Fundraising & Events Promoted
Holden On Tight, Fundraising & Charities, $ Raised, Events, Money Raised or Donated.
Year 2006:
April,6,2006, Andy Caldecott, Black Tie Dinners $120,000.00, MC Melbourne.
Jul,27,2006, $3500.00 Save Barrabool Track and Bricks for the Wall.
Year Total: $123,500.00
Year 2007:
Jan,9-10,2007-2016, $7500, Andy Caldecott Annual Memorial Weekend Rides.
Feb,7,2007. $1000.00, Adam Ferguson, Gas Imports, Sponsorship.
Year Total: $8,500.00
Year 2009:
Jan,31,2009, $5500.00, Mini-Reunion, Presented Val & Wes Davis, Mrs. Mac Lifetime Achievement Award.
Year Total: $5,500.00
Year 2012:
April, 7-8, 2012. $750.00 Awarded Ray and Pat Owen Lifetime Achievement Award.
April,7-8,2012, $412.50 Broadford Bike Bonanza, Elsinore Reunion.
Sep,7-9,2012, $1200.00, Classic Dirt 9, Team Clothing, Mugs, Stubby Holders.
Year Total: $2,632.50
The year 2013:
Nov,9,2013, $14,000.00, Ray Vandenberg RM 500 Resto, Surprise 50Th Birthday.
Year Total: $14,000.00
Year 2014:
Mar 8, 2014, $65,000.00, Crown Casino Black Tie Mr. MX Dinner.
June,16,2014, $500.00 Jess Gardner Round Sponsor.
Sep,12,2014, $1000.00, Motorcycling Victoria Presentation Night Dinner, Stubby Holders, and More.
Nov 2, 2014, $600.00 plus Unknown Butterball Rally.
Dec,17,2014, $9000.00, Matthew Phillips Plate, Beyond Blue.
Dec. 20, 2014, $375.00 Cals Will to Walk.
Year Total: $76,475.00
Year 2015:
Mar,17,2015, $3500.00, Dakar Bikes Rumble the Adelaide Hills Birdwood Museum.
Mar,30,2015, $750.00, Matt Phillips Plates, Beyond Blue.
July,25,2015, $250.00 Morris, Mather Lyme Disease.
Aug,29, 2015, $2425.00, Jaxon Cooper (RIP).
Sep 12, 2015, $2302.70, Motorcycling Victoria Presentation Night Dinner. Mrs. Mac Award.
Oct,12,2015, $500.00, Challenge, Care Flight, Chad Reed Plate.
Oct,16,2015, $2800 Toby Price Plate for Ride 4 Kids Challenge.
Nov 7, 2015, helped raise $10k for Mountain Man 40th Anniversary.
Year Total: $21,027.00
Year 2016:
Jan,21,2016., $3500.00 Tommy Bramich.
April,10,2016, $140.00, VMX Ken Smith to USA CZ.
Apr,11,2016, $500.00 Dave Suter Shop Burnt Down.
May,18,2016, $500.00 Sam Davie, to Race Finke.
June,6,2016, $400.00, Toby Price Plate.
Jun,17,2016, $1500.00, approx, Daven, Re son London Medical Condition.
Jun,30,2016 $2500.00, Logan Shepperd.
July,25,2016, $1500.00, Danny Edington (RIP).
Aug,9,2016, $500.00 Jaysen Searle.
Aug,22,2016 $500.00, Ross Campbell (RIP).
Sep,3,2016 Adrian Mahoney (RIP), 7 Signed Jerseys, Unknown Value $$$$ .
Sep,9,2016 $28,025.30, Museum Framing, Plaques.
Sep,21,2016, $2275.00, Renmark Aussie Jnr Donation.
Sep,24,2016, $650.00 Ride for Harry.
Oct,7,2016, $7500.00, Matthew Phillips Plates Beyond Blue!
Oct ,26,2016, $1500.00, Beyond Blue.
Oct,29,2016, $575.00, Spinal Muscular Atrophy Foundation.
Nov,11, 2016, $$$$ Unknown Dan Mccoy, Unknown Value $$$$.
Nov,14,2016, $3000.00, Jay Marmont, Sydney SX.
Dec,3,2016 $18000.00, Museum Opening, Holden on Tight, Jnr Sportsman Spirit Award.
2016.17.18.19, $4000.00, Davey Motorsport Sponsorship.
Year Total: $77,065.00
Year 2017:
Jan,16,2017, $500.00, Brett Greaves (RIP) Family.
Feb,10,2017, $3648.76, Wyatt, Morgan Fogarty, Sponsorship.
Mar,13,2017, $200.00, Broc Pearson.
April,7,2017, $100.00, Oxfam Walk.
May,13,2017, $1500.00, Maddy Brown.
May,13,2017, $1500.00 Jeremy Burgess Beyond Blue.
May,16,2017, $2180.60, Museum Items Transport to Horsham, Stage 2, Blue Trailer.
May,26,2017, $500.00, Adam Thompson.
Jun,6,2017, $250.00, Sam Love Injury Support.
Jun,18,2017,18/19/20/21 Museum Purchases, $25,389.13
Jul,10,2017 $17747.03, Container Shipping, Paid ,1 Team Australia VMXdN 2017.
July,24.2017. $2000.00, Purchase 2008 MXoN Team USA Clothing for Fundraising.
Aug 5, 2017, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, $750.00, Toby Price Plate.
Aug,16-17,2017, $500.00 Stu Knaggs, USA, Police, Fire Games Clothing Sponsorship.
Oct,30,2017, $1500.00, Chad Reed Signed Framed Print, Challenge Kids with Cancer.
Nov,11.2017, $1600.00, Challenge Kids with Cancer.
