Isabel Cantista
Dean School of Economics and Business Studies University Lusíada (campus Porto and campus Famalic?o) - Founder GFC - Global Fashion Conference
This week one more video was released at GFC Video Library in Youtube. This was a conversation with Christiaan Lensvelt, a Senior Investment Advisor of the Good Fashion Fund, Netherlands. Christiaan explained the structure and aim of the Good Fashion Fund. This is one of the few European institutions that are targeting specifically the funding of fashion sustainability. He also clarified the criteria for the selection of projects, and the indicators used to measure their success. Clean energy and water saving are at the top of the priorities set, but the social aspect of sustainability is also taken into account, and therefore the NGO Fair Wear Foundation was asked to look as an independent partner to labour conditions.
As fashion industry is moving towards a new circular, sustainable model the investment mindset is more than ever a condition to be met by companies and entrepreneurs. And the sources of funding is one of the topics GFC looks at as being most relevant. This is why in the Call For Papers of GFC2022, to be held ONLINE from AMD, Germany we welcome Research Papers and innovative Projects in this area.
#FashionSustainability #SustainabilityFunding #FashionResearch #GFC2022 #GFCVideoLibrary #GoodFashionFund @Christiaan Lensvelt