Further contemplation on KINDNESS
(Okpia) Akhator-Eneka W. (PhD, MBA, FCA)
PPP/Program Director - Infrastructure Development & Financing
Kindness is often challenging to practice in our daily lives due to various reasons. Some people may demand kindness as if it's their entitlement, while others may try to deceive us deliberately. Despite these challenges, kindness remains essential for a fulfilling life.?The hands of true givers are always on top, a testament that givers never lack. Provided the giving is motivated by pure motives.
In "The Power of Now," Eckhart Tolle makes important distinctions that can help us navigate life, enabling us to practice true kindness. For example, there is a difference between our lives and our lives situations. Often, through compulsive thinking or mental commentary, we focus too much attention on the past or future, losing the present moment – which is a gift of nature to us, hence the name PRESENT.
To practice genuine kindness, we must consider the following:
1) When we are fully present in the present moment, we can discern truth from falsehood. This allows us to consciously handle interactions with insincere individuals. Then decide the best line of action to take.
2) When offering any form of kindness, we should be in the present moment, with full concentration (100%), allowing the gift to come from within.
?3) When a mind is consumed by problems, there's no space for solutions. Therefore, we should create room and space within ourselves to uncover life underneath our current situations. In every life situation – there are three options: Change the situation, Remove yourself from the situation or completely Accept the situation (Change, Remove or Accept).
?4) We should engage our senses fully, be mindful of our surroundings, and refrain from mental commentary or noise. By being aware of the space that allows everything to exist, listening to sounds, taking things, feeling the moment and acknowledging our own presence, we can move deeply into the present moment (Tolle, 2005). Any kindness at such moment is profoundly effective.
?5) Ultimately, by practising self-kindness i.e. being kind to ourselves, and forgiving ourselves, we can authentically offer kindness to others. It is only one who is kind to himself can be kind to others. Practice it to see the effects.
?6) It would appear that one of the supreme goals in life is to develop a high level of consciousness.?Consciousness is key to true kindness.
What a world it would be, where true kindness exists among all humans. These weekend pieces aim to contribute to this endeavour.