The funniest business proposal

This morning the strangest thing happened.

I got a message from a LADY on LINKEDIN.

Now its not everyday that i get my inbox with messages, unless its my birthday, work anniversary or like recently, a new job role.

So, anyways. She asks me if i am interested in venturing in a business while i continue to work.

In the beginning I actually had a really good laugh, as she said," ONE HAS IT ALL PREPARED IN ONES MIND ". Like seriously, are you trying to sound smart. The worst sales person can sell a shittier product better.

When I asked for more details, she asks me if I was serious and if I had $6000 to invest and that too for equal profit share. Again it was like WOW. I've done quite a bit of business in life, but nobody ever comes in for such a venture deal. But then who am i kidding, I knew what this so called " BUSINESS" was.

I asked her couple of questions and requested her to cut the chase and get to the point and asked if she was talking about a binary business. She was confident enough to agree. I mean every "BUSINESS OWNER" should have some sort of pride atleast if not common sense.

So then the usual questions go on, O what do you know about Qnet and why am I not interested.

Now we all know what binary modules are. The fools gateway to get rich for the lazy and ignorant. I mean how stupid is this idea, first you invest $6000, then you get 3 people to invest under you for $6000, then you break even, but you generate profit when the next 3 get 3 each to invest under them.

Like seriously, get a job, do it well and get paid for it, if you need more money, then do something productive, use your mind at something you are interested in, and generate funds from it. You never know the hobby that you turn into a part time job for an extra buck, might just turn into a business as you get good at it.

Trust me cold calling someone you know with the only aim of gaining a new investor in your binary module would be so selfish that you are ready to risk your relation with someone just for a few bucks. I know of so many people who invested in such binary modules such as dubli, quest, q net and blah blah. They have destroyed their social image, their friends circle, their family life .etc just to gain some business.

I mean you go to your close friend and tell him there is a business plan where you have to invest $6000, and a close friend at times would not even think twice before helping another friend out, because he trusts you. You explain him the benefits and forecasts and all the other exaggerated non sense. We all have heard that. ( BMW in 1 year, Bentley in 2, Helicopter in 5 years and all that other marketing bullshit. ). But after the investment, you end up blocking his money, and this leads to arguments, misunderstandings and finally destroys the friendship.

Anyways, I politely explained why I am not interested and I briefly explained how the binary business works. I also ended my message by saying, if you have a real business proposal, like say even a $15000 investment, with say a 35% stake, with about 15-20% ROI, please let me.

Then this lady stops pretending to be a "business" lady that she portrayed and becomes the ignorant person she actually is, and tells me she is not interested to invest in any business because it's scam and misreads my complete message and thinks I am telling her to invest and it's a scam.

WOW. Lady, firstly, I dont even know you, I didnt approach you, Why in the world would i offer you a business plan. Infact I was kind enough to say that I wouldnt mind investing if you actually had a real " BUSINESS PROPOSAL ".

People should read well before trying to do business; ATLEAST. That would probably forecast a more promising future for them and the biggest lesson before getting into business learn some PR skills, don't make a fool out of yourself cz you were impatient and ran through the context of a message.

Infact I was so tempted to put this ladies picture along with her name because thats how it shows on my screenshot, but still I thought I'd rather save myself some unwanted waste of time over the internet arguing with the CEO of some BUSINESS and destroying my name in the bargain.

I am no one to stop or guide anyone from doing binary business, just spare me. PLEASE


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