Fusion is Rising

Fusion is Rising

From the OECD and Mathias Corman talks about "Rising disinformation has far-reaching consequences in many policy areas ranging from public health to national security."


Interestingly, from the United Nations facts and figures articles ? actnow ? facts-and-figures' Present Fission plants are not forever like fusion plants will be.





7 Para.4.3 p526.

Uranium resources can fuel existing demand for no more than 130 years, and that is taking into account all conventional uranium occurrences and usages, it can fuel demand for more than 250 years. So it can be said that if the Nuclear fission industry trebles its growth as it plans, and as recommended at COP28, and by the EU, Canada the US, the UK, IEA, and IAEA it will also then by default rapidly reduce fission fuel life to say 80 years and fission weapons stocks even with recycling and without development.

The main takeaway here is this: Even if they spend trillions in trying to develop ways to prolong the nuclear fission industry, that still means it will still end and leave a large toxic waste load trebled in size for thousands of generations to pay for, a hole in the energy generations area that will still need to be filled and another energy crises created which could have been averted with system planning by governments and industries.

Nuclear fission has pushed itself as a green industry and has fooled the EU, Canada, the US, the UK, the IEA, the IAEA, the OECD and others and what for?

The outlook for nuclear energy to provide much of the US economy’s baseline energy needs is challenged by an aging portfolio of reactors and a shallow pipeline of applications to build and operate new plants in the future.


The Nuclear Debate

  • The underlying question is how electricity is best produced now and in the years to come.
  • How can nuclear fission compete economically with the growing renewables?
  • How to contend with the diminishing reserves of nuclear fission fuel material.
  • What can replace Nuclear fission and support the old nuclear industry?
  • Between 1990 and 2019?electricity demand doubled. It is expected to roughly double again by 2050.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated?that at least 80% of the world's electricity must be low carbon by 2050 to keep warming within 2?°C of pre-industrial levels.
  • At present, about two-thirds of electricity is produced from the burning of fossil fuels.?
  • Nuclear is proven, scalable and reliable, and its expanded use will be essential for many countries to achieve their decarbonization goals.
  • Nuclear fission has a restricted world footprint based in 39 countries and is not likely to grow outside of this because of political and non-proliferation treaties.
  • Why not develop fusion which will be scalable and reliable, and expanding its use will be essential for many countries to achieve their decarbonization and energy and cooking for all goals.


When fission green energy involves mining and the production of toxic waste and pollution of waterways, how do the EU and Canada justify being the biggest promoters of it?


The UN has advised everyone that it would it be a better, cleaner, safer and more environmentally effective way to develop renewables (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Wave, Geothermal and Tidal forces) and by assisting them with grid-attached variable generation backup by Hydrogen electrical generators, and provide the grid with Batteries? Additionally, as fusion electricity generation becomes commercialized, engage these as a total system solution around the whole world.

Australian politicians ignore what is happening in the world at the best of times it seems that Peter Dutton and Chris Bowen are both pulling on a rope in different directions and neither sees around them, and that fusion energy industries are growing internationally though not in Australia, and Australia will again be left behind and prey to other countries follies.

These energies, renewables (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Wave, Geothermal and Tidal forces) and assisting them with grid-attached variable generation backup by Hydrogen electrical generators, and provide the grid with Batteries. Additionally, as fusion electricity generation becomes commercialized, engage these as a total system solution around the whole world, are clean, low in waste and recyclable, with no timeline to end, non-weaponisable and can be deployed to all 195 countries of the world. Not just 39 rich countries.

These renewables (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Wave, Geothermal and Tidal forces) and with the assistance of grid-attached variable generation backup by Hydrogen electrical generators, and grid with Batteries with the addition of commercialized fusion electricity generation will provide an increase in worldwide employment, use of new technologies, and energy to all, that can supply energy for cooking, drinking and irrigation water, raise education in the world and reduce environmental damage, regardless of their location.


Fission can not even come close to future commercialized fusion sustainability, endurance, and future marketability as seen by the IEA. It appears that the fission industrialists and misguided politicians are emulating the fossil fuel and tobacco industries.

Governments, countries, and investors must rally behind fusion development immediately. By integrating renewables with grid-connected hydrogen and batteries, it becomes the optimal, safest, and cleanest choice.

To the future and for the future



7 Para.4.3 p526.


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