A funny thing happened at the checkout. #6
You know how I am about customer service, if you have read very many of my articles. But the other night, I went through the drive-thru window at a fast food restaurant, and was so truly amazed by the lack of what I used to consider customer service skill, of the attendant, that it was almost inspiring in an inside out kinda way. He has changed my outlook on what good customer service is. Relevant.
When he tried to take my order, emergency vehicles kept going by and he couldn't hear me and he said so and lost his patience and got someone else to take my order because he couldn't handle asking me a third time to repeat myself. When I got to the window, he was talking on his head set about chili to another customer and reached into my truck window and snatched my credit card out of my hand like he had eyes in the side of his head, and reproduced it just as quickly with a receipt, right in front of my face. Again, without ever looking at me and the whole time talking to the people in line behind me.
A real one man show.
Equally quick, out the window came my order, dangling from his hand, again right in front of my face inside my truck window, without him ever looking at me or moving from his exact postured spot at the drive thru checkout monitor. I couldn't believe the food bag didn't make contact with my face or my half rolled down window or even the side of the half opened window of the drive thru. The whole time he never stopped talking to customers in his head set. Maybe the head set had peripheral vision. Lol.
As soon as I took my order, his arm retracted. Neeeeext. Lmao.
I would guess, there is pressure at this business unit to increase sales and pick up time. Ya, think? I was so impressed with his robotic efficiency, and the fact that he had probably been doing this for hours upon hours that day, that I didn't complain. I have to admit, 50% of the reason I went there was for their speed. The other 50% was for the food. Got 100% of what I was looking for. How could I complain?