Fusion-Trend Indicator
Chart Advisor By Vishal Dalvi, CMT

Fusion-Trend Indicator

There is no Holy Grail indicator for Trend identification, but I have tried to create an Indicator which can accurately identify Up-trending, sideways, and down trending Markets using a combination of multiple indicators as defined below. The typical time horizon of trend using these parameters is 6 months and the change of trend takes 2-3 months.

The following sub section explains the functions and indicators used in Fusion Trend calculation:?


RSI (Relative Strength Index) measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate momentum and also overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security. I have used 28 period RSI.



ADX (Average Directional Index) measures the strength of trend over time regardless of direction. The other two output parameters PDI (Positive Direction Index) and

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