Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
With nothing seemingly being done about the hideous slums in leading American cities such as Detroit and New York, along with several places in California, following Professor Yuval Harari's "useless people", this is probably what he had in mind. With AI becoming more sophisticated to the extent that governments are now rushing to legislate its containment, this might still be considered fighting only a rearguard action, but again, it will not include this unemployable group. The problem here is that as AI takes over so many jobs, it is quite on the cards that this "useless class" will become massive and ultimately in the majority.
So talking of humanity in general, we can predict, by grouping them, that the one percent that already owns most of the globe's wealth will continue in this realm, proceed in building their bunkers, and possibly agitate to be included in life on Mars when this becomes more comfortable, but otherwise they'll look after their own needs.
Moving on from a time when we had specific religious groups defining regional populations, on one side in the Western world, we see declining support for the Christian base, which allows followers to give up against the rising tight of Islam, which, despite its idiosyncrasies, there is no allowance for apostasy. It is written that the only answer to this is death. And there is no argument since Mohamed said God said so. No debate as that is clear enough. This means that trying to predict the future, it will still be governed by this drive to have an infallible God who gives an answer to why we are on this earth and where we're going on death. This dying concept is so frightening for so many people that it is hard to escape an infallible Islamic God's solution. It is more convenient than having to find something positive to revere; such as Climate Change.
Hence, back to the prediction phase, it is fairly predictable that questioning Christian philosophy will continue to wane whilst Islam, no matter how incomprehensible, cannot be challenged under its basic principle, so logically, it will continue rising to dominate in the future. Going back then to humans, as another form of advanced animal species, in animals, what happens when one type of animal outnumbers another? They eat each other; or otherwise dominate food resources necessary for survival. While the dominant group might be less sophisticated, the sheer weight of numbers makes up for this difference. The West might have been ahead in technological advancement over Islamic states, but will that be overshadowed by declining Western birth rates against Muslims allowed four wives and as many others as they can manage, all supported in some countries on welfare?
The problem then gets into AI and its control, where the danger remains over how North Korea and its demented president can still own atomic bombs or an American president deemed in law totally incompetent, also having access to a bomb button. The inference is that the world could still blow itself apart, which, as Elon Musk suggests, is the requirement for a third-planet civilization to cover such eventuality. For those who are going to populate this new planet, one could consider that it would only include very skilled and intelligent humans, where eventually, that wealthy one percent would slip in. But leave the woke behind.
So one can simply hypothesize what happens from the top and the bottom ends of civilization, which returns us to the bulk of people in between where supremacy will come from the handling of AI. Is Russia still a threat, and/or will China, with its handling of AI into its "Social Credit Score" and fight against Islam and all religions, dominate? This brings us back to the question of how humans will evolve? Technically, there is no such thing as "devolution," but a similar consequence could be achieved by mishandling "evolution," which seems well underway...