Funnel Review - How NOT to Generate & Convert Leads
Micheal O'Neill
Meta Ads & Digital Product Launches | Helping coaches, course creators, and membership site owners attract high quality leads for profitable online launches.
Opt-in Page Review - How not to generate leads
Normally L.A.U.N.C.H. features a big-name marketer with a funnel to die for.
They have killer hooks, awesome ads, seductive opt-in pages, and A+ offer pages.
I do the analysis and give you 3-7 key elements you can implement in your funnel to increase your conversion rates and ultimately make more $$$$’s.
This week instead of teaching by example I am going to show you the mistakes to avoid.
There I was searching for a killer funnel to review when an ad popped up –?
As a marketer I am obsessed with psychology and the brain so I was instantly hooked.
Into the funnel, I dove.?
On the surface, it looked the part.?
But the further I explored, the more cracks I discovered?
It was then I realized this is the poster child for KnowledgeCom funnel mistakes.
So let’s get stuck in.
Now this opt-in page is not part of the funnel, but it is available as a link from the hero section of the website’s home page.
In this case, we can see they are using ConvertKit to host their opt-in page.
If you are going to invest in ads please make sure you spend the 10 minutes setting it up so your opt-in pages display on a custom domain.
It’s a small thing but these little things mount up.
ConverKit has taken the creator world by storm.?
Having worked with a number of clients who use ConvertKit, its landing page templates are limited and it doesn’t have a build-from-scratch option.
Before you invest in ads, invest in a landing page builder that is fit for purpose.
The headline shows promise – 7 things about the brain I wish I knew When I was younger.
This is a variation of the popular Twitter kook-?
7 things I know at 40 about the brain I wish I knew at 20
But for the love of god, please watch the capitalisation of your headline.?
Either go with proper caps or all first letter caps. Don’t just stick one random capital letter into the headline.
I’m into Neuroplasticity.?
I’m interested in it, but I don’t care about it. I care about what it will help me do.
I care about it because it will help me learn and adapt quickly.
But that isn’t why I really care about it.?
I care about it because it will make me a better guitar player and business person.
It will help me make more money.?
It will help me achieve my goals faster and give me more time to sit on the beach sipping a pina colada (if that’s what you are into!)
This opt-in page leaves me completely cold.
I don’t know who Gregory Caremans is, and I don’t care about his journey.
When someone looks at your ad, all that is going through their head is…..
What’s in this for me??
How does this solve a major pain point for me right now??
How will my life be better once I have this?
They don’t care about Gregory’s stagnations and regressions.
In the words of Jerry Maguire, “Show me the money”
Opt-in Page Swipe Files
Facebook Ad Review - How not to write a boring Facebook ad
Back to the funnel at hand.
This is the ad that caught my eye.
Now you have to remember I am a convert, which brings me to mistake #1.?
I believe we can rewire our brains.
I know what’s possible when people rewire their brains, and I am looking for guidance on “how to”?
I am product-aware.
As for every other offer in the world, the solution-aware group will be the smallest cold audience group you can try to tap into.?
Unless the total addressable market is massive, most cold advertising to this group will fail.?
The stages of awareness that your customers fall into are as follows:
Your cold ads need to target potential customers in the problem and solution-aware phases.
Lot’s of people want the benefits of neuroplasticity, but they’ve no clue what neuroplasticity is.
In this case, they’ll breeze right past this ad.
2. Don’t focus on the vehicle, focus on the destination
There is no primary promise in this ad.
This ad in no way answers the golden question… What’s in this for me?
It’s a good advertisement for neuroplasticity, but no one wants neuroplasticity.
Everyone wants what’s possible when they have a brain that can quickly learn and adapt.
And the fact is, most people don’t even care about that level.?
They want what they will feel on the next level after that.
They want attention and applause as they sit around the campfire playing everyone’s favorite song on their guitar.
They want the big house in the hills when their business takes off, and they make millions.
They want a “fully booked practice” when they can teach their clients to achieve remarkable things by teaching them how to develop neuroplasticity.
3. Don’t make it about you
Yes, we want to provide social proof.?
Yes, we want to provide proof that our program works.?
But instead of saying how brilliant you are, make it about your clients.?
Talk about the results your clients have achieved.
No one cares if this is your number 1 best-selling course.
“Neuroplasticity: How to rewire your brain” is our number one bestselling course. Over 114,000 participants have joined us already.”
….Into (and yes, I’m going to go a little overboard, but)…
Join over 114,000 people who have discovered my step-by-step blueprint to learn any skill 242% faster, effortlessly.
From getting a promotion or building your dream business, to finding a new job or cracking your childhood dream of solving the Rubik’s Cube.?
You will discover simple steps that you can apply every day to every task to hit your goals and create the life of your dreams.?
4. Don’t include the price in the ad unless it’s a major selling point
Just because something is $35 doesn’t mean it is attractive to people.
Including a price in your ad should only be done if it makes it a no-brainer for people.
Let’s say you are Tony Robbins, and people know you sell a program for $1,997.
If you are selling it for $35, that is an amazing deal, and people will buy it.
Let’s say you are retargeting your email list with ads, and they know the cheapest program you offer is $1,997.
If you launch a mini program at $35, that is an amazing deal, and people will buy it.
Facebook Ads Swipe Files
Sales Page Review - How not to write a dull sales page
Brain Academy are using a simple(but challenging) Facebook ad > Mini-Product funnel.
For a $37 product this is not unheard of.
However, it puts a massive premium on the offer and your offer page copy.
You need to be elite-level to get this to work.
Unfortunately, like the previous steps, this offer page shows a lot of common mistakes infomarketers make.?
This is a massive no-no.
The header section is a valuable space.
The #1 thing you need to include is a big buy now button.
You can include links, but make sure they are links to sections within the sales page.
Leading people away from the sales page back to the home page or about us page is a recipe for killing your conversion rates.
2. Don’t fluff the headline
$0.80 of your $1 is spent on your headline.
Brain Academy falls into the trap of talking about the vehicle rather than?
I’m not going to repeat myself from the ad review section but despite telling people what the product does there is no away from or toward motivation imparted.
There is nothing for potential customers to get excited about and no reason for them to keep reading.
3. Don’t have a weak (and buried) primary promise
Somewhere down the page we finally come to the primary promise.
But unfortunately, it’s as weak as a 3-second dipped tea bag.
“Take life back into their own hands”
People want to be inspired. They want to imagine themselves as the heroes of their own story.
They need specifics about what their life will be like once they are endowed with their new superpower.?
But they are lazy. They can’t imagine it for themselves. They need you to spell it out.
They need to know how much, by when, and how they can get a guaranteed result with as little work as possible.
This might sound like direct marketer speak, but it is true.
And your offer needs to be designed from the ground up so you can make these claims
4. Don’t turn people off buying with dull module titles
If you don’t turn every module title into a curiosity-inducing, excitement-building, benefit-laden knock-out reason to buy, don’t list them on your sales page.
Unfortunately, this is a feature of teachable that I get all my clients to switch off immediately.
Seriously who is going to buy – “Scope of this course” or “neuroplasticity-sensorial-motoric-exercises”
No one wants to sit through hours of video.?
They want the greatest possible result, in the shortest possible time frame, with the least possible effort.
For titles to be inspiring they need to promise a big win.
That is what the person will be able to do when they have learned this skill or technique.
Sales Page Swipe Files
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