Fundraising Pack: Last few hours before the price goes up! Bag that baby now.
Susannah Cole
Property Investor, Property YouTuber 2 million+ views. Join my property webinars (links below in ‘about’ section) & Property Academies, to live life on your terms!
The team quite rightly think I am selling the Fundraising Pack waaay too cheaply - because it is 64 pages packed with content, information, systems and importantly, the legal docs I used to raise funds when I was starting out. So they have set me a deadline (true, not some sales spiel) of raising the price today at 11am, because they argue that £20 plus VAT is too cheap for the pack, and I suppose they are right. So bag your pack before 11 to get it at my price!
The other reason we sent it out at such a low price is that we are learning - it is the first pack we released (we just released our second pack, the Deal Sourcing Pack yesterday) and we are learning. Learning how to do internet sales, how to bring attention to the pack, (because I know it is good and I know it works, as it changed my life) but we need to learn how to get attention from people so they can use it too, and a lower price helps us learn this stuff. So fair play, we track. record and improve our knowledge while you get am amazing price. A swop!
Here is the link for you