Funny and thought provoking
Vent covers a multitude of subjects and asks the reader questions. It's a way to let loose some emotions and frustrations without reprisal. You'll find this book funny and yet very serious. It will make you think as well as keep your busy. There are three goals here. One, to allow you to vent. Two, to let you laugh. Three, to get your opinion out there.
Though in workbook form, this book is easy to understand and follow. I enjoyed this book even though it was like having a conversation with a toddler during their "why" phase. The author doesn't slow down in this one. The pace is quick and yet you'll keep up with it.
I did find one issue. I felt the question about Caitlyn Jenner was in bad taste.
I gave this one 3 out of 5 cheers because it just wasn't my cup of tea. ~Copy of book provided by author and I voluntarily reviewed it.