Year Total: $59,865.52
Year 2018:
Jan,30, 2018, $200.00, Careflight.
Mar,30,2018, $7000.00, Mini-Reunion, Broadford Easter.
June 18,2016, $$$ Unknown Jroc, Unknown Value $$$$.
Aug,20,2018, $950.00, Micheal Burgess, Dakar.
Aug,24-26,2018, $6500.00, World Jnr Motocross Horsham.
Aug,24-26,2018, $750.00, Horsham MCC.
Sep,15,2018, $2800.00. Pounds Craig Manning Injury.
Dec,13,2018, $100.00, Sam Malia.
Year Total: $18,300.00
Year 2019:
Jul,19,2019, $500.00 Cody Dyce for Worlds.
Year Total: $500.00
Year 2021:
Mar,12-13,2021, $1475.00 Resto Expo, Museum Items Transport.
Mar,12-13,2021, $2050.00 Resto Expo, Steven Walters Foundation.
July,31,2021, $667.00, Trophy Transport to Rockhampton
Aug,19,2021, $500.00, Royal Children’s Hospital.
Aug,21,2021, $2000.00, Mick Murphy Helmet
Year Total: $6,692.00
Grand Total Known: $414,057.02
Holden On Tight Events Promoted & Awards, Press, Clubs Supported, Support & More.
Sep 2013, MA, Insurance Benefits Outlay (Clams) Review.
2015., Toby Price Docs.
Jan,13,2015 Christophe Barre Varju, Dream Racer Scam, Dave Schwarz Dakar.
Mar,14,2015, Rosco Darwin Brawl, Ripping Yarn Transmoto.
Mar,15,2015, Mr Motocross DVD, Launch.
May, 31.2015. Rob Bowra Support.
July,18,2015 Jed Beaton, Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship.
Sep,12,2015 Mrs. MacDonald Award for Services to Vic Motocross.
Nov,27.2015, Lisa Parsons, Disappointing Easter Friday, Wallan Letter.
May,15,2016, Andrew Flood Support.
Jun,15,2016, Toby Price Nomination Australian of the Year!
Feb,22,2017, Museum Proposal Broadford to National State Leader Steph Ryan Politician.
May,13,2017, MC for Geelong Sporting Motorcycle Club, a night with Jeremy Burgess.
Jun,28,2017, MC News, Winner UK Hero of the Week Award.
Dec,22,2017, Partner to Join the Welsh, Eppynt TT.
Mar,10.11,2018, MC Sat Night Shannons Resto Expo Dargle NSW Mar 9.10.11.
July,12,2018, Secure Toby Price Jersey for Mario Topline Upholstery.
Aug,13,2018, Central Coast, Junior Trials, Minicycle Club, help.
Oct, 6.2018. Cooper Downing Aussies Protest Support, Cobra.
Nov 28 2020-April 26th, 2021 Brisbane Gallery of Modern Art Museum, Mugen 390.
Jun,15,2021, $5000 Joel Kelso, Found Sponsor for Assen GP, Wild Card.
2007- 2013, Andy Caldecott Family Fundraising, Events, & More
2016 -ongoing Holden on Tight Museum.
Working Career:
15 Years Retail, 5 yrs Safeway’s trainee cadetship,
8 ? yrs Coles Myer, Traineeship, Staff Training, Personnel, Store Management.
1 ? yrs Group Supervisor SSW Draper Group.
1990/93 Seattle USA Trade Residential, Commercial House painting.
1992, spent 4 mths in Alaska Observer in Light Aircraft for Herring Fishing, based at Old Harbour Kodiak Island, The Christiansen Group we worked for made National Geographic in 92, for setting an Alaskan record in Togiak Bay of the Bering Sea.
Traveled backward and forwards to Seattle for 10 years until 2003 painting, took care of my adopted Grandma until she passed away.
Established in 1993/2012 Moved back to Australia part-time start painting company, 1995/96, 25 employees, 9 residential, was a residential painter for Val and Jack Smorgon Family for 8 ? years, 16 commercial schools and Mornington Peninsula Shire/Transfield.
Had a compound fracture on my Shoulder Trail Riding in 2005, need a full replacement but won’t do it as I can’t afford 6 mths of rehab and they also said I could only lift 5 kilos’ pointless and that from 2 Shoulder Experienced Surgeons. Still can’t lift my right arm higher than my lower armpit. Also broke my back T6, Rod, and 12 screws Permanently in 2017, Work Accident!
?Family and Facts:
Dad passed in 1990 and Mum in 2016.
First cousin from my mum Babs side and Uncle John who were brother and sister, my first cousin, son of Uncle John Andrew (AJ)Johnson Multi Australian Road Race Champion RIP, in 1980 Won the Castrol 6hr with Wayne Gardner. Ex-Wife Jan Johnson, Nephew Shannon, and Shannon Johnson 2006 Australian Supersport Champion and 2 kids, Ryan, Emily. Niece Bree Johnson Cohen and Matt and Hudson & Zara.
Father Keith was a Policeman for 27yrs and was in charge of Vic Police Public Relations in the ’70s and my family grew up with all of Ned Kelly’s Armour and guns in our family home in dad’s office. I was so small I couldn’t lift a piece of armour or barely a pistol. I didn’t know it but as a kid used to go into Old Melbourne Jail and help dad clean out years and years of hand-written case and courts docs. Then at the end of the day, he tries and shoot as many pigeons as he could as there were hundreds been living in there for years.
Dad wrote chapter 7 Kelly the Criminal from a police perspective in a book published in 1980 by Cassell called Ned Kelly Man or Myth and Keith.
He was President of the Victorian Genealogical Society and did the Family’s complete Family Tree, researching through Microfiche at Sydney and Melbourne Library. Hence where I get my genes for Preserving History and More!