Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
1.????Worthy audience imagine the state of affairs & crisis of existance of common people in case a monsoon flood drowns rural areas and Karachi or the life of Pakistanis after Eid-ul-Azha when public will have no money in their pocket after Qurbani & payment of electricity,POL,house rent,taxes and gas bills followed by the 20 seat byelection or interim elections,which would be stolen by the PDM &Allies with unprecedented DHANDLI or lost by helpless PTI in sheer anger.Needless to say Khurram Dastgir recently?hurled another misleading slipup deliberately to justify the means(Imported Govt.Regime) Even if the no-confidence vote not gone through, there was not the slightest possibility of Imran Khan appointing an out of turn/handpicked army chief and barring opposition leaders from contesting elections thereby turning Pakistan into a one-party state and assuming the role of a civilian dictator? Instead taking full advantage of Imran Khan Predicaments Shehbaz Sharif saw this as a unique opportunity to stab him in the back & couldn’t resist becoming prime minister with consolidated intrigue of Zardari and Maulana. Another presumption is that, PDM &Allies have always looked upon Shehbaz as an efficient administrator who is relatively mild compared to brother Nawaz, who, along with daughter Maryam, are not to be trusted? Yet what difference do palace intrigues and political machinations make to the lives of ordinary Pakistanis, who are rapidly losing faith in the current government’s ability to manage? In light of this bleak and dire political scenario, could Imran Khan make a comeback? The short answer is: most likely or may not be, reasons:-
- Regardless of how popular or unpopular he may be or how well he spins his own failures and his opponents’ misfortunes,Imran Khan despite making some politically fatal moves in his last days of power,he has ruined the reputation of the PDM corrupt leadership?But his faulty assumption of nuetral negative role is floppy,twisted and irrelevant?What he need to watch is make his narrative more acceptable & stop loose talk (talking ill of the establishment) since there is hardly any possibility of attaining of any sympathy in future ahead, enough is enough?
- Despite his habitual bickering about establishment & the United States of America as well as insisting that he knew the West better than any other Pakistani and had convinced the kingmakers that foreign policy would be his best strength. If anyone could explain the point of view of the Pakistani state and get it the respect it deserved, it had to be Imran Khan no doubt rest is all rubbish /garbage?Public knows it?
- Imran Khan?assertion has amassed great sympathy for PTI that the USA has conspired against Imran Khan’s government, whereas it is also true that in the last four years that he was prime minister, the US did not appoint an ambassador to Pakistan, and despite Moeed Yusuf’s efforts, Biden never called him.That shows some malafidy,thereby putting the Govt on back foot before FATF & IMF ? Which again is not ia heaithy sign for the imported Govt?
- Imran Khan Narrative is gaining louder & louder tone that Pakistan would have gotten cheap Russian Oil, had he remained himself in the Govt, but PDM regime failed to pursue this option?This would cost PMLN fortune to get their image restored before their voters?
- Imran Khan will remain a media star and a demigod to a powerful domestic & oversea Pakistani majority since they have seen the darkest side of the so-called imported govt.It therefore seems clearly visible that public has developed a strong liking for the PTI regime which provided them relief at every step,whereas it threw PDM& Allies intriguers for away on their popularity index?
- PM Shehbaz Govt. which is mostly comprises of criminals/allegedly convicted and by and large men of primitive mindset of the past. Their only relevance to the future of the country today lies in being a parasite upon it (babdits)& rendering all accountability instutions impotent and getting themselves scot free of all the corruption cases? Question rises, is Imran Khan (being an old man) still the exception? Probably yes because of his clean conduct and better performance viz-a-viz uncanny blunders of the Miftah Ismail to offset/retard the pace of industrial & agriculture growth besides making the life of every Pakistani miserable.This is no doubt is like realistic planting of mines/explosive /creating barriers in the way forward to future of Pakistan, if not saved by the patriots and expatriots. No doubt IMF does not want it the way buroecracy has dragged the budget in deep swamp after PDM & Allies conspirational ousting of PTI well settled Govt? It may be likely be said that PM Shehbaz may think of resigning soon owing to horrendous blunders that he has never commited earlier in his life?Moreso Brother Nawaz and Maryam may declare him a cheat sooner or later,who brought back Bilawal and Zardari again in the active politics?
- Coalition Govt. is indeed opportunistically blended, scared of Imran revenge and seriously lack poiltical will to own responsibility of failures & seem unwilling to continue amid profound difficulties and public resentment over their uncalled for Vote of no confidence to oust Imran Khan & pushing the Nation to the stone age, facing severe food grains shortage/Oil Crisis &crushing them under budget debris? Not a single person seems happy over the current scenario?
2. Worthy audience Pakistan had to ‘engage’ with all the big powers, regional countries and neighbors. The US would always be important. But it would relentlessly press Pakistan to strategically distance itself from China. Otherwise, the US would impose costs on it if China and CPEC remained the keystone of our strategic policy. Pakistan condemns India’s actions and policies towards Pakistan, India-occupied Kashmir, and its own Muslim minority. Many sensible Indians were unhappy with this state of affairs. But other than the Modi and Hindutva narratives on Pakistan and Kashmir, they had little access to alternative narratives. Accordingly, we need to seek opportunities for comprehensive, structured and productive dialogue covering outstanding bilateral issues with India, especially over Kashmir Issue, regional developments, trade and investment, nuclear dialogue, water issues, travel and tourism. Should India refuse to respond positively to initiatives for dialogue, compromise and peace as is always the greater likelihood Pakistan would lose none of its Kashmir and defense options. There is also a shared assumption that the situation will only get worse within the prevailing power, political, economic and social dispensation. There is a similar assumption that the time available to turn things around is fast running out, or has indeed run out. Global, regional and domestic developments represent accumulating challenges which will soon be beyond our governance capacities to cope with.
3. Technocratic tinkering is all that is considered possible. This may delay, but cannot avert an inevitable reckoning with climate change, population growth, policy incoherence, loss of economic sovereignty, education and human rights deficits, pandemics, conflict and war. The guardians of the power structure know good governance and radical structural reform are essential for national survival. But they also threaten their unconstitutional political dominance. Accordingly, they will have none of it.Within this bleak picture there are the usual ‘winners’, who govern or misgovern in the name of the losers, but in the interests of themselves. The losers are coerced and encouraged to believe this is their lot and a better world beckons, if not here then surely in the hereafter. ‘Charismatic’ and populist leaders participate in and facilitate this fraud upon the people. They prepare escape routes and transfer their stolen assets abroad for when the ‘chickens come home to roost’. They are unmasked each budgetary session. Those few leaders — national, regional and local who refuse to join this conspiracy and do not keep silent are condemned and dealt with as troublemakers, even enemies of the country. Was Imran khan one of the kind? The answer is No.
4. Though Pakistan has great vacuum of young leadership in the old political parties except PTI. There are many contenders among our educated and committed youth who have the potential to be progressive national leaders. Among them are some very brave, bright and dedicated young women. The primitive mindset will try to co-opt, sideline or destroy them. They may have different views regarding what is to be done. But what needs to unite them is the knowledge that the current ‘movers and shakers’ have again brought the country to the very brink of state failure. Pakistan is not a failing state. Tragically, it is a failed govt. Indeed, it is a four times failed regime. However, Pakistan is not a failed idea. It is rooted in the Muslim experience in India, especially after the British ended Muslim rule.