. This invasion of the mass as coined ‘Mega-Tourism’ of daily 80,000 tourists pressures as colossal weight on the Middle Aged base(ment) of the old city. The gateways are not made to enter the Canale Grande. This invasion of benefit and profit before people and planet, wealth before health, shows a face hidden after the mask of greed and exploitation, the need of exponential?growth as?fundamental law of the neoliberal open market of capitalism: "Tourists of all Class in Mass come and go, the Stones of Venice have their weight to undergo". [J. Czabanowski, Futourism 21- SOS-SMS-oneliner, 2018; referring to poem of T.S. Eliot The Wasteland and proza John Ruskin, Stones of Venice] [16].

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ill. 6: ? photo J. Czabanowski, About Futourism 21, cruise-liner on IJ - Amsterdam 2018


At last a video ‘I love Venice’ by Quirine Racke and Helena Muskens 'Venice' made in 2013 illustrates how Venetian citizens react towards development of big cruise-ships which enter their city: Venice becomes a ‘Venice-land’, an Italian Disneyland by mass-tourism, especially for citizens. It should become for all again: 'We (are) nice' by acting to 'Be nice' to show respect to Venice and Venetians.


? Juri Czabanowski, essay Futourism 21 part 2, 2017, revision 2023.

Endnotes of essay

[1] 'Sustainstable' ('sustainstability') is quoted by dr. Juri Czabanowski as 'stable sustainability', a circumstance in which a balance is reached after necessary transitions.

[2] Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher during Enlightenment.

[3] The interthesis or D-view by Juri Czabanowski.

[4] Anthroposcene is quoted by dr. Juri Czabanowski as the place (spot), in case of human mankind: planet Mother Earth as platform.

[5] The physician Paul Crutzen introduced the word 'Anthropocene' as a time-period in which the influence of the amount of people, word population and their way of handle had dirt influence on the change of climate by emission and pollution since the industrial revolution.

[6] In Greek Antiquity existed two kinds of time: the ticking/passing time, second by second called 'chronos' (kronos) and the experience of and by time called 'kairos'.

[7] Peter Schmid (*Rom 4-9-1935) was professor at HTL Krems, Austria and TU Eindhoven the Netherlands (period 1972-2000).

[8] Mitburger und Umweltburger are neologisms by Juri Czabanowski as a result of the neologisms 'Wut- und Mutburger' in Stuttgart 21, Germany; demonstrating citizens were in protest against the, in their eyes and minds, unnecessarily new railway-station.

[9] Apocalyps is from greek origine, meaning: 'after total destruction by cleaning'.

[10] LCA mens Life Cycle Analyse, a measurement to count the influence of building materials by counting several related issues

[11] Prof.ir. Jon Kristinsson was professor at TU Delft and chairholder of 'energetic building-systems', especially energy-saving systems.

[12] [Hawkins Lovins, 1999]; Paul Hawkins, A. Lovins & H. Lovins,?Natural capitalism: Creating the next industrial revolution. Boston: Little Brown, 1999.?????????????????????????????????

[13] [VPRO 201]; 'Hoe duur is natuur?', docu VPRO-Tegenlicht; about the attempts to value nature in money worldwide.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

[14] David Eisenberg, ‘Transforming building regulatory systems to address climate change’, P 468-473 | Published online: 28 Jan 2016.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

[15] Ibidem Eisenberg 2016.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

[16] Juri Czabanowski, poetic sms-sos oneliner about coined 'Futourism 21'.???????????????????????????????????

Philip Krabbendam

cohousing, architectuur en architectuurfilosofie

1 年

Een alles overstijgend bewustzijn, waarin we dilemma's kunnen oplossen, dit in plaats van voorrang voor het een of het ander, voor massatoerisme dat Venetie onder de voet loopt, (het lijkt op culturele interesse) of de aarde uitbuiten voor meer productie (het lijkt op verhoging van de welvaart en 'dus' van ons welzijn) Een overstijgend bewustzijn en daarnaar handelen, Urgent! Maar zoals Bertrant Russel ooit zei: 'Het grootste probleem van de moderne wereld is dat domme mensen zo verdomd zeker zijn van zichzelf en intelligente mensen vol twijfel zitten'. Bewust maken, bewust maken en nog eens bewust maken!


Wonderful article and very broad minded! Hopefully the ideas will lead to a better future! Congratulations to your work!

Juri Czabanowski

Dr. in History of Architecture & Art & Urbanism | Visionary Historian 'Sustainable Architecture'

5 年

I would be glad and pleased if the academic platform of Linked In-members would give some reactions like colleague dr.ir. Krabbendam and dr.ir. Saber-Zaimian to this and others articles i published and posted in order to explain my coined 'Futourism 21' (contemporary term for our Zeitgeist and 'Zeitraum' in the globalized 21st Century: a supervision of an integral sustainable society and dito art to stimulate in ongoing 21st Century. I'm intended to give PPP-lectures about my postdoc research and coined 'Futourism 21' at universities and high schools worldwide; i started in April 2019 at Radboud University Nijmegen (NL); others will follow...



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