Fur Elise

Fur Elise

Fortunately the sun managed to finally come out after these too many days of gray skies. It definitely got below freezing last night when seeing all the rooftops and windshields covered with 'Jack's' frosting. I'm beginning to wonder if the world is moving all the faster because it seems like just yesterday we turned the pages on our calendars to November. Oh well, at least my most dis-liked month of the year is moving faster than I was expecting.

Most of my morning was taken up with getting more winter preparations made, along with chasing down a tradesperson to get something replaced that suddenly decided to break. Thank goodness I have a close circle of people I can call upon whenever I'm in need of something done which I can't handle myself. Of course after paying him, we ended up discussing the state of our Nation and what it may possibly be like these coming four years. I'm sorry to say, there's gonna be some changes coming down the pike which will likely be 'issing off' those who voted for him, and wishing they'd not paid any attention to all those many false promises. I'm sorry, but making America a better place to live, requires unity which as I see it, doesn't exist anymore. In the future, we'll be seeing more of those 'us against them' mentalities who think they can justify away all their self-enriching actions.

My noontime appointment took longer than I was expecting, but at least I'm feeling far more comfortable about the closing coming up on Monday, because from the time I received the payoff letter from the owner's bank, there was a lingering question in my mind regarding the actual amount that bank was due. Well, after my seller was on the phone for nearly a half hour with their customer service, it was discovered the first payoff letter was incorrect, and glad they were able to email me the correct one. I'd like to have a few words on Monday with the closing agent regarding my concern at the time, but I'm sure it'll fall on deaf ears once again. I'm definitely coming to realize more of our so-called 'professionals', are not paying closer attention to their work. Don't even get me started on the so-called professionals in our medical community.

Just yesterday I was pleasantly surprised when hearing a woman identifying herself as 'Elise', which prompted me to say how rare it's been to find a woman in these times, having that name. She did mention it was her great-grandmother's, which was even more of a confirmation that Elise is an old name. I mentioned something about Beethoven's popular piece 'Fur Elise', which came as no surprise when seeing a blank look on the face of that young woman. In these times, I'm finding all the fewer with broad educations which makes me sad. I'm now wondering if the woman in tonight's vintage photo could possibly be playing 'Fur Elise'. Yes, she's another one who loved looking her best.

While paging thru that old photo album, I happened upon the first name 'Emmal' which I've never before seen or heard. After thinking about it for a moment, I began wondering if it's a variation of 'Emil' which is another old name with Northern European roots. I'm sure if someone wanted to name their newborn son a rare yet catchy name, 'Emmal' would be a good one. I'm sure most who'd hear it, would likely write it using only one 'm'. One never knows what interesting gems of information can be found when paging thru old photo albums.

As much as I wanted to work over at my project the entire afternoon, I ended up getting interrupted with phone calls which had me running back to office more than once, and only because there were several people wanting near-immediate answers which I couldn't give unless I was at office. Oh well, at least I managed to get a few more things done.

I heard several days ago that there's been a sudden increase in people renewing and/or applying for new passports, which came as no surprise because I recently read where there's been a sharp increase in new customers for the companies who help people re-locate to other countries. Yes, the fear factor is beginning to kick-in with those who're wanting live out their 'golden years' in peace. Just this past week, I've heard more than one person mentioning a desire to move to Ireland, and likely because they'll not have to learn a foreign language.

Tonight's One-liner is: Whether happiness may come or not, one should try and prepare one's self to do without it.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/11/23/fur-elise/


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