?? Kirsten Barfoot ??
Intuitive Leadership & Personal Branding | Unlock Your Intuition: Be Seen and Heard in a Crowd | Book in a free Magnetic Presence Call with me ?
I seem to get so much information from the animal kingdom.
Not so much the lions intimating I’m the king of the jungle or anything like that.
More like your common critters like the butterflies, praying mantis, geckos and today, the grasshopper.
Today as I was filling my car with petrol, I saw a little green grasshopper on the top of my car.
I thought about the representation of a grasshopper in my life and thought yes…
Get ready to spring into action.
Just as I thought this, I could see the grasshopper moving from side to side, like it was gearing up to do just that…
Spring into action.
And that is exactly what it did…
Sprung into action, right at me!
I must have looked a sight trying to figure out where it was…
In my hair… imagine getting caught in that??!! ;-)
Anyway, I finally found it, as it bit me and fell to the ground.
A very obvious sign I needed to pay attention.
I decided to look it up and realised it was an answer to some questions I'd asked this morning.
I'd been thinking about my book and feeling an overwhelming sense of self doubt.
I talked to Grace and said “Really, is this what I’m doing? I’m really not too sure about it, what if the message doesn't land?”
Her answer came in the form of a grasshopper…
“…Grasshopper symbolism is asking you to “take a leap” of faith. … the Grasshopper meaning insists that you must go ahead and do it. You do not have to know the outcome. Usually, this is something that you have avoided doing and is part of a large-scale change in direction. This shift can be an adjustment in a relationship, advance in a career, or a transition within yourself. Grasshopper symbolism also means that you have the wisdom that you need. Right now, you can get past any obstacles in an efficient manner. With this spirit animal, for the most part, all possible outcomes will be positive.” (Source:
Well I guess that answers that then ;-)
What message does the grasshopper have for you today?
Love and Gratitude for a beautiful day to you!