Fundamentals of #Technology #Valuations & #Transactions
Fundamentals of Technology Valuation
Program Logistics:
Organizer: Technology Transfer Association (TTA)
Knowledge Partner: Apohan Corporate Consultants Private Limited
Date: Sunday 27th September 2020
Time: 10.00 am to 11.00 am, India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)
Free program
Synopsis of program:
Valuation in itself is a very complicated and subjective aspect of a business. Valuation of technology as a compound of tangible & intangible assets various stages of development is even more complex matter owing to related uncertainties. With the rise of a wide variety of emerging technology companies changing the way business is done or life is lived, valuation of Technology has become an important aspect in the life of companies, SMEs, start-ups, research and development organizations, individual researchers, and companies that want to procure & commercialize a technology. In this program, we are going to study the fundamental aspects of valuation and transactions of technologies. The program will be in simple language for people from non-financial background.
v Technology as a business asset
v Types emerging technologies
v Valuation in general
v Valuations of technology
v Types of technology transactions
v Financial modelling for valuation of technology
v Important commercial terms in technology transactions
v Factors for successful technology transfer transaction
v Ways of funding technology development
v Technology business funding process
v Case study
v Questions and answers
v You will understand the commercial aspects of funding, buying/selling, commercializing technology
v You will understand the approach towards valuation of technology
v You will understand negotiation of the contractual terms in technology deals
Mr. Arun Joshi is the CMD of Apohan Corporate Consultants Private Limited, He has a 22 years’ work experience in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A), financial & business strategy, with the most prestigious companies of India like PwC, CRISIL, Reliance Industries, GAIL, DIMTS, etc. Arun has been involved in around 240 transactions of various kinds such as financial turnaround, overseas direct investment, acquisition of control through infusion of additional equity, buyouts or partial acquisitions.
Target Audience:
For promoters, CEOs, CFOs, CXOs, directors, executives, investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, finance/legal/corporate/strategy heads in companies, SMEs, emerging technology companies, technology licensors & licensees, students, universities, heads of manufacturing and service sector, etc.
Participation process:
Prior registration must.
Registration link:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting by clicking following link
Presentation Time Duration: Approx. 40 min followed by 15 Min Q & Ya
Join at least 10 min early. Switch off your video and mute Mike
Organizer Contact
Vilas Rabde, Secretary, TTA Pune
M- +919822502078
TTA Membership Registration Form Link:
TTA Website
Knowledge Partner Contact:
Arun Joshi, CMD, Apohan Corporate Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Address: Office No. 11, First Floor, Shriram Complex, Model Colony Road, Shivajinagar, Pune,
Maharashtra, India -411016 (Landmark – Fergusson College)
Landline: +91 20 25650005, Mobile: +91 9810481325
E-mail: [email protected],