Fundamentals Of Marketing!
Back on 25th March, we were given the wonderful opportunity to be able to share a talk on the "Fundamentals Of Marketing!" at Salisbury Arts Scene.
Within this video, I wanted to share firstly what I believe are the fundamental understandings you will need to understand how to use if you want to work in any sub-part of marketing!
The first of course is who are you and who do you help? This leads to explaining how we are all marketed to or could be marketing what we do every day. During every conversation, or by creating a bit of content ( written, audio, or video. )
I also explain why video is one of the most powerful tools a marketer has to share the message they are looking to share. Leading into the next fundamental, choose a way of creating content, and then keep to a pattern. But I can't talk about marketing and not bring up the ways it has been done for many many years, ( newspaper, radio, and TV).
This leads to explaining some of the values you should follow when creating a bit of content. For Example, whenever I create a video promoting Salisbury, I am doing it because of my love for Salisbury. Leading into another fundamental is when you are marketing you are NOT looking to market to everyone but a chosen group of people with a set of interests. so you need to think about the language that you are using.
Is it going to correct with the target group you are looking to share your message to? Moving on to me explaining how here at Brunton Media use as many touchpoints as possible to help our audience understand how we can help them. In most cases, you need to make sure the higher value of the sale or price the more touchpoints you are going to need with your client.
Another concept that I lead on to talking about is the "cost of value". Sometimes when people are looking at a bit of art or even a video, they don't understand the "value" that thing has, however it is your job as the person selling to them, to help educate your client on the value of whatever you are trying to see is?
Finishing on with why having a scarcity mindset is going to be a huge probability for your business.